I am that I AM!

I am that I am. 

I am in a state of discernment about who I am in the webbings of all the others lives I am living right now.

I am ready to bask in the light that reveals who I am and I take ownership and responsibility for who I am ‘being’ in this moment.

I am sharing and have always desired to share who I am, in each moment of self-discovery I am excited what is revealed.

I stand boldly here within the soils and sands of Gaia and I am here to radiate who I am, who I desire to be, and all that I am, and so 

it shall be.

This is my truth, this is who I was born to be

and all the love and light of all my lives, come to life right here in front of me.

This is my moment to shine, bring forth the light that shines the way to each step, all I was meant to be, for it was 

all created within me.

So in each powerful thought, with each word, with each deed, I am excitedly following my passions with joy and delight

and in all things that come my way, for it brings awareness in all it must teach me and expand for all I know,

this is my souls desire to exist.

With each breathe I set forth the intense energy of my thoughts that create and shine forth for all to gain love and light from.

I set forth my essence to the greater good of my highest and best and so to the Gaia, I am here to serve all her people and the her ascension.

I am in honour, I am in humility and reverence to all that she is, and all that I am for the Divine Plan is unfolding in every action and every loving act.

Thank you for your love and guidance, my dearest guides and spirits assisting me here now.  For the care and gifts of expansion that you drift my way, as I am humbled by your care, compassion, and brilliance and may I provide you the joy in all that I can reflect to you, for this is your work.  

I am standing boldly here on Gaia’s ground, standing tall and I shall not fall,

from the challenge or weight is yet unknown, and I know I can create bliss and love, for all is gold

within the light of the Divine Plan as it unfolds.  

Peace and unconditional love will be your gift and is the answer to all who live in light.

Blessings and light,

Channelling for thought and love, 

Joanna RossPerez



Center for Ascension 

& Resonance Remembrance


* Upcoming Classes ~ ‘Preparing for Contact’ 

Sat., Feb 15th, 1:00pm PST



Let’s talk about Love and Aliens!

It is so wonderful how these times of enlightenment allow us to open more freely with discussions on love, light, alien’s and our future for contact and reunion.  Well, to some degree.  I still get the odd post that tells me I am ‘religious freak,’ but for the most part, I receive move love and light than the odd few that feel they need to send the negative vibe for their own personal gratification.  That is their journey and more love to them!  

My week has been rather tumultuous and expanding.  These solar energies streaming in to us now from other galactic beings and agenda’s for our awakening are more powerful than ever and will only get stronger for our acceleration is the path to our ascension.  This is about the hashing through all the old pains, the old beliefs, the outdated ideas that no longer fit with our new earth energy.  Regardless of how ‘ascended,’ one feels one is, there is always room for light and expansion.  For we all move up the ladder together and no one will be left behind. Those who are on such a different vibrational ladder may experience a different earth than you, but we all move in some way up.  We have to, for our planet is telling and has for some time now that a rebalance must occur for us to continue to inhabit her.  She is telling us in no uncertain terms, shift NOW! I heed this call!

So let’s talk about this rebalancing and what this is and what this means.  We have been in a state of dark and oppressive times, with various bodies of government and social structures that have told us from our birth how to act, how to think, how to create our paths.  And to be honest, our paths have been rather narrow and dark.  Our one ‘goal’ in life is to go to structured schools that teach the same things, go to get jobs in structured offices, learning someone else’s rules, and then work like a dog until you may have enough to retire to a small humble home in the burbs.  Sounds delightful doesn’t it.  NOT!  Not for me.  I have watched my parents work until their bones aches and fingers are bent and swollen.  Good people all over this world, struggle and strive to live the dream of a good life, to release the worry to the wind and enjoy and relax for just long enough to see the tan lines of your long deserved rest.  Is this really how life was meant to be lived on this gorgeous Gaia? Not really.

I am here to tell you, each and every one of you that life is meant to be blissful, gorgeous, sexy, loving, enlightening, and hopeful!  I am blissfully happy in that I know I create my life right here, right now. This thought, this very thought right now is creating what I see.  So what if, what if, there were 1,000 of us true dreamers, truly passionate beings that didn’t only believe, but KNOW that life is meant to be glorious and gorgeous?  What if we gathered every Monday at 11:11am every morning and in some way sent beautiful intentional thoughts of bliss, joy, love, and a truly sexy life of abundance and healing for all?  If only 1,000 people sat in silence, sent the most loving, passionate thoughts projections to the Universe, to our Gaia, and to themselves, we would change the planet to be perfectly balanced and in a state of repair and realignment for centuries to come. We would reverse the wounds and damage we have done, we would learn to use ‘free energy’ and create beautiful gardens and forests for all species to live in peace, side by side once again.  As Gaia intended for us so very long ago. 

You see the power of thought is so very powerful and when you add the infinitely powerful emotion of love to it, there is nothing that cannot be manifested.  For my alien friends have told me so, and my higher self has validated that by allowing me to see first hand, to experience first hand what has come into my life when I vibrate at the level of unconditional love and intent to heal.  With the integrity of Universal love and light for all, your intentions cannot be matched for what it will return for you. In your highest and best as it is the law.  

With this magnificent day unfolding, know this my friends and lovers of light, this is our time to shine. We have all agreed before our incarnation to come here in this very special time.  We have agreed to move through this and connect on higher levels for Gaia’s ascension and our en masse plan of ‘rebalancing.’  For centuries we have been like sheep following the rich and the powerful in hopes of being thrown a crumb or two, and now it is time for the light to open the skies and show us that we had the light and the power all along. We were quite capable all along.  We were leaders, and teachers, and powerful beings from the start and somehow let our light fall by the wayside and be hidden under the dark veil of ignorance.  In this time of enlightenment, there are no excuses. There is free will and enough information to reach for, connect with that all are empowered in all ways to act!  

This is a day, a moment for love.  This is a day, in this moment to know that we have many, countless beings around this planet are assisting in our divine plan and you are gifted with symbols and synchronicities daily for you to wake up and take action for your soul has been calling since the moment you entered this reality.  This day, is a day to know our family is much bigger than you think, much grander than you have been taught or been told to believe.  Now, in this moment you can decide to create higher states of consciousness by expanding what you believe, what you think, and how you choose to act in love and light to all species great and small.  For in your actions of unconditional love, and intentional light, from heart to heart, you send rays of powerful energy, at the speed of light rippling around the Universe for ones in that vibration to match and counter it with communication and manifestation.  What you put out is what you get back, so love dear ones, love!

In this day, in this moment, know you have the power to create and the power to manifest anything.  It starts right here, right now with you.  Every day, at 11:11am mirror to the world and Universe the essence of what you desire to experience! I guarantee you will experience light in some way.  For what you put out, is what you get back – it takes but a moment in time to create brilliance!


Blessings in light and love, 

Channelled from the Higher Self

Joanna L. RossPerez





Divine Compliment

Preparing for Contact

Powers of Manifestation

Life on the Mothership

and many more; 

The leader in online Ascension Learning!


From Within Your Profoundness!

From within you burns,Image

the fire of your ancestry and ancient wisdom.

There is much to say, and stories to tell.

For it is your soul, and all it knows,

begging to be set free, to come out and play.

Shedding away the layers, peeling away the pain,

It is who you are, a glorious being within.

The light that shines, you can see it sometimes.

That spark, that glitter, that shine within your eyes,

A portal to your soul, as it cries, it cries.

In joy is all that is now,

for you have heard the call.  

You are alive again and nothing can pull you back again.

This life is grand, beautiful and right,

You are here, you are bold, you are light.

The whispers you hear,

the ones you don’t ignore,

It is your spirit, showing you the door,

Walk right through, you have earned this gift.

The songs for you to sing, for others you lift.

This is your story, and it is yours to tell,

Dear ones I am you, come out of that shell.

It has held you grounded, for so very long now.

It is your time to fly, test your wings and grow.

How beautiful you are, soaring so high;

This is you dear ones, that spark in my eye! 

For I am you, and you are me: 

Sometimes a shattered mirror, of all that we can be.

Broken and jagged at times, but now we see,

For I am you, and you are me.

Together we will climb, of that I am sure;

At some point we will all meet, and our spirits soar.

Blessings my dear ones, for you know your value,


Channelled from the Higher Self.

This is your time, it is your now; become this eternal spirit of light for it is all you seek, and it is who you truly are.

This IS how profound you are; all of these glorious aspects of the ‘self,’ with infinite power to create. 

Blessings in light,


Webinar Course


Saturday, February 15, 2014 • 90 minutes Starts at: 1:00pm – 2:30 PST • $23.00 per person

All ascension and channelled classes online to book your seat;


eAscensio is proud to offer our first webinar class in a series of many to come that focus on aligning your spirit self with your Higher Self in preparation for higher realm contact, and our ongoing ascension.

The upcoming ascension classes will
led by the inspiring, Joanna RossPerez, Founder of eAscensio

Join in expansive discussion about our multi-dimensional Universe and our infinite energetic selves with founder, wisdom teacher and coach, Joanna L. RossPerez.

The Whispers of Your Soul

Good morning dear ones,

For this day is beautiful and grand, I can feel the essence of brilliance in the air and the new hearts that beat for the light it seeks, this is a new day dawning. For all we have to see and feel is within ourselves to touch, to reach, to unveil.  How we have gone so long, so far, and never knowing that we are the masters of our ship and the oceans are wide and vast.  For our lives are not lived merely for the purpose of collecting, but for the experience in all that our soul can offer of its expression for it lives for the thrill of growth and expansion and there is much to see and do.  

If only in that doing, is nothing then do it with all your will, as the soul desires its peace in the joy of the moment of fullness.  The simple things please and the stars and sky’s tease, the stories untold and the paths not walked, for this is the joy of the soul.  You may write and you may sing, for it stirs within and if unanswered, then grey and dark you will find your life wilting from the passions not tasted.  You are this enormous being with much to do and much to see, so spread your wings dear ones, it is your time to fly.  We have cradled you for so long now, and now it is your turn to take the leap of faith that you can create all that you desire and not look back in regret.  This your moment of truth, not in the accomplishing of the goal, yet in the taking the first step.  For the path is never done, it is never over, and it is never ending.  This experience will be as infinite at the sky’s and your compass for the stars have always lit the way. For centuries you have looked up and wondered, and now it is time to wonder no more.  Answer the call of your soul, your expression is to explore.  The many facets of your gifts, can lead anywhere but not until you take that first step.  

My wish for you this lovely day is that you find your voice, you seek your truth, and you know that deep within, your soul still sings for it is your song to be sung. The world is in need of your tune, your message and your story to be told.  Shine brightly dear ones, this is your time to glow, the brilliance that you are, and yet do not know.  I am here to tell you that you are a gift, to all that we see, from the ethers light shines, and sparkles in this sea.  The Universe is yours, so call upon it, we will answer and always have done so.  You are awake now, it is time to go, spread your wings dear ones, we do love you so.  


A channelling from the Higher Self.

January 15th, 2014 (my baby boy’s 3rd birthday) My love, my little pocket of sunshine *** I love you so!

Blessings in love and light,

Joanna RossPerez




Webinar Course

Saturday, February 15, 2014 • 90 minutes Starts at: 1:00pm – 2:30 PST • $23.00 per person

eAscensio is proud to offer our first webinar class in a series of many to come that focus on aligning your spirit self with your Higher Self in preparation for higher realm contact, and our ongoing ascension with our Gaia.

The upcoming ascension classes will
be led by the inspiring, Joanna L. RossPerez, Founder of eAscensio

Join in expansive discussion about our multi-dimensional Universe and our infinite energetic selves with founder, wisdom teacher and coach, Joanna L. RossPerez.


We will discuss various topics and ideas to assist in our developing and resonating at higher frequencies. We will discuss how to use tips, teachings, and techniques to easily implement into your daily life for the raising of your personal vibration and those around you. We will discuss communication with your Higher Self, your spirit guides, and experiences with contact from ET’s and other higher realm beings.

This exciting class will move at a fast pace
so bring your journals and visitation experiences!

FREE Recording of the class PLUS $10 discount on any eAscension class or a private reading with Joanna.




REGISTER ONLINE for our monthly newsletter. Get the first opportunity on our ascension classes, webinars, and private session offerings.

Claim your ground in this Shift!

I wake up daily, in this moment of NOW, and take in the difference between who I was a moment earlier and know, without doubt or worry that I am shifting in each new breath.  I see all things, people, and circumstances around me alter for new energy that I am emitting.  Even when a challenge, like just about having my bank account ‘hacked,’ which I would have normally been quite upset about, seemed to roll off my shoulders, and was instantly corrected within an hour.  As you centre and focus on what is truly valid, important, and real; the world, the Universe will alter itself for you.  

As we have discussed so many times in so many postings and classes, this reality and all things in this reality, right now is EXACTLY a mirror to what you are putting out.  One of the most profound Universal Laws that if taught to kids at an early age, will really allow them to intentionally create a life of magnificence.  My kids are so use to the phrases; ‘what you put out you get back,’ so that they know, before they speak, before they act, what the response in return will be. To take ownership and responsibility at any age for all they are and really create a life that is powerful and immense.  Things that we were not taught when we were kids, but now is our chance to turn things around.  In every moment, we have this opportunity to create magnificence and greatness.  

As of even a week ago, (even though everything is right now) I feel as if my entire world has shifted.  My kids are slightly different, my husband, my house, my neighbourhood and so on, it is all shifting with me and I am the cause of what I experience all around me. And should I experience challenge; then I too have created it and have the opportunity to create goodness out of it still.  For everything serves me, and I will take it all as such. Regardless of what chaos is occurring around me; I am centred and balanced, and I am powerful enough to alter any situation.  I have seen it, I have experienced it and there is nothing that can alter that state of being!Image

How profound! It may sound as if this is coming from ego, for it is not the ego that states things like this. It is a powerful state of ‘I AM THAT I AM’ presence that cannot be led astray by thoughts of anyone being better or larger than life.  It is about knowing that our innate power to create can rebuild war-torn cities in a day, and fill food banks in a minute, and feed the children with love that sit alone.  For the ego allows me to create with conviction unparalleled and I have lived a portion of my life in darkness and doubt and fear, when my ego was living for glory and acclamation.  There is service to the self, and service to the greater good; knowing you are powerful to create goodness is not the same as knowing you are controlling others and among the elitist and wealthy. These are completely different vibrational realms.  

So in your day dear ones, when you sense fear creeping in and you feel that doubt may sabotage you again, or you sense others pulling you in, then take silent time to centre who you know you are.  Who you were always meant to be.  Your gorgeous and powerful self that is meant for greatness!  This is what makes you ~ YOU! Different, unique, and special!  For if you were not here, the ALL ONE that we are would not be complete.  Like a piece the puzzle, you are needed, you are required and it is necessary for you to create your path.  

I am so blessed and grateful to be forging this path, creating this landing pad that one day we will see beings from all over our galaxy and Universe, land in safety, celebration, joy, and reunion.  A place where those can meet, connect, collaborate, and REMEMBER who we are at our core, our essence of being.  We are not unlike those elsewhere, for all is here and all is now!  So let’s starting living, right now, right here is where it starts.

My blessings, light and love for your beautiful day!

Channelled from the Higher Self,

Joanna RossPerez





11:00am PST (90mins.,)

Guided meditations, free recording, channelled material from Arcturians with Dr. Suzanne Lie PhD,

inspirational chat forum, discount on readings with Suzanne, discount readings with Joanna!

Join us in this very special community~creating the highest vibration for ascension!



Your Ascension Starts NOW!




Insights into Parallel Realities

A few days into this new year, we are already tasting the excitement of what is undoubtedly the beginning, middle and only moment for us really soak in all the loveliness.  Sitting in our ‘FREE’ webinar today, it was uncanny how so many people, of which logged in from France, Ukraine, Germany, USA, Canada, and Italy and yet appearing as if we had been in that same circle before.  I have discussed in many classes that energetic situations like ascension classes, although seemingly random events, are not random at all.  It is no accident that 25 people from all around the world came together in the matter of a month of emails and Facebook postings, and today, there we were, co-creating the most amazing energetic bubble that is floating somewhere above the Gaia right now. 

In many lifetimes, other realities, we are living simultaneously, in this NOW moment, we are with others that are surrounding our lives right now.  There is no accident that you have the people in your life that you do.  They are other versions of who you are and what you need to have mirrored back to you for your soul’s life lessons.  This is how the evolution of the soul works and how the magnificent expansion of our Universe can assist in our navigation to ascension.  We have many helpers, many guides, and even our parallel versions of ourselves that gift us with information, light, nuances, and synchronicity that can move us and propel us on a path that once started is breathtaking.  

There are experiences that simply cannot be put into words when you get those glimpses that allow us to tap into other dimensions and realms.  They can occur in the blink of an eye and encapsulate so much information that you simply know it is not of this world.  The thing about your intuitive and psychic self, the thing about ascension, the thing about expansion is that it can happen within a moment. A single second, a single moment, a single flash and the insight is pure and deep.  This is how all other beings live every moment.  The vibration of higher realm beings is so high that those brilliant moments, seconds, that we may be gifted with every now and then, come to them in every breath and they integrate and absorb and send right back out after their soul has shifted from its gift.  

My point in this short story dear ones, is that expansion and ascension can occur as quick as lightning for you will never be the same when you experience the flash of another parallel reality and know that it is you that you are seeing, hearing, and learning from.  Profound!  Ascension is infinite and as high as we may ascend to, there are always more and more to learn and expand within.  We will master our current state and then move right into, fluidly and without effort into a new lesson.  This is the gift of evolution.  For we are always in the eyes of newness, insight, meaning, beauty, love, and experiencing the baffling existence of being an aspect of the ONE.  

This is my gift that I had received today in our webinar as we all gathered, apparent strangers from all corners of the world and in the blink of an eye, we are all expanding into our other lives, other realms, other densities, and realities to play out simultaneous lessons for the benefit of our greater soul, oversoul, and oversoul family, and so on.  We are together in other realms my friends and you are reading this as purely as you designed it.  As a signpost to remind you that you too have experienced those moments of brilliance that hint that you are greater than you once thought.  You are more than purely a physical being, you are greater than you know and I am here to tell you that this much I know; YOU ARE!

My many thanks, love and blessings to those who joined us from all over the world today to once again meet in this moment of reality as we co-create again for our continued learning and evolution.  We are all mirrors for one another, we are all teachers and students for one another and we are all ONE!

Blessings and light,

Channelled from the Higher Mind,

Joanna L RossPerez



 http://eAscensio.com • https://eascensio.wordpress.com • http://www.blogtalkradio.com/eascensio

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The link for next week’s ‘MASTERS ASCENSION’ class is below;



Our world is not so big…

This month has been incredible in its power of release.  Just as any new beginning brings with it; there must be the release and shedding of what is no longer required.  And so, as we step boldly into the new beginning of wondrous events, we allow ourselves to let go of what is no longer serving us in a positive way.  This month has brought this to me.  So immense and profound in its lessons and sometimes is challenging to keep up with the change.  

I have put some classes on for those who so desire ascension learning on our Facebook and Site and from all corners of the world we have people desiring higher learning and perspectives have come forth for that learning.  This time and time again teaches me that our gorgeous world is not so big after all.  For all the benefits this computer allows, the biggest one is that it can bring a seemingly spread out world into focus for a common mission and plan.  This assists us in fulfilling our Divine Plan in planetary ascension and we become closer still when we meet.  For the energies of even a few positive people, is more powerful than a larger number of negative.  For the light we bring is immense and really can move mountains with our loving intention for ONENESS!  How glorious is this?  

You are free in each moment to choose.  Shed away the weights and doubts, the fears and beliefs that held you down.  You are free to fly and as time slips away, we are left with the here and the NOW!

Becoming closer in every moment, I am here!  

These profound legacies, are built moment by moment when the heart is heard and the souls song is being lived and danced!
May you live your song!
So excited ~ we have over 22 registered guests from around the globe listening in!  So get your spot saved now!!!!!!!
January 4th @ 11:00am PST Webinar myself and Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD * Higher Perspective on Ascension!
Blessings and light for you dear ones,


Your Soul Beckons

Your soul calls, it beckons in the silent of the night. A whisper it begins and daring you to take flight.
For your path is yours for only you to take, 
my dear light workers, your peace is at stake.
For the whispers will not stop, or hide, or go away.
This is your time, dear ones, be silent & pray!
Pray not for others, but your divine self to rise;
for this is your time, so step boldly aside.
Create your path and carve it with pride, 
It is your legacy, it is what is inside.
For the Universe requires you & it needs your special gift,
For no other has what you do & it is found in your bliss!
Go forth dear ones, follow your joy, for it calls, it calls, and will no longer hide.
Shed the doubt, shed the fear, for your time is now, 
The Universe needs you, step up & take a bow!

My Poem for you dear ones!
Love for all ways, Joanna@eAscensio.com
 (The Stage is Set; It is your Time)




***FREE WEBINAR***  January 4th/2014 11:00am PST 

MultiDimensional Ascension 

Email me for registration details!Image

Powerful Love Abounds in this Time of Ascension!

Good day dear ones,

I am feeling such an impact of love and bursting from every cell of my physical body as it is adjusting to fit the expanded aura that has been morphing as an affect of this season of transmutation.  How profound it is that one physical body and the spirit essence can experience this magnificent shifting?  The celestial alignment, the energetic codes and alignments that are occurring right now, in this winter solstice, and I certainly feel the climax of these earthly and planetary changes.  Quite impossible to miss really.Image

In these seasonal traditions, it is evident that as one transforms, so will the change in the systems and celebrations of our yester-year.  We will find new meaning, higher meaning in what and why we stop for pause.  These great moments of celestial passing, like the full moon, the solstice, the alignments that were once just the daily clipping of an astrology tip are now the signs that the heavens are more aware of our spiritual and energetic changes and modifications.  We are now taking in each moment and aligning the energy to how we desire to live in a more dedicated way, as we see and experience the profound impact that living with intent and conscious awareness can have.  It really does leave one rather dumbfounded at the results of its practice.

So now we know it works.   These Universal laws that we have been testing over the past ten years have aligned to a point for our next step on our ascension ladder to an elevated Gaia.   For those desiring a higher state of living and experience and those who appreciate the unconditional connection with our higher self and guides and angelic realm, we see that our experience is being altered by what we are intending and our beliefs are becoming more true to who we are and what the possibilities can offer.  I see the change in my family, I see the change in my outer reality and my energy form and what I experience in every day. I experience the inner peace and gratitude of all in my life and seem to have immense feeling and connection with all living things at the deepest of levels than I have ever felt possible.  I know this is and has been the most incredible year for my connection with my higher self has been proven time and time again and my soul is now singing the song that was held at bay for many, many years.  This is wondrous and I am here to tell you this ‘ascension’ thing is here and it is real.

For only the eyes to see and the heart to feel, it is real and what you cannot see is merely the over-stuffing of life’s distractions and noisy allure of our world that keeps you distant from your own powerful gifts within.  You are and always have been connected with spirit, with All That Is and there are infinite gifts for you awaiting your shedding of the heavy doubtful world that cloaks you.  There is much to do, much to learn, much to see and feel and it is all so glorious.  If I could only share this love in how expansive it feels, this ascension, this shifting, this acceptance into our highest self, is really inexplainable in our earthly words. So, in this moment, I would offer you to at every chance you can, silence yourself to feel what is happening.  Take in all that you can to allow what is going on in.  For you, allow it for it really is life altering.  For if I could give you anything in this time of giving and sharing, it is the gift of what has been blessed upon me, if only for a few moments.  This gift I have been blessed with as a child was frustrating, as I did not know how to explain or describe what I was sensing and feeling.  Now, as I understand this gorgeous Universe of energy, is merely a sense that we all are at our core.  Energy beings, with profound ability to tap into energetic brilliance at any moment.

To fully understand that we are all beings of light, beings of energetic patterns, beings of infinite knowledge, mystical knowledge, and the knowledge we have brought with us through all incarnations is within us now.  In this now, this magical now, is our journey to understand it, embrace it, and learn how to express it as higher beings for the greatest and highest gift for all to share and enjoy.  Learning how to share and express this has been all of my journey.  I feel so much, the profound empathy for those around me is challenging to shut off but it allows me to also be a conduit for the incredible surges coming to us on Gaia for I believe this will assist in her ascension, in our ascension.

Whatever we are expanding into is unknown to almost everyone, as it is part of the excitement, the mystery, the gift, the surprise.  I know however that in each day, I am expanding in every way.  I know I have agreed upon this at my conception in this incarnation, so I am trusting all as it unfolds in perfect timing and perfect alignment will all else that plays a part in this play.  Like a broadway play, there are many players, many props, many lines that have been written and alternate endings are the free will at play.  For this is what life is for us to play, to expand, to experience in our creative endeavours and find love on the stage this physical plane.  How utterly grand you truly are and if you only knew your full power within! It is immense, it is enormous, your potential for spiritual shifting and ascension. Truly profound is all that you are!


In this special season, and every moment in thereafter, I wish for you to know your light within.  Connect with the inner light of who you are and allow it to show you how very grand you are.  There is and always has been the glow of your essence, shining to the stars for your family to find you, and in the clouds and uncertainty you may feel, know it is fleeting.  Your divine plan and role on this plane will unfold many special gifts and times ahead for you.  Know that we are watching over you and you are living in light when you sleep and meditate with the intention to meet with us.  Know that your love is felt, your light is felt, and it expands the earth for its journey is infinite and her time is now.  Know that you are guests of honour in our many celebrations at your accomplishments in awakening and each day there are more that tire from the daily grind of the life that most lead.  There are more in each hour that desire to be soulfully happy, and so deeply desire to feel the harmony that inner connectedness and spiritual alignment can offer as our essence, unconditional love, and light seep into every corner of your life.

We celebrate and honour you and know that we will soon walk among you all as you will walk among us as we play in the ethers.  This is our time to connect at many levels and experience the play that you have known on other realms.  This has been a powerful time and a profound act to commit to and we thank you for your unending service for the Divine Plan.  You are celebrated in every day and you are seeing your power in these moments of auric connection with those that reach out.  Soul families are finding their way to each other as the light will always guide you home.  Look to your moment of now to know all of this and more for it is so.  These are purely magical times and you are at the centre of it.  Exude all of your greatness for this is the essence of ascension and how we hear you dear ones.  We hear that calls of your spirit and the songs of your souls and we answer.  We walk with you lighted ones, the star seeds and angelic pioneers.  You have many roles, many special times ahead to unfold your pure power as an aspect of All That Is for this you have always been and now is your time to shine as you walk forth on your path.

My blessings and light for your essence to shine and your light to spark your fire of truth!  Your higher self calls, your soul will sing and the heavens and galaxy align as we walk as ONE!

Love and light,

A channelling from the Higher Self.

Joanna RossPerez





         Holiday Offer ~ Ascension Alignment Offer

Merry Holidays everyone! I am offering a special seasonal rate for the next 4 days. If you book over the next 4 days you will receive a 2 hr reading for $85.00 ~ that is a HUGE savings! $40.00 savings and there is so much provided within this alignment reading for you to jump into one of our most powerful years with direction and inspiration to create change. My gift to you as walk your path ~ Here is what some are saying;
** Thank you EAscencio for setting me free with this thought, as now I am focusing on raising my vibration. This is one of the biggest take aways from our session. I would like to say a session with EAscencio is enlightening, freeing. I would highly recommend her readings, mine was so right on and I am happier because of it! To change the world start with the change you want to see within yourself! J.E.S
** I cannot even tell you how light I feel today! Thank you for EVERYTHING! Your openness and willingness has truly helped me in my awakening and ascending process. No words can express my gratitude, so instead I send you all of my love and light! R.M.
Email me for a private alignment booking now! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and my loving blessings! xoxo

The Multi-Dimensional You!

I am feeling so inspired today and feel so much energy within, that I am moved into a sense of sharing in this abundance of energy. Thus, I write.  I am inspired with words of what I know to be true and feel with all my heart and sometimes even my mind must take a back seat so the words inspired by my higher self and excited soul that appear to pour onto this page faster than my fingers can type.  This is my validation about a certain level of ‘KNOWINGNESS’ spews forth like a burst of awakening that has been dormant for decades.  A spark of inspiration from the higher realms and my higher self, which I have come to know more intimately over the past few weeks is truly the at the center of all major revelations and ideas.  For those of you who follow our FB page and our posts on Twitter, know that this has been a time of great growth for me.  Since our very synchronistic move and transfer to Calgary, Alberta, all that has opened up has been ever so subtle in its delivery but so profound in the unravelling of all else.  How could one move be connected with so much growth and this is really only the beginning?  How utterly profound and I feel the expansion in this move alone and what opportunities have opened is showing me that if you listen to the inner voice, the whisper that beckons, then you will be supported, loved and shown the way to higher realms beyond any dream you have ever imagined.

You must allow this flow of energy to move you. One cannot over analyze what you are getting, or slip into the realm of doubt and fear, as these are all the most darkest of beliefs and behaviours that are not a part of higher realms.  There is a sense that one must trust without a shred of doubt and have the utter faith that what your heart and soul are feeling are of the greatest and most perfect place where all exists for you to experience.  All is within and when you open to this fact, you can create something from nothing, you can create greatness in all you are propelled in creating.  For when you are in this presence of the infinite, you are then absorbed into its ability to transform all that it touches.  It starts with what you believe to be true and how you can alter your beliefs to experience more of All That Is and how there is infinite possibilities when you expand in this manner of thinking and being.  This will take you out of your ‘physical-ness’ and third dimensional world and place you lovingly and gently into a realm where light flows seamlessly into one another and you reach out to connect with more of you, the One, and a Universe that is infinite!

This is the multi-dimensional aspect of what we are all awakening to.  Those who find this blog are those that are awakening.  There are no accidents in this respect.  There are those whispers, the inclinations and hints to ‘google,’ or search for something that will validate your emotions, your situations and experiences.  This eagerness to have validation is at its core, the sense of belonging that we all seek when we awaken.  We know, within our deepest parts of our inner selves, there must be more.  You would not be experiencing what you do if there was not more.  You can analyze and think it to a point where you feel frustration and pain. My offer to you in this, allow and surrender into all that you are and all that you feel for it is your wake up call and it is not for us to know every step of the path but to have utter trust and faith in how it unfolds to answer your highest and best excitement as you go forth in love and light.

This my friends may be the most challenging of any awakening.  To surrender into the faith and light and give up the need to control and manage every aspect of your life.  It is not what the higher realms exist within. It is about spirit, the flow and fluidity of energy and light and to absorb and take in all that it offers in all aspects of the learning and expansion.  This is what the soul craves and needs for you to offer it in this physical experience.  This is what you agreed to in your life contract, and in your promise to your higher self and over soul.  This is the unseen aspect of creation that allows you to really stretch who you feel or think you are and become all that you knew, at the soul level, that you know you are designed to become.  You are multidimensional. You are a multi-facetted person and spirit having a physical experience and it is your role to ‘feel’ your way through this amazing gift.  For there is nothing that is around you right now that is ‘real.’  This experience is all that is real. The experience right now, in this moment, is all there is.  There is not the fancy car, there is no lump sum of money awaiting you that is ‘real’ and there is not a pot of gold that will indicate how ‘good’ of a person you are.  None of these physical ‘things’ will ever define you in the way that your higher self and soul are tugging at you to connect with.  There is a much more beautiful aspect of you and this global awakening is an opportunity to ride the wave of ascension and ‘feel’ at the level of spirit.  Your soul is whispering…..’are you there?’

What really does this multidimensional aspect of you really mean? How can you take advantage of this time of great energetic gifts from the cosmos and change, evolve, expand?  What really resonates with me in this is that our global community is moving from a third dimensional reality to a higher one. Whether that be a fourth or fifth dimension will all depend on where you are aligning yourself with.  What vibration you choose and maintain your beliefs and essence will determine where your soul resides.  There are many experiences that occur that most people can say they have experienced yet cannot ‘prove.’ We have all experienced the feeling of ‘dejavu’ or even sensed the heaviness or happiness when walking into a room.  You cannot ‘prove’ any of this, but you have experienced the feeling of ‘already doing it’ or ‘feeling the tension or excitement’ yet you cannot put on paper and show or prove to anyone.  So the question is that, why separate situations and experiences to ones that can be explained away or proved and merely flow into what is?  There are infinite things we experience that cannot be explained~SO WHAT!  Who says that everything has to be explained for us to live a happier more fulfilling life?  I know this, I have not physically met or shook hands with my guides, but I know with all my heart that I have them.  I have three of the most amazing wonderful guides that are constantly gifting me with the magical gifts of circumstances and synchronistic situations that allow me to experience and feel that there is an unseen world of energy that is infinite and immense in what it can provide and teach.  I cannot prove this, and I do not wish to prove it for it is for me and it is my inner world that only we share within one another.  I am honoured and humbled in all that they have shown me and taught me and now it is time for the expansion to learned in all levels of existence as this is GAIA’s turn to return to her splendour as she once was.  It is her turn to return to her beauty and natural life with grace and protection from us.

As the GAIA ascends, she is being sent a multitude of streams of energy from many aspects of creation assisting in this global task of proportions.  We are, as energy beings, sensing a change in what we are feeling at a deeper level and we sense that things are changing.  There are time anomalies, there are experiences in what we see and experience and situations that would seem to the average person, to be impossible are occurring because our energetic bandwidth is changing.  This is what the awakening to a more multi-dimensional way of living is creating.  The possibility and awareness of there is more.  That is not only probable but possible that memories from the DNA and cellular level are allowing you to remember glimpses of concurrent lifetimes on other planets and other timelines.  There is coding that is coming to the surface because our energetic change is allowing all of this to unfold and give us opportunities to experience what our spirit and soul feels and experiences at every moment.

The soul has the ability to split itself off into an infinite aspects.  You can experience the sensation of other lifetimes, right in the NOW as that is really the only sense of ‘time’ that really exists.  We are all pretty comfortable with discussions about incarnation and there is nothing ‘re’ about it.  As all is happening and occurring right NOW so that all lifetimes you have ever experienced, is happening right NOW. The aspect of being multidimensional is that you know this. You can feel memories of other lifetimes, situations and sensations that can allow you a glimpse of what is going on within another reality right now that the other aspect of you is experiencing. There is the focal point that your soul is having right now as that is what and where you have aligned your energetic body to be immersed within.  Whatever energetic vibration, or where ever you are resonating to right now is the reality that you will experience and in knowing this, you have the opportunity to tune into higher realms that you are living right NOW.  How exciting is this?  You have total control to align yourself in whatever reality you choose.  They are all happening right now – where you are aligned with right now will tell you what reality you experience.

If for example you have a concurrent life on another planet experiencing the reality of being a teacher of nature elementals.  Then on another vibrating reality you are a student of forestry, and on another planet and dimension you are a soldier sent out to battle for land control.  All of these simultaneous realities are occurring right NOW, but you are resonating at the one that is perfectly with what you have signed on for in this reality, in this dimension.  What you are connecting with will ultimately pool into the over soul and greater aspects of all that you are for overall galactic and Universal expansion and growth.  This is so divine and utterly amazing.  There is infinite ways for us to experience life and when we open up to our multidimensional aspects, we can literally experience ALL that we were meant to be.  These are all aspects of you in the NOW occurring in other realms and energy patterns of existence.

For the example of a memory or intense connection or interest in the ancient Egyptian times, or cultures, or possibly Atlantis or Lemurian times that have really been a bold thought that takes on a sense of urgency until you start looking into the paths of these words that pull you in to feel your other aspects.  These are all signs, symbols, and spiritual tugs to pull you inward, to allow you to hop on and ride the magnificent wave of enlightenment.  This is what you agreed to fulfill when you signed on to incarnate into a physical reality here on Gaia at this time.  The grand, the bigger picture of this story is that there is an intricate webbing of reality on every level and as the Gaia is shifting and changing and raising her vibration, so are we.  There will be those that are not ready or even care to consider that there is more than what they can see in front of them, but that is ok.  There is divine and perfect timing for everyone and every soul.  There is always another chance, another lifetime to open and ascend. There is never only one chance to ascend. There is always and infinite opportunity to rise your vibration.  As creation is infinite then as we are a part of this, then so are we.  We are infinite aspects of creation and we will always have an opportunity to wake up.

With this multidimensional aspect of you, there is always the opportunity for you connect and communicate with it.  With any aspect of your souls lives and experiences.  You can align with the highest aspect of yourself and clear the negative beliefs and definitions from our third dimensional world, and clear and let go of all that does not serve you and you will allow a path for love to filter into your lighter soul and spirit.  This is the energy work of what is required to ascend.  Letting go of judgement, letting go of doubt, fear and control.  There is great levels of darkness and weight that will linger until we have all dealt with the residue of what we have created.  There is a balancing and cleansing of the toxins and beliefs that have not only destroyed the Gaia in so many ways, that it has bled into our souls as a collective.  Everything without is only a reflection of what is going on within.  When we clean and let go of all that is holding back as spirit beings, then we will simultaneously send loving light to Gaia and she can rebalance and ascend with little effort.  It is the awakening and alignment of the most highest vibration that can heal the wounds of centuries of ill guided controllers.  We are in the awakening and you have found this article in stride of what your greater plan and purpose is.  It is all an orchestration and it is exactly what you needed to hear to lay the steps into your evolution and action for a better experience.  The experience to fully be exactly who you signed on to become.

Ensure that in each moment, in each NOW moment, take advantage of the immense energy flowing into the Gaia by following your bliss.  Following your joy and excitement creates the feeling of love and blessings to your soul.  Allow yourself to drink plenty of water and rest the physical body so that the extensive waves of energy can move through you with fluid effects and opening.  In times of great change, there will be experiences of chaos and challenge.  As challenge and chaos is perfectly timed to force us to look at levels of our lives that we have been pushing and burying to the soils of ignorance.  If we do not deal with it, then it will surely go away.  Right? Well, not really.  At some point, in some way, all that you ignore will surface in some way to allow you the opportunity to deal with and expand from.  You have perfectly planned these challenges and situations so that you can test your new found power of conviction and soul commitment to be exactly who you desire to be.  However difficult these challenges are, you have designed it this way and never shrink from whatever it is you place on your path.  For you have placed it because you are strong enough to move through it.  You knew that for whatever is facing you, is in your highest and best to serve your ultimate lessons and growth and take you into the higher realms of your souls home.

So my dear lightworkers, starseeds, and awakening souls, you are grand. You are multidimensional in the most infinite of ways.  Allow yourself to fall into who you are becoming.  Release all that you were and surrender into the belly of love and light.  It is filled with unconditional love and light for your path before you and know that you are guided and loved every step of the way. Not only guided by your ever present guides, but by your infinitely wise and expansive higher self.  You are all you have ever needed! Know that you really are that powerful to create all of this to surround you and allow you to walk your walk and live by all that fills your soul with light and love.  This is the expressive nature of who you are meant to be. There is no further hiding from who you are. There is only the light that shines before you allowing you to step forth and surrender into who you ARE!  Your gorgeous MULTIDIMENSIONAL YOU!  This is how profound you are and how required you are in this greater plan of ascension.  There is always more, there is always learning and growth and this is ultimately the one law that allows us to never stop or die~we will always exist and always evolve.  That is a promise!  Allow yourself to start now, start answering the call of the soul and your higher self.  Allow the richness of this experience and Gaia to flow love and light to you on your journey.  Allow yourself to flow out what you must express and give back.  For energy always requires a cyclical path.  It must always move and evolve, and so must we.

Embrace all that you are in all your glorious wisdom and expansiveness.  This is who you are meant to become!  Profound, immense, and expansive.  For this I know!

My many blessings to you all dear ones and my love and light to you all.

Blessings in love and light,

Joanna RossPerez

A channeling from the higher self.





