Around the Corner

ImageGood morning dear ones,

An inspiration for you;


Just around the corner,

are treasures that can be found,

sometimes we miss them,

our heads always looking down.

This gift meant for you, & it may come from the sky,

a brilliant light, or a flash, it is yours, it is mine, it is time, it is time.

It guides us home and shows us love, it allows us to shine.

It is well over due, we have been stuck for so long,

So look up, we have connected, and what a beautiful song.

For all in perfect timing, for you have come a long way,

now into the light, feel the love, it is here to stay.

Silence yourself, if you can for but a moment,

there is a song to be heard and to you it sent.

For the notes are perfectly matched,

and it is uniquely yours,

That star that is falling, it is yours to catch. 

So look up my dear ones, for we are your family and guides,

We patient watch, we patiently bide,

And when you are ready, a celebration like no other;

The Universe is waiting, this is your sister, your brother.

My deepest love and gratitude to those that have found this poem,

It is meant for you, we welcome you home!


A channeling from the Higher Self,

Joanna RossPerez



Ascension Master Class

Starts: Sat January 11-Feb 8th

Intergalactic Channellings ~ Arcturians

With Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD & Joanna RossPerez

$95.00 for all 3 classes 

$35.00 each 

Payment options available

We are here to serve in the ascension for Gaia & her people!


Claim your ground in this Shift!

I wake up daily, in this moment of NOW, and take in the difference between who I was a moment earlier and know, without doubt or worry that I am shifting in each new breath.  I see all things, people, and circumstances around me alter for new energy that I am emitting.  Even when a challenge, like just about having my bank account ‘hacked,’ which I would have normally been quite upset about, seemed to roll off my shoulders, and was instantly corrected within an hour.  As you centre and focus on what is truly valid, important, and real; the world, the Universe will alter itself for you.  

As we have discussed so many times in so many postings and classes, this reality and all things in this reality, right now is EXACTLY a mirror to what you are putting out.  One of the most profound Universal Laws that if taught to kids at an early age, will really allow them to intentionally create a life of magnificence.  My kids are so use to the phrases; ‘what you put out you get back,’ so that they know, before they speak, before they act, what the response in return will be. To take ownership and responsibility at any age for all they are and really create a life that is powerful and immense.  Things that we were not taught when we were kids, but now is our chance to turn things around.  In every moment, we have this opportunity to create magnificence and greatness.  

As of even a week ago, (even though everything is right now) I feel as if my entire world has shifted.  My kids are slightly different, my husband, my house, my neighbourhood and so on, it is all shifting with me and I am the cause of what I experience all around me. And should I experience challenge; then I too have created it and have the opportunity to create goodness out of it still.  For everything serves me, and I will take it all as such. Regardless of what chaos is occurring around me; I am centred and balanced, and I am powerful enough to alter any situation.  I have seen it, I have experienced it and there is nothing that can alter that state of being!Image

How profound! It may sound as if this is coming from ego, for it is not the ego that states things like this. It is a powerful state of ‘I AM THAT I AM’ presence that cannot be led astray by thoughts of anyone being better or larger than life.  It is about knowing that our innate power to create can rebuild war-torn cities in a day, and fill food banks in a minute, and feed the children with love that sit alone.  For the ego allows me to create with conviction unparalleled and I have lived a portion of my life in darkness and doubt and fear, when my ego was living for glory and acclamation.  There is service to the self, and service to the greater good; knowing you are powerful to create goodness is not the same as knowing you are controlling others and among the elitist and wealthy. These are completely different vibrational realms.  

So in your day dear ones, when you sense fear creeping in and you feel that doubt may sabotage you again, or you sense others pulling you in, then take silent time to centre who you know you are.  Who you were always meant to be.  Your gorgeous and powerful self that is meant for greatness!  This is what makes you ~ YOU! Different, unique, and special!  For if you were not here, the ALL ONE that we are would not be complete.  Like a piece the puzzle, you are needed, you are required and it is necessary for you to create your path.  

I am so blessed and grateful to be forging this path, creating this landing pad that one day we will see beings from all over our galaxy and Universe, land in safety, celebration, joy, and reunion.  A place where those can meet, connect, collaborate, and REMEMBER who we are at our core, our essence of being.  We are not unlike those elsewhere, for all is here and all is now!  So let’s starting living, right now, right here is where it starts.

My blessings, light and love for your beautiful day!

Channelled from the Higher Self,

Joanna RossPerez




11:00am PST (90mins.,)

Guided meditations, free recording, channelled material from Arcturians with Dr. Suzanne Lie PhD,

inspirational chat forum, discount on readings with Suzanne, discount readings with Joanna!

Join us in this very special community~creating the highest vibration for ascension!


Your Ascension Starts NOW!