The Whispers of Your Soul

Good morning dear ones,

For this day is beautiful and grand, I can feel the essence of brilliance in the air and the new hearts that beat for the light it seeks, this is a new day dawning. For all we have to see and feel is within ourselves to touch, to reach, to unveil.  How we have gone so long, so far, and never knowing that we are the masters of our ship and the oceans are wide and vast.  For our lives are not lived merely for the purpose of collecting, but for the experience in all that our soul can offer of its expression for it lives for the thrill of growth and expansion and there is much to see and do.  

If only in that doing, is nothing then do it with all your will, as the soul desires its peace in the joy of the moment of fullness.  The simple things please and the stars and sky’s tease, the stories untold and the paths not walked, for this is the joy of the soul.  You may write and you may sing, for it stirs within and if unanswered, then grey and dark you will find your life wilting from the passions not tasted.  You are this enormous being with much to do and much to see, so spread your wings dear ones, it is your time to fly.  We have cradled you for so long now, and now it is your turn to take the leap of faith that you can create all that you desire and not look back in regret.  This your moment of truth, not in the accomplishing of the goal, yet in the taking the first step.  For the path is never done, it is never over, and it is never ending.  This experience will be as infinite at the sky’s and your compass for the stars have always lit the way. For centuries you have looked up and wondered, and now it is time to wonder no more.  Answer the call of your soul, your expression is to explore.  The many facets of your gifts, can lead anywhere but not until you take that first step.  

My wish for you this lovely day is that you find your voice, you seek your truth, and you know that deep within, your soul still sings for it is your song to be sung. The world is in need of your tune, your message and your story to be told.  Shine brightly dear ones, this is your time to glow, the brilliance that you are, and yet do not know.  I am here to tell you that you are a gift, to all that we see, from the ethers light shines, and sparkles in this sea.  The Universe is yours, so call upon it, we will answer and always have done so.  You are awake now, it is time to go, spread your wings dear ones, we do love you so.  


A channelling from the Higher Self.

January 15th, 2014 (my baby boy’s 3rd birthday) My love, my little pocket of sunshine *** I love you so!

Blessings in love and light,

Joanna RossPerez



Webinar Course

Saturday, February 15, 2014 • 90 minutes Starts at: 1:00pm – 2:30 PST • $23.00 per person

eAscensio is proud to offer our first webinar class in a series of many to come that focus on aligning your spirit self with your Higher Self in preparation for higher realm contact, and our ongoing ascension with our Gaia.

The upcoming ascension classes will
be led by the inspiring, Joanna L. RossPerez, Founder of eAscensio

Join in expansive discussion about our multi-dimensional Universe and our infinite energetic selves with founder, wisdom teacher and coach, Joanna L. RossPerez.


We will discuss various topics and ideas to assist in our developing and resonating at higher frequencies. We will discuss how to use tips, teachings, and techniques to easily implement into your daily life for the raising of your personal vibration and those around you. We will discuss communication with your Higher Self, your spirit guides, and experiences with contact from ET’s and other higher realm beings.

This exciting class will move at a fast pace
so bring your journals and visitation experiences!

FREE Recording of the class PLUS $10 discount on any eAscension class or a private reading with Joanna.



REGISTER ONLINE for our monthly newsletter. Get the first opportunity on our ascension classes, webinars, and private session offerings.

Our world is not so big…

This month has been incredible in its power of release.  Just as any new beginning brings with it; there must be the release and shedding of what is no longer required.  And so, as we step boldly into the new beginning of wondrous events, we allow ourselves to let go of what is no longer serving us in a positive way.  This month has brought this to me.  So immense and profound in its lessons and sometimes is challenging to keep up with the change.  

I have put some classes on for those who so desire ascension learning on our Facebook and Site and from all corners of the world we have people desiring higher learning and perspectives have come forth for that learning.  This time and time again teaches me that our gorgeous world is not so big after all.  For all the benefits this computer allows, the biggest one is that it can bring a seemingly spread out world into focus for a common mission and plan.  This assists us in fulfilling our Divine Plan in planetary ascension and we become closer still when we meet.  For the energies of even a few positive people, is more powerful than a larger number of negative.  For the light we bring is immense and really can move mountains with our loving intention for ONENESS!  How glorious is this?  

You are free in each moment to choose.  Shed away the weights and doubts, the fears and beliefs that held you down.  You are free to fly and as time slips away, we are left with the here and the NOW!

Becoming closer in every moment, I am here!  

These profound legacies, are built moment by moment when the heart is heard and the souls song is being lived and danced!
May you live your song!
So excited ~ we have over 22 registered guests from around the globe listening in!  So get your spot saved now!!!!!!!
January 4th @ 11:00am PST Webinar myself and Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD * Higher Perspective on Ascension!
Blessings and light for you dear ones,


Higher Perspective on Ascension ~ 2014

Good day dear ones,Image

I wanted to wish you all the very best of this holiday season and how utterly happy and moved from all the wonderful comments, feedback, and positive energy in response to how far we have come this year.  We are in each moment accelerating and how we integrate the energy and act in each day will allow us to ascend in the manner of our souls outline and design.  

For we have all divinely created this path for ourselves and awakening will occur in perfect timing as you have designed it so.  How perfect is this?  For you will feel that intuitive nudge that just won’t go to sleep, or be quiet.  There is the whispers that get louder and coincidences that follow you around and you cannot merely shrug them off any longer.  Your guides will create these moments for you until that moment of awakening occurs and you know in your heart of hearts that you are meant for greater planes and higher levels of thinking, feeling, and creating.  This is ascension and how you get there is a moment to moment act.  It is about living purely in the NOW and operating from the sense that you are more than you see, and you are this gorgeous multi-dimensional being that deserves and aspires to feel more out of life. 

The coming weeks will continue to provide us with powerful energy streams as the new vibration for Gaia is cemented into her new raised consciousness and it is a gift for us to absorb and integrate for our new energy selves to also raise.  For we are all a mirror of Gaia and she is to us.  How you live in each moment will predict your next moment.  Thus, the process of ascension is infinite and never ending.  How exciting!  

I am sending you my love and light this holiday season and know that this light and love is with you on your path.  I am here to empower, enlighten, and encourage you as you walk you walk.  I am here to serve, under the Divine Plan.  My passion and delight to do so.  May you always know how blessed and supported you are and you are more deserving and loved that you know.

My unconditional love dear ones, 

Happy Holidays and my energetic delight to you all.

Joanna RossPerez


*****FREE *****


With Author, channel, artist, Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD

FREE WEBINAR * January 4th, 2014

2:00pm – 3:00pm EST (11:00am PST)

This is a sneak preview of our Master Ascension Class starting January 11, 2014 * 

Join us for this amazing FREE offer! 

Email me to register;


The Multi-Dimensional You!

I am feeling so inspired today and feel so much energy within, that I am moved into a sense of sharing in this abundance of energy. Thus, I write.  I am inspired with words of what I know to be true and feel with all my heart and sometimes even my mind must take a back seat so the words inspired by my higher self and excited soul that appear to pour onto this page faster than my fingers can type.  This is my validation about a certain level of ‘KNOWINGNESS’ spews forth like a burst of awakening that has been dormant for decades.  A spark of inspiration from the higher realms and my higher self, which I have come to know more intimately over the past few weeks is truly the at the center of all major revelations and ideas.  For those of you who follow our FB page and our posts on Twitter, know that this has been a time of great growth for me.  Since our very synchronistic move and transfer to Calgary, Alberta, all that has opened up has been ever so subtle in its delivery but so profound in the unravelling of all else.  How could one move be connected with so much growth and this is really only the beginning?  How utterly profound and I feel the expansion in this move alone and what opportunities have opened is showing me that if you listen to the inner voice, the whisper that beckons, then you will be supported, loved and shown the way to higher realms beyond any dream you have ever imagined.

You must allow this flow of energy to move you. One cannot over analyze what you are getting, or slip into the realm of doubt and fear, as these are all the most darkest of beliefs and behaviours that are not a part of higher realms.  There is a sense that one must trust without a shred of doubt and have the utter faith that what your heart and soul are feeling are of the greatest and most perfect place where all exists for you to experience.  All is within and when you open to this fact, you can create something from nothing, you can create greatness in all you are propelled in creating.  For when you are in this presence of the infinite, you are then absorbed into its ability to transform all that it touches.  It starts with what you believe to be true and how you can alter your beliefs to experience more of All That Is and how there is infinite possibilities when you expand in this manner of thinking and being.  This will take you out of your ‘physical-ness’ and third dimensional world and place you lovingly and gently into a realm where light flows seamlessly into one another and you reach out to connect with more of you, the One, and a Universe that is infinite!

This is the multi-dimensional aspect of what we are all awakening to.  Those who find this blog are those that are awakening.  There are no accidents in this respect.  There are those whispers, the inclinations and hints to ‘google,’ or search for something that will validate your emotions, your situations and experiences.  This eagerness to have validation is at its core, the sense of belonging that we all seek when we awaken.  We know, within our deepest parts of our inner selves, there must be more.  You would not be experiencing what you do if there was not more.  You can analyze and think it to a point where you feel frustration and pain. My offer to you in this, allow and surrender into all that you are and all that you feel for it is your wake up call and it is not for us to know every step of the path but to have utter trust and faith in how it unfolds to answer your highest and best excitement as you go forth in love and light.

This my friends may be the most challenging of any awakening.  To surrender into the faith and light and give up the need to control and manage every aspect of your life.  It is not what the higher realms exist within. It is about spirit, the flow and fluidity of energy and light and to absorb and take in all that it offers in all aspects of the learning and expansion.  This is what the soul craves and needs for you to offer it in this physical experience.  This is what you agreed to in your life contract, and in your promise to your higher self and over soul.  This is the unseen aspect of creation that allows you to really stretch who you feel or think you are and become all that you knew, at the soul level, that you know you are designed to become.  You are multidimensional. You are a multi-facetted person and spirit having a physical experience and it is your role to ‘feel’ your way through this amazing gift.  For there is nothing that is around you right now that is ‘real.’  This experience is all that is real. The experience right now, in this moment, is all there is.  There is not the fancy car, there is no lump sum of money awaiting you that is ‘real’ and there is not a pot of gold that will indicate how ‘good’ of a person you are.  None of these physical ‘things’ will ever define you in the way that your higher self and soul are tugging at you to connect with.  There is a much more beautiful aspect of you and this global awakening is an opportunity to ride the wave of ascension and ‘feel’ at the level of spirit.  Your soul is whispering…..’are you there?’

What really does this multidimensional aspect of you really mean? How can you take advantage of this time of great energetic gifts from the cosmos and change, evolve, expand?  What really resonates with me in this is that our global community is moving from a third dimensional reality to a higher one. Whether that be a fourth or fifth dimension will all depend on where you are aligning yourself with.  What vibration you choose and maintain your beliefs and essence will determine where your soul resides.  There are many experiences that occur that most people can say they have experienced yet cannot ‘prove.’ We have all experienced the feeling of ‘dejavu’ or even sensed the heaviness or happiness when walking into a room.  You cannot ‘prove’ any of this, but you have experienced the feeling of ‘already doing it’ or ‘feeling the tension or excitement’ yet you cannot put on paper and show or prove to anyone.  So the question is that, why separate situations and experiences to ones that can be explained away or proved and merely flow into what is?  There are infinite things we experience that cannot be explained~SO WHAT!  Who says that everything has to be explained for us to live a happier more fulfilling life?  I know this, I have not physically met or shook hands with my guides, but I know with all my heart that I have them.  I have three of the most amazing wonderful guides that are constantly gifting me with the magical gifts of circumstances and synchronistic situations that allow me to experience and feel that there is an unseen world of energy that is infinite and immense in what it can provide and teach.  I cannot prove this, and I do not wish to prove it for it is for me and it is my inner world that only we share within one another.  I am honoured and humbled in all that they have shown me and taught me and now it is time for the expansion to learned in all levels of existence as this is GAIA’s turn to return to her splendour as she once was.  It is her turn to return to her beauty and natural life with grace and protection from us.

As the GAIA ascends, she is being sent a multitude of streams of energy from many aspects of creation assisting in this global task of proportions.  We are, as energy beings, sensing a change in what we are feeling at a deeper level and we sense that things are changing.  There are time anomalies, there are experiences in what we see and experience and situations that would seem to the average person, to be impossible are occurring because our energetic bandwidth is changing.  This is what the awakening to a more multi-dimensional way of living is creating.  The possibility and awareness of there is more.  That is not only probable but possible that memories from the DNA and cellular level are allowing you to remember glimpses of concurrent lifetimes on other planets and other timelines.  There is coding that is coming to the surface because our energetic change is allowing all of this to unfold and give us opportunities to experience what our spirit and soul feels and experiences at every moment.

The soul has the ability to split itself off into an infinite aspects.  You can experience the sensation of other lifetimes, right in the NOW as that is really the only sense of ‘time’ that really exists.  We are all pretty comfortable with discussions about incarnation and there is nothing ‘re’ about it.  As all is happening and occurring right NOW so that all lifetimes you have ever experienced, is happening right NOW. The aspect of being multidimensional is that you know this. You can feel memories of other lifetimes, situations and sensations that can allow you a glimpse of what is going on within another reality right now that the other aspect of you is experiencing. There is the focal point that your soul is having right now as that is what and where you have aligned your energetic body to be immersed within.  Whatever energetic vibration, or where ever you are resonating to right now is the reality that you will experience and in knowing this, you have the opportunity to tune into higher realms that you are living right NOW.  How exciting is this?  You have total control to align yourself in whatever reality you choose.  They are all happening right now – where you are aligned with right now will tell you what reality you experience.

If for example you have a concurrent life on another planet experiencing the reality of being a teacher of nature elementals.  Then on another vibrating reality you are a student of forestry, and on another planet and dimension you are a soldier sent out to battle for land control.  All of these simultaneous realities are occurring right NOW, but you are resonating at the one that is perfectly with what you have signed on for in this reality, in this dimension.  What you are connecting with will ultimately pool into the over soul and greater aspects of all that you are for overall galactic and Universal expansion and growth.  This is so divine and utterly amazing.  There is infinite ways for us to experience life and when we open up to our multidimensional aspects, we can literally experience ALL that we were meant to be.  These are all aspects of you in the NOW occurring in other realms and energy patterns of existence.

For the example of a memory or intense connection or interest in the ancient Egyptian times, or cultures, or possibly Atlantis or Lemurian times that have really been a bold thought that takes on a sense of urgency until you start looking into the paths of these words that pull you in to feel your other aspects.  These are all signs, symbols, and spiritual tugs to pull you inward, to allow you to hop on and ride the magnificent wave of enlightenment.  This is what you agreed to fulfill when you signed on to incarnate into a physical reality here on Gaia at this time.  The grand, the bigger picture of this story is that there is an intricate webbing of reality on every level and as the Gaia is shifting and changing and raising her vibration, so are we.  There will be those that are not ready or even care to consider that there is more than what they can see in front of them, but that is ok.  There is divine and perfect timing for everyone and every soul.  There is always another chance, another lifetime to open and ascend. There is never only one chance to ascend. There is always and infinite opportunity to rise your vibration.  As creation is infinite then as we are a part of this, then so are we.  We are infinite aspects of creation and we will always have an opportunity to wake up.

With this multidimensional aspect of you, there is always the opportunity for you connect and communicate with it.  With any aspect of your souls lives and experiences.  You can align with the highest aspect of yourself and clear the negative beliefs and definitions from our third dimensional world, and clear and let go of all that does not serve you and you will allow a path for love to filter into your lighter soul and spirit.  This is the energy work of what is required to ascend.  Letting go of judgement, letting go of doubt, fear and control.  There is great levels of darkness and weight that will linger until we have all dealt with the residue of what we have created.  There is a balancing and cleansing of the toxins and beliefs that have not only destroyed the Gaia in so many ways, that it has bled into our souls as a collective.  Everything without is only a reflection of what is going on within.  When we clean and let go of all that is holding back as spirit beings, then we will simultaneously send loving light to Gaia and she can rebalance and ascend with little effort.  It is the awakening and alignment of the most highest vibration that can heal the wounds of centuries of ill guided controllers.  We are in the awakening and you have found this article in stride of what your greater plan and purpose is.  It is all an orchestration and it is exactly what you needed to hear to lay the steps into your evolution and action for a better experience.  The experience to fully be exactly who you signed on to become.

Ensure that in each moment, in each NOW moment, take advantage of the immense energy flowing into the Gaia by following your bliss.  Following your joy and excitement creates the feeling of love and blessings to your soul.  Allow yourself to drink plenty of water and rest the physical body so that the extensive waves of energy can move through you with fluid effects and opening.  In times of great change, there will be experiences of chaos and challenge.  As challenge and chaos is perfectly timed to force us to look at levels of our lives that we have been pushing and burying to the soils of ignorance.  If we do not deal with it, then it will surely go away.  Right? Well, not really.  At some point, in some way, all that you ignore will surface in some way to allow you the opportunity to deal with and expand from.  You have perfectly planned these challenges and situations so that you can test your new found power of conviction and soul commitment to be exactly who you desire to be.  However difficult these challenges are, you have designed it this way and never shrink from whatever it is you place on your path.  For you have placed it because you are strong enough to move through it.  You knew that for whatever is facing you, is in your highest and best to serve your ultimate lessons and growth and take you into the higher realms of your souls home.

So my dear lightworkers, starseeds, and awakening souls, you are grand. You are multidimensional in the most infinite of ways.  Allow yourself to fall into who you are becoming.  Release all that you were and surrender into the belly of love and light.  It is filled with unconditional love and light for your path before you and know that you are guided and loved every step of the way. Not only guided by your ever present guides, but by your infinitely wise and expansive higher self.  You are all you have ever needed! Know that you really are that powerful to create all of this to surround you and allow you to walk your walk and live by all that fills your soul with light and love.  This is the expressive nature of who you are meant to be. There is no further hiding from who you are. There is only the light that shines before you allowing you to step forth and surrender into who you ARE!  Your gorgeous MULTIDIMENSIONAL YOU!  This is how profound you are and how required you are in this greater plan of ascension.  There is always more, there is always learning and growth and this is ultimately the one law that allows us to never stop or die~we will always exist and always evolve.  That is a promise!  Allow yourself to start now, start answering the call of the soul and your higher self.  Allow the richness of this experience and Gaia to flow love and light to you on your journey.  Allow yourself to flow out what you must express and give back.  For energy always requires a cyclical path.  It must always move and evolve, and so must we.

Embrace all that you are in all your glorious wisdom and expansiveness.  This is who you are meant to become!  Profound, immense, and expansive.  For this I know!

My many blessings to you all dear ones and my love and light to you all.

Blessings in love and light,

Joanna RossPerez

A channeling from the higher self.



For this I know; WE ARE ALL ONE!

With this amazingly gorgeous Friday morning in full swing, I filled with the energy of an opportunity to bring light and love once again to a new day.  In each day, in each new meeting, new friend, new job, new class, new idea, know that you have had a role in each action and interaction in it.  You are the grand creator of this magnificent play and you have co-created this reality with others for the predetermined roles and lessons sought to learn in this physical realm.  

What is physical?  What is this thing we call ‘real?’ How do I alter my beliefs that appear so tangible in front of me to become more fluid, more flexible, more malleable and less solid?  This is a step of excitement on the path to ascension that really excites me because it challenges everything you once believed to be true and all that you have been taught.  Just as you set about your life when you enter adult-hood, this path is one that you set out on your own.  Taking one step at a time and letting go of all those who comment and judge you in your choices.  This is step toward your growth, your individuality towards your power of oneness, and each step you take will push the boundaries of what you thought.  These powerful and empowering steps will allow you to expand and align to a new way of thinking, being and becoming.  You align with higher energies, in every aspect. You will attract higher energy events, people, circumstances and ideas.  So have courage and know that if stepping into light causing doubt and some fear, that it is only a feeling that will be fleeting and temporary because all that light can hold is more light, more love and more of the unconditional ONENESS that you have subconsciously yearned for.  

Once you slip into more of who you were always meant to be, you will have the extatic explosion of newness for each moment because you realize that this is who you are and have always planned to become.  Life will unfold for you in magical ways and you will feel less obligation to be any other way than your higher way.  The highest and best that you can be because this feels more ‘right’ than you have ever felt and it is your truth, it is who you are and you feel supported in countless and infinite ways when you seek assistance, it will be there as it always has but now you are aware of this beautiful energetic dance that the Universe sings.  

How glorious to experience this pull of love and light.  How glorious to feel your essence and the delicate webs that extend in all directions that you are a part of the greater whole of this web.  For this web is infinitely spun and extends to all corners of the Universe and you are integral in the awareness of this for this web to grow and expand.  The pure ‘knowingness’ of the role you play is the first step in this ascension process and for this I know; it is a grand experience!  For when you truly connect to your highest and best and you experience the level of unconditional love, when you wipe away years of fear and doubt that you intuitively knew shrouded your ability to shine forth, this is one of the most exhilerating experiences once can feel.  

Know that as you awaken, you send out energy waves to others and this is why living by example is the most profound tool for teaching.  It speaks volumes with the energy you create and as you weave your angelic self into the web of the Universe, know you are contributing in grand and immense ways that you will one day see.  Know that your neighbour is you, your friend is you, your spouse and partner is you and you are them.  There is a reflection upon everything you visually see and it eminates from you without effort and work.  So, with your intention and energy of creating an unconditionally loving life, you literally change your world and those within it.  You allow the web to strengthen and expand and shine. You allow your unique gifts to add to the totality of All That Is and all that we experience as a whole Universally.  

For even though all that we see is an illusion, it is the experience that allows your soul its opportunity for growth and expansion.  This is our reason for being.  This is the reality we have all chosen and to assist GAIA to ascend in our awakening so that we may heal centuries of darkness and fear.  There are few planets experiencing the shift that we are and it is a time of great change.  Surrender to the waves that shift you as this is your request that it do so.  There will be those that do not ascend and that is ok, for it is a part of their soul contract to experience that shift.  You are only responsible for your enlightenment and it is upon us all now.  In this moment of NOW, you will find all you need, desire and require. In the now you will be surrounded with love, and light and the courage to raise your vibration to a level and match the planetary changes that are occurring now.  As GAIA shifts herself into new higher realms, there are light beings connected and committed to assisting and we are here to stay for the duration of this incredible ride.  

We are here to serve and my purpose is to inspire your expansion and ascension – my love and light for your path lies ahead, one step at a time.  For this I know, WE ARE ALL ONE, and I am here to serve.  

Blessings in love and light dear ones, 

Joanna RossPerez

Channelling of the higher self


New Beginnings~A thing of Magnificence!

New beginnings! Well before I begin, I wanted to start with a pull of intrigue….Image

Beginnings are truly a magnificent aspect of the ALL THAT IS, and its reflection of experience in each and every one of us.  New beginnings are an integral part of the cycle of life. Life provides us with many experiences and with the natural ebb and flow of a physical life, so must there be new beginnings, along with transitions, endings, and ultimately they all provide us with immeasurable opportunities for growth and change.  We rarely know where new beginnings or the path will lead us but know that change is necessary. The path may be long and winding or it may be short and straight, either way, it is your path and it can only be taken by you.  Created by you and ultimately you can take or not take the lessons in each new beginning.  It is all up to you.

If you look back on your life and pull out those moments of growth, they will usually followed by a great leap of faith, or challenge.  Great moments of growth and new beginnings can be; a new job, a new home, a new partner, a new business venture, a new concept and idea, a new way of thinking and so on.  The list is infinite and can be anything.

We are such automatic creators, and such powerful manifestos that we rarely stop to take notice and appreciate, validate, nurture, or absorb ourselves into the moment of that new beginning.  We quickly then move on to the daily grind and tasks of our busy lives and forget to embrace what we just created.

How do I know all the immense return on absorbtion of a new beginning?  I am huge proponent of change.  It is what I talk about daily, it is a part of me, it is who I am and it is glorious if you embrace it ALL in the moment.  How often have you changed dramatically in creating something, and then stop to take the time just simply ‘be’ in the moment of it as it is happening? Can you stop long enough to explore all aspects of that change? Explore what it means to you and who you are designing yourself to become? How does this really feel for me? How did I create this?  Go back and piece together all the aspects that had to fall into place for this change and new beginning to occur.  How does this feel within my heart for this to take place? Ask yourself as many questions as your soul guides you to.  This is the process of integration which is vitally key to any ascension process.

Asking yourself questions, expanding in the moment of change you can then allow yourself the invaluable experience of;

1.) Owning and embracing the fact that you are a powerful creator

2.) Appreciating and validating the magnificence of the grand and infinite Universe to allow you the opportunity for such growth

3.) Absorb the change in your essence, your energy as you float through this reflection, take it all in and notice your shift of consciousness

I will give you an example of just how profound this amazing Universe is.  For example; say you or your spouse gets a promotion out of province or out of state.  Someone had to leave or move or have the appropriate parties create the position for it to be offered.  Then there is the mass advertising and marketing that the company had to do for the posting.  There are then the interviews of the qualified applicants after the resumes have been filtered and screened through at least one person possibly more.  Then there may be anywhere from 5-10 qualified applicants that you or your spouse is in pool with to be interviewed. Not only are there interviews, but then there are 2nd and sometimes 3rd and 4th interviews.  Not only are there interviews, but I cannot tell you how many times I have been called for positions and for some reason or another, I was unable to work out the interviewing time and had to allow the role to move on.  I am in complete comfort knowing that the Universe had other plans for me and I am fine with whatever the outcome may be in that respect.  This goes to show you that this is only a mini-list of the steps and levels of orchestration that had to occur for this to fall into place.  Then there is the finding a home, doctors, moving and packing, shipping vehicles, and new drivers licenses and so on and so on.

At any point in this one example, if one person had not picked up the phone, or dialed the preverbal ‘wrong’ number, then the entire outcome of the situation could have been altered.  The number of things that really had to ‘line-up’ for this to take place is mind blowing and quite staggering. It is not coincidental and by no means an accident.  You have created it all!  We have just moved out of province so this experience is still ‘new’ for us and we are soaking in and enjoying every aspect of it regardless of how much is still needing to be done, we are soaking it all in and feeling the gratitude of how many entities were involved to pull this off.  We are honoured, humbled and blessed.

During the summer when we decided to move forward with putting our names and resumes out to the Universe, I envisioned a home that was not only large enough for our family of five to grow into but that it had an extra space for me to expand on my passions of spiritual learning and ascension.  I envisioned an upper floor room, high up, attic type of a room that I could transform into my space in the sky for private sessions and coaching and one-on-one meditations.  The day after we arrived in Calgary we saw a number of homes and the last home we were booked to see, ticked all the boxes on our imaginary list of requirements.  As we toured the last room in the house, it was the upper floor, ‘bonus room’ that had one complete side of windows, bright, spacious, and gets the sun all day long.  Not only did it have the space everyone needed, but the address was numerically accumulating to a #1, which is all about ‘NEW BEGINNINGS.”  We signed the papers the next day!

This is how spirit works.  This is how energy works if you use it with integrity and honour to live each moment in gratitude for all the Universal energies working with you and through you.  Flowing with you, flowing through you to allow all of this magnificence to occur.  Your guides, your angelic helpers and the synchronicity they create to assist you, to allow you to open up to your greater self and your higher self.  The gifts float in like magical little presents you are totally unaware of and are blown away every time it happens.

So in those moments when you take on a new challenge or you do something, go somewhere and try something new and then you look back on that decision and see all the steps that that one decision has led to now?  “Agghhh, that’s why I took that step, it allowed me to meet this person, who introduced me to that person, who took me here and I experienced that.”  So take a deep breathe and relax in the knowingness that there will always be new beginnings, transitions and endings.  When you take that leap of faith and know that all is well and your are acting in your highest and best and know that this experience will serve you in more ways than you can see or understand right now.  Go about life and new beginnings with excitement and enthusiasm for what may be but remember that in that moment, you hold all you need to know. So feel yourself through the change, the new beginning and honour all of it.

With all great change comes a renewed sense of energy and inspiration.  We have all heard of those that create ‘writers block’ for themselves, and then have to create a situation to break them of that supposed block.  They then take action on anything that will allow them a changed point of perspective.  A new environment, a new purchase of art, or they take on the actual character that they are writing about.  They purposely change. Create a new beginning so that the old energy can leave, and new inspiring energy can ignite their soul again.

Change and new beginnings is a vital aspect of creation and one of the primary laws of the Universe.  All things must change and change is the only constant.  So embrace, celebrate, reflect, absorb, enjoy, take pride and honour in the countless beings that are involved in this experience to roll this out to you for you expand within.  Honour who you are as a creator and as someone that can blossom with any change because you know at some level you chose this.  Your soul knew that your spirit required this and the theme you chose to experience is requiring this to occur.  Create a ritual to lock in the ascension energy from this new beginning and honour your life in this way if you choose, just do something to allow the Universe to always remain open to gifting you in these times of great change.

Remember to flow with change. Let new beginnings show you what you are made of and you are connected to the greater aspect of ALL THAT IS and you are a part of existence itself.  You are a profound creator for manifesting this for yourself to experience all that you can and know that you are expanding in this great time of change.  Embrace all that it means to you and how you will in the moment absorb all that you can from it. So in closing dear friends, ‘Honour Thyself’ as you are as powerful as it gets.  Allow your brilliance to shine forth and create new paths of new beginnings all over again.

Thank you for connecting with me and allow me to shine forth in this massive change and new beginning that we are setting forth upon together.

My blessings in love and light to you all.


Joanna RossPerez