I am that I AM!

I am that I am. 

I am in a state of discernment about who I am in the webbings of all the others lives I am living right now.

I am ready to bask in the light that reveals who I am and I take ownership and responsibility for who I am ‘being’ in this moment.

I am sharing and have always desired to share who I am, in each moment of self-discovery I am excited what is revealed.

I stand boldly here within the soils and sands of Gaia and I am here to radiate who I am, who I desire to be, and all that I am, and so 

it shall be.

This is my truth, this is who I was born to be

and all the love and light of all my lives, come to life right here in front of me.

This is my moment to shine, bring forth the light that shines the way to each step, all I was meant to be, for it was 

all created within me.

So in each powerful thought, with each word, with each deed, I am excitedly following my passions with joy and delight

and in all things that come my way, for it brings awareness in all it must teach me and expand for all I know,

this is my souls desire to exist.

With each breathe I set forth the intense energy of my thoughts that create and shine forth for all to gain love and light from.

I set forth my essence to the greater good of my highest and best and so to the Gaia, I am here to serve all her people and the her ascension.

I am in honour, I am in humility and reverence to all that she is, and all that I am for the Divine Plan is unfolding in every action and every loving act.

Thank you for your love and guidance, my dearest guides and spirits assisting me here now.  For the care and gifts of expansion that you drift my way, as I am humbled by your care, compassion, and brilliance and may I provide you the joy in all that I can reflect to you, for this is your work.  

I am standing boldly here on Gaia’s ground, standing tall and I shall not fall,

from the challenge or weight is yet unknown, and I know I can create bliss and love, for all is gold

within the light of the Divine Plan as it unfolds.  

Peace and unconditional love will be your gift and is the answer to all who live in light.

Blessings and light,

Channelling for thought and love, 

Joanna RossPerez



Center for Ascension 

& Resonance Remembrance


* Upcoming Classes ~ ‘Preparing for Contact’ 

Sat., Feb 15th, 1:00pm PST



Around the Corner

ImageGood morning dear ones,

An inspiration for you;


Just around the corner,

are treasures that can be found,

sometimes we miss them,

our heads always looking down.

This gift meant for you, & it may come from the sky,

a brilliant light, or a flash, it is yours, it is mine, it is time, it is time.

It guides us home and shows us love, it allows us to shine.

It is well over due, we have been stuck for so long,

So look up, we have connected, and what a beautiful song.

For all in perfect timing, for you have come a long way,

now into the light, feel the love, it is here to stay.

Silence yourself, if you can for but a moment,

there is a song to be heard and to you it sent.

For the notes are perfectly matched,

and it is uniquely yours,

That star that is falling, it is yours to catch. 

So look up my dear ones, for we are your family and guides,

We patient watch, we patiently bide,

And when you are ready, a celebration like no other;

The Universe is waiting, this is your sister, your brother.

My deepest love and gratitude to those that have found this poem,

It is meant for you, we welcome you home!


A channeling from the Higher Self,

Joanna RossPerez






Ascension Master Class

Starts: Sat January 11-Feb 8th

Intergalactic Channellings ~ Arcturians

With Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD & Joanna RossPerez

$95.00 for all 3 classes 

$35.00 each 

Payment options available

We are here to serve in the ascension for Gaia & her people!


Your Life is Created Moment by Moment….

EAscensio ** We are here to serve in our Divine Plan to assist with bridging the collective consciousness in planetary ascension.

Moment by moment, you can choose to design who you desire to be.  Each moment is your chance, your story to be written and curtain to raise for it is this moment, right now that defines you.  This moment of a smile, so slight but powerful, how to capture the essence of change is profound yet so simple.  Perfection in its design.  For all to see how to transform and see, actually experience the gift of our innate ability to CREATE!

Your life is created moment by moment. Life, like the gentle laugh of a child, rolls smoothly and swiftly with no effort or hesitation; it just shines and allows us a moment of awe to catch its brilliance. Let the doubt and thickness of a heavy life shed away, for your destiny is right in front of you ~ are your eyes open to see it, is your heart open to feel it? Are you awake to catch this wave? 
Inspired by these moments, our moment by moment, these magnificent little wonders that keep us stepping forward, moving on, moving up, for it is all that I am and all that I know for us to BE!  Image
In each moment, we are ONE, and together we shall find our way on this lighted path for it is you and it is me.  Together we bind in the sameness of light that shines to light, in all its brilliance for the Universe to see.  
For all to know we are here, we are in our NOW to show that we have the power to transform this beautiful GAIA to her glistening state of gorgeous essence as she has always been and we have so blatantly ignored her plights.  We are now, in this moment creating our lives, my life, one to be proud of and a legacy it begins in this NOW, right now.
My life is created now….
Blessings and light,
Channelled from the Higher Self Dec., 30/13
Sweetest of dreams dear ones; xo

Your Soul Beckons

Your soul calls, it beckons in the silent of the night. A whisper it begins and daring you to take flight.
For your path is yours for only you to take, 
my dear light workers, your peace is at stake.
For the whispers will not stop, or hide, or go away.
This is your time, dear ones, be silent & pray!
Pray not for others, but your divine self to rise;
for this is your time, so step boldly aside.
Create your path and carve it with pride, 
It is your legacy, it is what is inside.
For the Universe requires you & it needs your special gift,
For no other has what you do & it is found in your bliss!
Go forth dear ones, follow your joy, for it calls, it calls, and will no longer hide.
Shed the doubt, shed the fear, for your time is now, 
The Universe needs you, step up & take a bow!

My Poem for you dear ones!
Love for all ways, Joanna@eAscensio.com
 (The Stage is Set; It is your Time)




***FREE WEBINAR***  January 4th/2014 11:00am PST 

MultiDimensional Ascension 

Email me for registration details!Image