Cycles, Patterns & Signs of Change

One thing that I have learned from studying this path of ascension and our energetic connection to life itself, is that there are always signs, patterns and symbols to allow us a peak at what is coming. Some people that are intuitive enough can predict, or prophesies certain events, and appear that they are unique gifted see’ers into the unknown. Not really. Only silent enough and reflective enough to notice what is always going on.

In any household, you can sense when things are not quite right, or there is someone in need, without words being spoken, you can tell. Those who choose not to admit it, are hiding in their own power, and that is ok. Some are just not ready to know their sense of independence and enlightenment. Some souls have coding that will trigger their enlightenment and awakening, so rushing anyone into the light is futile. When the soul is ready, it will go with bells and whistles. I know this, and I trust in this. I cannot bring any new members on before they are ready. I cannot offer so many specials that I bring on enough to make ascension and transition occur for as many as possible. I know this. When the souls are ready for awakening, they will appear. So I let go of the ‘expectation’ and ‘over anxious,’ attempts to predict results on anything. I am merely happy, content in what is. I put out the best that I can offer always, and even though my physical brain at times feels mushy with the high streams flushing through me, I put forth my highest intent.

I have noticed that the more we flow into this process of ascension, we can open ourselves up to the light in more ways than learning about it. We can allow our physical bodies to come along for the ride and let all resistance go. As these increased energy patterns and cosmic cycles continue, and they will, we can create more allowance and surrender into what your higher self has planned for you to meet your destined path. These aspects to ascension are so crucial and more deeper we glide in this planetary movement of rebalancing, the more we notice the subtleties and undercurrents that have always been in our lives but we simply miss because we are half awake. Energy is immense and is so profound in so many ways. Energy can be felt, seen, intuited, and bring clear signs of change and transformation. Energy can never be destroyed and is always in motion. The only thing in our Universe that is constant within us all. We are all ENERGY!

When we understand our initial make up, our own constituency, we can then learn to navigate and master our way around this and empower ourselves to create a life that embellishes who we are at our very core. We no longer run from, or hide from who we are. We can embrace ourselves freely and with great pride in our gifts and offerings for we know that we are truly unique and required in this massive play amongst the Universal storyboard. There are ‘no accidents,’ and there are no ‘coincidences,’ in our existence. Should you feel there is, then it is only because you have not been awoken by the mere magnificence of our Universe orchestrating with your higher self and soul to gift you in the moments you need it most to see your true power. No worries though, your timing will occur when you have perfectly timed it. It always does. That is how perfect this Universe is.

Should you see destruction, or pain, or lack, then it is in your path to learn from this. So do so. Then act. For you see something being mirrored that you are believing in, or seeing, something that you need or want deep within to change within yourself. This is what your reality is showing you. Something that at your higher level desires to be noticed, healed, loved, and altered. Otherwise, why would it be there? This is why we see what we see. This is why we experience what we do and this is why we, yes WE, create all of it! We are not victims, and we are pure creators to place before our paths the exact things we need to for us to awaken within. This is all OUR OWN DOING!

Have I been subtle enough? It took me a few years to really grasp that fact that there was not some big, larger than life entity that was controlling all the things in my life that I did not want to face and look at. When it really hit me, when I started to see positive things being created that I had manifested, even the smallest of things, then I was brought to the realization that if I can create these magical, profound, small events, then I was also in control of every other aspect too. We are not only in control of the good, or the challenging, but all of it. When we can see that level of creative power that is innate within us, when we can see our own bigger picture, and our input on the grander scheme of things, we can then act with higher integrity, and conscious intent for what we create. You can look back on my previous posts and see how many times I have written this next sentence;
‘We are powerful creators!’ If you never acknowledged this before, you may feel this sentence seep into your consciousness and come to life in small but miraculous ways. This is what awakening and ascension is.

We are creating higher resonating light quotient bodies that can filter and flow higher resonating patterns for preparation to higher realms and interacting as we ascend. We cannot be imploded and thrust into higher realms without some sort of preparation on all levels. At our souls essence, we know what is desired to be learned. At our physical level, we had forgotten our innate abilities long, long ago. We are in states of remembrance and awakening and it is truly magical. We are each awakening in our own time and in our way with perfect coding to be released for action into higher frequency living. Our physical, our emotional, our energetic, and our spiritual bodies require stretching, honing, and preparing for such journeys. This is our collective state now.

You will find a plethora of youtube video’s and blogs that have channelled and intuitive writings of expansive experiences that outline various examples of such preparations. I have written countless examples of not only what I have experienced, but what I have seen of others and noticed myself. So, it really is all around us if we are aware to notice it. Again, we go back to your ability to awaken to the subtleties of the energetic patterns and cycles that allow you to peak into what has been, and what will be unfolding for you and our planet. Commit silent time and reflective time to sense what is always all around you to come to life in from to of your eyes. For it will not pop on your text screen. Spirit speaks in the silence of the mind, and the whispers of the heart. It is floating and gliding in and out of your day taunting you to wake up and play. releaseyourpower

In closing this note on this most magical day, you are blessed in so many ways and know you are blessed beyond our physical minds reason. We always have been and always will be. Now we can start to take part in this play and have some fun in our own divine plan. For I know this my dear friends, it is one amazing freaken’ journey and one I am grateful to be wakeful and attuned to it now. This NOW is glorious, this NOW is beautiful, this NOW is perfect! And so am I, in this perfect moment of NOW!

Blessings and light to you on this magical day,–61

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