The Whispers of Your Soul

Good morning dear ones,

For this day is beautiful and grand, I can feel the essence of brilliance in the air and the new hearts that beat for the light it seeks, this is a new day dawning. For all we have to see and feel is within ourselves to touch, to reach, to unveil.  How we have gone so long, so far, and never knowing that we are the masters of our ship and the oceans are wide and vast.  For our lives are not lived merely for the purpose of collecting, but for the experience in all that our soul can offer of its expression for it lives for the thrill of growth and expansion and there is much to see and do.  

If only in that doing, is nothing then do it with all your will, as the soul desires its peace in the joy of the moment of fullness.  The simple things please and the stars and sky’s tease, the stories untold and the paths not walked, for this is the joy of the soul.  You may write and you may sing, for it stirs within and if unanswered, then grey and dark you will find your life wilting from the passions not tasted.  You are this enormous being with much to do and much to see, so spread your wings dear ones, it is your time to fly.  We have cradled you for so long now, and now it is your turn to take the leap of faith that you can create all that you desire and not look back in regret.  This your moment of truth, not in the accomplishing of the goal, yet in the taking the first step.  For the path is never done, it is never over, and it is never ending.  This experience will be as infinite at the sky’s and your compass for the stars have always lit the way. For centuries you have looked up and wondered, and now it is time to wonder no more.  Answer the call of your soul, your expression is to explore.  The many facets of your gifts, can lead anywhere but not until you take that first step.  

My wish for you this lovely day is that you find your voice, you seek your truth, and you know that deep within, your soul still sings for it is your song to be sung. The world is in need of your tune, your message and your story to be told.  Shine brightly dear ones, this is your time to glow, the brilliance that you are, and yet do not know.  I am here to tell you that you are a gift, to all that we see, from the ethers light shines, and sparkles in this sea.  The Universe is yours, so call upon it, we will answer and always have done so.  You are awake now, it is time to go, spread your wings dear ones, we do love you so.  


A channelling from the Higher Self.

January 15th, 2014 (my baby boy’s 3rd birthday) My love, my little pocket of sunshine *** I love you so!

Blessings in love and light,

Joanna RossPerez



Webinar Course

Saturday, February 15, 2014 • 90 minutes Starts at: 1:00pm – 2:30 PST • $23.00 per person

eAscensio is proud to offer our first webinar class in a series of many to come that focus on aligning your spirit self with your Higher Self in preparation for higher realm contact, and our ongoing ascension with our Gaia.

The upcoming ascension classes will
be led by the inspiring, Joanna L. RossPerez, Founder of eAscensio

Join in expansive discussion about our multi-dimensional Universe and our infinite energetic selves with founder, wisdom teacher and coach, Joanna L. RossPerez.


We will discuss various topics and ideas to assist in our developing and resonating at higher frequencies. We will discuss how to use tips, teachings, and techniques to easily implement into your daily life for the raising of your personal vibration and those around you. We will discuss communication with your Higher Self, your spirit guides, and experiences with contact from ET’s and other higher realm beings.

This exciting class will move at a fast pace
so bring your journals and visitation experiences!

FREE Recording of the class PLUS $10 discount on any eAscension class or a private reading with Joanna.



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Your Soul Beckons

Your soul calls, it beckons in the silent of the night. A whisper it begins and daring you to take flight.
For your path is yours for only you to take, 
my dear light workers, your peace is at stake.
For the whispers will not stop, or hide, or go away.
This is your time, dear ones, be silent & pray!
Pray not for others, but your divine self to rise;
for this is your time, so step boldly aside.
Create your path and carve it with pride, 
It is your legacy, it is what is inside.
For the Universe requires you & it needs your special gift,
For no other has what you do & it is found in your bliss!
Go forth dear ones, follow your joy, for it calls, it calls, and will no longer hide.
Shed the doubt, shed the fear, for your time is now, 
The Universe needs you, step up & take a bow!

My Poem for you dear ones!
Love for all ways,
 (The Stage is Set; It is your Time)

***FREE WEBINAR***  January 4th/2014 11:00am PST 

MultiDimensional Ascension 

Email me for registration details!Image

And the Stage is Set….

Good day dear ones;

As this very powerful year comes to a close, I am feeling the plight of all our physical world realities that plague me to correct and set free before we move into even higher streams of energy and elevations.  Each day, each moment is an opportunity for us to release what is not working, to seek the higher truth of what is within us and needs to be dealt with, looked at, resolved, and answered. The more one sits in silence, the louder these ‘physical world ticks’ nudge for us to console, love and understand.  It becomes clearly apparent when all aspects of our life is smooth and effortless and then there are those aspects that are energy draining and uncomfortable.  We can usually tell by how we feel in the moment.  Image

This moment of NOW, is a perfect time to reassess every aspect of your life.  Your physical health, your marital health, your sexual health, your energetic health and your spiritual health.  Create yourself a beautiful design of who you truly desire to be and how it will look in the NOW. Right now, how do you feel and what can you do to ‘feel’ in the skin of the ‘you’ that you desire. Create yourself a ritual every day that you can soak in your own energies that can assist you to climb and elevate yourself to higher and higher states of consciousness.  Align yourself with the luxury of your best self, the self that listens to the song of your spirit and the whispers of your soul as it sings you to sleep every night and caresses your cheek, waiting for the ‘time’ for you to wake up and create something where your ‘whole’ self can be a part of.

As you awaken, you will be faced with tidying up on all aspects of your physical life that does not resonate with your true natural self.  The self that is ascending and in line with your Higher Self.  The self that is restructuring itself to be in pure alignment with the highest of vibration that you can physically carry at this time.  Your cellular make up is being reconstructed with perfect doses of the highest crystalline impulses that alter its entire makeup within, thus creating a new cellular coding to integrate with the New Earth.  As Gaia receives her precise streams of influence, we will be required to ‘keep up’ with these streams should we so desire this path of ascension. In so doing, we are faced with the by-product of all we have created to see if it truly is in alignment or requires us to alter it’s path.

So, my dear ones, you will be faced with decisions, situations, and inter-spacial plays that will require you to do the final touch-ups on what is needed before the curtains raise. Are you ready for this performance?  The stage is set and the audience is seated and full of your most valued friends, guides, angels, and other parallel aspects of yourself that match the desired vibration of your ascending self.  There is a ‘coming of age’ sense of feeling with this year we are entering.  For we still, at this moment, live in a physical reality and our earthly desires pull us into a sense of mastering our grounded lives so that our spiritual selves can be the lead actor more and more as we ascend.

Ascension is, as I have said many times before, a process. Step by step, word by word, thought by thought, and deed by deed, until we realize that this physical reality, this sometimes daily sledge through the density of this 3D life, is our most powerful manifestation and creation as a creator.  To these final lessons of our 3D persona, we must shed away the final carnage of our misaligned selves, and create the divine self that shines with our inner brilliance just as we have destined ourselves to become.  How very exciting that this reality is our way, to celebrate the ultimate power as a creator to the highest level of our being.  Our way to show that we are worthy of all that we desire and our life is sweet and fine, and worthy of one more kick at the can for it to truly shine the brilliance of all that we are. This is our grand finale to a life, to a vibratory state that will set the stage for our next act.

How glorious is this life? How truly sweet is it that we now understand all that we have signed up for and how we can alter the very aspect of who we are now by what we create within.  For all is within and our world is a direct reflection of this.  Maybe this was the point all along. For us to understand the power of our own mirrors and our own reflections for us to see the magnitude of who we are and what we have become.  Funny how life plays out isn’t it?  We play and play and play until we understand that we are at the centre of this magnificent Universe and any thing is possible within our potentiality of creating it.  This is our ultimate discovery.

The power within, our remembrance to our highest self, and our connection to ‘All That Is’ and all else that surrounds us, this is the essence of ascension and evolution.  The expansion to ONENESS within. The paradox of paradoxes!  The centre of this statement is truly why we chose, we all chose, those who find these posts, who desire a higher state of living, higher meaning and deeper insights to existence, this is our plea.  As we find the truth in each of these soul searching quests, we find the centre of paradox in this play.  To expand is to become ONE.  When we understand ourselves to the point where all the expansive understandings leads us right back to here, to NOW, to US.  How utterly breathtaking this all is…..

In this final statement of inspiration, my compassion goes out to those of you who find difficulty in looking in the mirror.  My love goes to those who feel they may not quite be ready, or deserving enough of expansion and ascension.  My heart sends rays of love to yours as you sit in your own brilliance and not yet know it, for it is just around the corner for you to discover when you lift your head to the height of self worthiness.  You are grand. You are brilliant.  This life is your life and it is your piece of art to paint however you so choose in whatever medium that strikes your fancy.  This is your story, your play, your book, and your piece of art that will tell your story of your journey and now is it time for you to decide what it shall say about you.

In this coming year, may you walk boldly with light, and love within your heart and may you know that your life is profound and immense in every sense of the word for you teach other beings that you are not even aware of.  You set a vibration that allows others to match and jump off from. You can the life of those around you by a simply smile, touch, a word of kindness and it is all within you to give.  And so the stage is set and this is your play, for how will it unfold, and how will it be told?  This is your time and the future is NOW for you to create whatever it is that moves you to create!  The time for change is NOW and it is within you to create!  How will you create it?

And so your story unfolds……

Into the future, you fly, you fly, for you are here, you are now, and your future is NOW.

Channelings from the higher self.

Blessings, light, and love,

Joanna RossPerez


****** FREE Ascension Webinar ******

Joanna RossPerez & Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD

Higher Perspective of Ascension

Join us for our intro class to our Master Class Series on

January 11, 2014

Register here;

or; ** Weekly ‘free’ Ascension Talk Radio;

Auspicious Times right NOW!

Good morning dear ones!Image

This morning I awoke with the same morning tasks; making lunches, coffee, and creating an energetic alignment for the day by meditation, writing, blogging and connecting with all those who so desire Universal inspirations.  This morning was a little different and more powerful than I had anticipated. As I started my meditation I had an immediate impression of an ET hand in front of me. It was very long and had 3 fingers, tough or thick skin, that was slight brown, green, grey.  I colour I cannot quit put into our realm of thinking. I was shown this to remind myself of who I am on other levels and realms.  I was shown this for many reasons but suffice it to know that the presence of this energy, this simple hand, which is symbolic for ‘action’ and ‘healing’ was so immense and never have I felt the energy presence of this magnitude before.  My hands, feet and legs were vibrating, as they always do, but this time more intensely and allowed me to sense the differences so that I could reconnect with this energy any time I wanted to by simply remembering, and imagining the energetic vibration.  

I learned many years ago when I started down this ascension path that my ‘imagination’ is my greatest tool and one that we as humans were gifted with along with our ‘Free Will’ for us to create the life we desire.  To connect us with a vibration merely by imagining it as everything ‘out there’ is purely an illusion anyhow.  So, in this knowingness, I can, at any time, connect with whatever vibration I need to for my creative energy to soar and do what it is I contracted and designed in my role to do.  CREATE an energetic vibration for others to grab hold of and ground and BE-COME their true natural self. Not someone they have to re-create, but the you that you have always been but covered up.  This is who we truly are and who our spirit wishes to remind us in every day, in every way, and in all of our experiences.  Challenging and profound, we are the master creators of it ALL!  

An example of this; every morning, and throughout the day, the only clock I have in the house, sits at 3:33am, 4:44am, 5:55am when I am busy tasking and moving about day doing mundane, chores.  I come to sit down for my morning writing and it is 3:33am, angelically and spiritually driven by my own doing and connecting me with all the other realms I am constantly co-mingling with and co-creating with.  Regardless of what I am doing, the clock pulls me to peak.  There it is! ALWAYS! 

This reminds me that we are in the most powerful weeks right here in our existence.  The right NOW of NOW is about to unfold and I am so excited and purely over-joyed with this and want to share my heightened energy and alignment with you.  I have posted a class on December 17th, 2013 ~ our last full moon of the year!  This has been a powerful year and one that we have learned so very much, a pinnacle year that has cemented itself into our memories for infinite lifetimes.  This coming year of redesign is just as poignant but in a much lighter way.  I want to celebrate all that we are; connect with us and feel the joy of alignment.  

My blessings and light always and may your path be lit with your essence in remembrance!

Joanna RossPerez




Here are the details;

* Tuesday – December 17th, 2013 @ 8:00pm-9:30pm MTN TIME

* Webinar – email to register ~




* FREE * Weekly ascension talk radio ~