Insights into Parallel Realities

A few days into this new year, we are already tasting the excitement of what is undoubtedly the beginning, middle and only moment for us really soak in all the loveliness.  Sitting in our ‘FREE’ webinar today, it was uncanny how so many people, of which logged in from France, Ukraine, Germany, USA, Canada, and Italy and yet appearing as if we had been in that same circle before.  I have discussed in many classes that energetic situations like ascension classes, although seemingly random events, are not random at all.  It is no accident that 25 people from all around the world came together in the matter of a month of emails and Facebook postings, and today, there we were, co-creating the most amazing energetic bubble that is floating somewhere above the Gaia right now. 

In many lifetimes, other realities, we are living simultaneously, in this NOW moment, we are with others that are surrounding our lives right now.  There is no accident that you have the people in your life that you do.  They are other versions of who you are and what you need to have mirrored back to you for your soul’s life lessons.  This is how the evolution of the soul works and how the magnificent expansion of our Universe can assist in our navigation to ascension.  We have many helpers, many guides, and even our parallel versions of ourselves that gift us with information, light, nuances, and synchronicity that can move us and propel us on a path that once started is breathtaking.  

There are experiences that simply cannot be put into words when you get those glimpses that allow us to tap into other dimensions and realms.  They can occur in the blink of an eye and encapsulate so much information that you simply know it is not of this world.  The thing about your intuitive and psychic self, the thing about ascension, the thing about expansion is that it can happen within a moment. A single second, a single moment, a single flash and the insight is pure and deep.  This is how all other beings live every moment.  The vibration of higher realm beings is so high that those brilliant moments, seconds, that we may be gifted with every now and then, come to them in every breath and they integrate and absorb and send right back out after their soul has shifted from its gift.  

My point in this short story dear ones, is that expansion and ascension can occur as quick as lightning for you will never be the same when you experience the flash of another parallel reality and know that it is you that you are seeing, hearing, and learning from.  Profound!  Ascension is infinite and as high as we may ascend to, there are always more and more to learn and expand within.  We will master our current state and then move right into, fluidly and without effort into a new lesson.  This is the gift of evolution.  For we are always in the eyes of newness, insight, meaning, beauty, love, and experiencing the baffling existence of being an aspect of the ONE.  

This is my gift that I had received today in our webinar as we all gathered, apparent strangers from all corners of the world and in the blink of an eye, we are all expanding into our other lives, other realms, other densities, and realities to play out simultaneous lessons for the benefit of our greater soul, oversoul, and oversoul family, and so on.  We are together in other realms my friends and you are reading this as purely as you designed it.  As a signpost to remind you that you too have experienced those moments of brilliance that hint that you are greater than you once thought.  You are more than purely a physical being, you are greater than you know and I am here to tell you that this much I know; YOU ARE!

My many thanks, love and blessings to those who joined us from all over the world today to once again meet in this moment of reality as we co-create again for our continued learning and evolution.  We are all mirrors for one another, we are all teachers and students for one another and we are all ONE!

Blessings and light,

Channelled from the Higher Mind,

Joanna L RossPerez

Founder, • • ra


The link for next week’s ‘MASTERS ASCENSION’ class is below; 


Signposts of the Heavens!

Good day Dear Ones,

It is mid afternoon, 12:25pm on December 12, 2013, and as many powerful portals and energy streams find their way through to our planet, it provides us with a time of unique opportunity to expand.  I am feeling the excitement of our delightful times in many profound ways.  One element of this season is the culmination of the lessons learned in this year of 2013, and the look at what we may be in our next moment of NOW.   Many events occur on our planet to remind us of where we are resonating.  As all events are reflections, all people are shards of reflections of ourselves from various perspectives, there is grand opportunity to learn and expand from these reflections.  Much discussion for instance about the coming of our Christmas Comet and this amazing event will give us an opportunity to gauge where our vibratory resonance sits in that moment.  Will you react with fear?  Will you react with excitement? Will you react with wonder?  How will you react to this and any other planetary event will directly relate back to you where you are vibrationally sitting and allow you the opportunity to alter and look deeper within at your beliefs and definitions on why you ended up in that state.  Or, you may rejoice and expand in your honouring and celebrating of the cycles and signs that shows us higher awareness and examples of ‘being.’

There is many great and wondrous events that can allow us a new portal, a window, into seeing, being, doing all that our potentiality will allow.  Comets are the the signposts of the heavens and if we take this and every other earthly event as a symbol, a sign, a signpost as to how we are doing as a collective energy, then we can then allow ourselves to alter and enhance our patterns of thoughts and beliefs for higher experience of expression.  As with the weather, as with our celestial alignments, as with the people in our lives, all is a reflection of who we are.  Reflections allow us to see, experience what our current NOW vibration is emanating at and how we may alter it for our highest and best, if we are aware of this that is.  How high can you go?  How high is how deep within you are willing to look and realign to your highest and best and what brings you joy and excitement by releasing the old, negative, out dated beliefs that keep you in the dark and in inaction.

There are those that will remain in the bleachers and quite happy and content to sit and watch.  There will be those that will hide within their walls of heaviness and doubt and fear.  There will be those however that will come to the door, open it wide and say; “I am ready to listen.”  There are even a smaller percentage of those that will be leading the parade into higher realms and clearing the path for all to follow.  We have stripped away the beliefs and definitions that have held us back for so long, and all the years of knowing of higher aspects will now be visible for our sight is now ready to see the light that is upon us.  We have tuned our inner selves to the point of contact and our senses are alive and ready for what is occurring.  We are here and we are alive and well in this time of exciting energetic shifts, we are ready!

This past week has been increasingly intense with the variety of energy streams penetrating our precious Gaia and she is absorbing the crystalline patterns so thirsty for her nourishment that is required for further shifts to come. As we are all ONE, we may too feel  our physical bodies feeling the effects of these profound streams. Many symptoms and signs of our physical bodies aligning with this higher energy may be coming to light as we purge and renew our shell to carry our lighter spirit and higher soul.  Flu-like symptoms, foggy head, clumsiness, ear-piercing ringing in the ears, feeling of rotation or ‘swirling’ in the chakra areas are in full swing and many more will appear as we continue on our path of evolution and ascension.  As we purge and release all that was, we make way for ‘All That IS’ and what has been written in the Divine Plan. Image

For we are light beings and we are returning as the Gaia is, to our higher states.  How very profound to be aware in this experience and for those that are still behind the door, or in the bleachers, it is ok.  Their presence and energy is required as all on this planet and in this galaxy are required for we are all ONE and we have a part to play in this magnificent event. We are all acting in our own special and unique way for we are all powerful creators that are tapping into our energetic reservoirs to manifest this immense time.  It is our energy state that will allow us to feel the profound love and light that is occurring in this special time of our solstice and holiday season.

This time of year brings in so much joy and happiness and as there are no accidents, mistakes or random events of this magnitude, I believe that this season will be of the most profound for it is this time of year, more than any before in its place, that our hearts are open and ready for love.  A love when the heart is soft, vulnerable, and aching for the touch of the angelic.  This time of year is bombarded with heart-felt holiday movies, songs, and the coming together from all corners, a higher aligned planet to increase the love and magnetic effects that the Gaia and our collective will require to move into the higher realms. The opening, the slight opening for us to see, to touch, to feel our way into a new level awareness of existence and light.  Take heed of this time of year, for if anything at all, act in kindness and allow your heart to grow and expand.  Allow the light to activate the ‘being-ness’ that has laid dormant for so very long and as it calls to be released, you will weep in joy and love for the awakening to your higher self and All That Is has finally shone its way to the surface once again.

These are indeed magical times and as the comet, the Christmas season, the holiday gatherings allow us to take in the joy of celebrations, know that there are signs, symbols, and signposts that will again allow us to see more than we had a moment ago.  Not only will we see, in this year of redesign, 2014, we will feel our way to a new, higher, lighter, more loving collective that will gather in communion in jubilee and exaltation for I see no other reality than the greatness, the immensity, the profound experience of what is to come.  For in the NOW, I create each ray of light to see me through.  For in the NOW I create the light that raises all that I connect with as ‘I AM THAT I AM’ and I am a reflection, as all is a reflection to me, for our return to ONENESS, for this is my Christmas wish.

My many blessings of light and love for you dear ones.

Channeling from the Higher Self

Joanna RossPerez

Founder, **Tuesday December 17th * 8:00pm MTN time * $8.00 p/p final Full Moon Year End Celebration Webinar!

Email me to register; (guided meditation, a sensing of what will come in 2014, special guest with Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD)