Our world is not so big…

This month has been incredible in its power of release.  Just as any new beginning brings with it; there must be the release and shedding of what is no longer required.  And so, as we step boldly into the new beginning of wondrous events, we allow ourselves to let go of what is no longer serving us in a positive way.  This month has brought this to me.  So immense and profound in its lessons and sometimes is challenging to keep up with the change.  

I have put some classes on for those who so desire ascension learning on our Facebook and Site and from all corners of the world we have people desiring higher learning and perspectives have come forth for that learning.  This time and time again teaches me that our gorgeous world is not so big after all.  For all the benefits this computer allows, the biggest one is that it can bring a seemingly spread out world into focus for a common mission and plan.  This assists us in fulfilling our Divine Plan in planetary ascension and we become closer still when we meet.  For the energies of even a few positive people, is more powerful than a larger number of negative.  For the light we bring is immense and really can move mountains with our loving intention for ONENESS!  How glorious is this?  

You are free in each moment to choose.  Shed away the weights and doubts, the fears and beliefs that held you down.  You are free to fly and as time slips away, we are left with the here and the NOW!

Becoming closer in every moment, I am here!  

These profound legacies, are built moment by moment when the heart is heard and the souls song is being lived and danced!
May you live your song!
So excited ~ we have over 22 registered guests from around the globe listening in!  So get your spot saved now!!!!!!!
January 4th @ 11:00am PST Webinar myself and Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD * Higher Perspective on Ascension!
Blessings and light for you dear ones,
