Insights into Parallel Realities

A few days into this new year, we are already tasting the excitement of what is undoubtedly the beginning, middle and only moment for us really soak in all the loveliness.  Sitting in our ‘FREE’ webinar today, it was uncanny how so many people, of which logged in from France, Ukraine, Germany, USA, Canada, and Italy and yet appearing as if we had been in that same circle before.  I have discussed in many classes that energetic situations like ascension classes, although seemingly random events, are not random at all.  It is no accident that 25 people from all around the world came together in the matter of a month of emails and Facebook postings, and today, there we were, co-creating the most amazing energetic bubble that is floating somewhere above the Gaia right now. 

In many lifetimes, other realities, we are living simultaneously, in this NOW moment, we are with others that are surrounding our lives right now.  There is no accident that you have the people in your life that you do.  They are other versions of who you are and what you need to have mirrored back to you for your soul’s life lessons.  This is how the evolution of the soul works and how the magnificent expansion of our Universe can assist in our navigation to ascension.  We have many helpers, many guides, and even our parallel versions of ourselves that gift us with information, light, nuances, and synchronicity that can move us and propel us on a path that once started is breathtaking.  

There are experiences that simply cannot be put into words when you get those glimpses that allow us to tap into other dimensions and realms.  They can occur in the blink of an eye and encapsulate so much information that you simply know it is not of this world.  The thing about your intuitive and psychic self, the thing about ascension, the thing about expansion is that it can happen within a moment. A single second, a single moment, a single flash and the insight is pure and deep.  This is how all other beings live every moment.  The vibration of higher realm beings is so high that those brilliant moments, seconds, that we may be gifted with every now and then, come to them in every breath and they integrate and absorb and send right back out after their soul has shifted from its gift.  

My point in this short story dear ones, is that expansion and ascension can occur as quick as lightning for you will never be the same when you experience the flash of another parallel reality and know that it is you that you are seeing, hearing, and learning from.  Profound!  Ascension is infinite and as high as we may ascend to, there are always more and more to learn and expand within.  We will master our current state and then move right into, fluidly and without effort into a new lesson.  This is the gift of evolution.  For we are always in the eyes of newness, insight, meaning, beauty, love, and experiencing the baffling existence of being an aspect of the ONE.  

This is my gift that I had received today in our webinar as we all gathered, apparent strangers from all corners of the world and in the blink of an eye, we are all expanding into our other lives, other realms, other densities, and realities to play out simultaneous lessons for the benefit of our greater soul, oversoul, and oversoul family, and so on.  We are together in other realms my friends and you are reading this as purely as you designed it.  As a signpost to remind you that you too have experienced those moments of brilliance that hint that you are greater than you once thought.  You are more than purely a physical being, you are greater than you know and I am here to tell you that this much I know; YOU ARE!

My many thanks, love and blessings to those who joined us from all over the world today to once again meet in this moment of reality as we co-create again for our continued learning and evolution.  We are all mirrors for one another, we are all teachers and students for one another and we are all ONE!

Blessings and light,

Channelled from the Higher Mind,

Joanna L RossPerez

Founder, • • ra


The link for next week’s ‘MASTERS ASCENSION’ class is below; 


Our world is not so big…

This month has been incredible in its power of release.  Just as any new beginning brings with it; there must be the release and shedding of what is no longer required.  And so, as we step boldly into the new beginning of wondrous events, we allow ourselves to let go of what is no longer serving us in a positive way.  This month has brought this to me.  So immense and profound in its lessons and sometimes is challenging to keep up with the change.  

I have put some classes on for those who so desire ascension learning on our Facebook and Site and from all corners of the world we have people desiring higher learning and perspectives have come forth for that learning.  This time and time again teaches me that our gorgeous world is not so big after all.  For all the benefits this computer allows, the biggest one is that it can bring a seemingly spread out world into focus for a common mission and plan.  This assists us in fulfilling our Divine Plan in planetary ascension and we become closer still when we meet.  For the energies of even a few positive people, is more powerful than a larger number of negative.  For the light we bring is immense and really can move mountains with our loving intention for ONENESS!  How glorious is this?  

You are free in each moment to choose.  Shed away the weights and doubts, the fears and beliefs that held you down.  You are free to fly and as time slips away, we are left with the here and the NOW!

Becoming closer in every moment, I am here!  

These profound legacies, are built moment by moment when the heart is heard and the souls song is being lived and danced!
May you live your song!
So excited ~ we have over 22 registered guests from around the globe listening in!  So get your spot saved now!!!!!!!
January 4th @ 11:00am PST Webinar myself and Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD * Higher Perspective on Ascension!
Blessings and light for you dear ones,


Your Life is Created Moment by Moment….

EAscensio ** We are here to serve in our Divine Plan to assist with bridging the collective consciousness in planetary ascension.

Moment by moment, you can choose to design who you desire to be.  Each moment is your chance, your story to be written and curtain to raise for it is this moment, right now that defines you.  This moment of a smile, so slight but powerful, how to capture the essence of change is profound yet so simple.  Perfection in its design.  For all to see how to transform and see, actually experience the gift of our innate ability to CREATE!

Your life is created moment by moment. Life, like the gentle laugh of a child, rolls smoothly and swiftly with no effort or hesitation; it just shines and allows us a moment of awe to catch its brilliance. Let the doubt and thickness of a heavy life shed away, for your destiny is right in front of you ~ are your eyes open to see it, is your heart open to feel it? Are you awake to catch this wave? 
Inspired by these moments, our moment by moment, these magnificent little wonders that keep us stepping forward, moving on, moving up, for it is all that I am and all that I know for us to BE!  Image
In each moment, we are ONE, and together we shall find our way on this lighted path for it is you and it is me.  Together we bind in the sameness of light that shines to light, in all its brilliance for the Universe to see.  
For all to know we are here, we are in our NOW to show that we have the power to transform this beautiful GAIA to her glistening state of gorgeous essence as she has always been and we have so blatantly ignored her plights.  We are now, in this moment creating our lives, my life, one to be proud of and a legacy it begins in this NOW, right now.
My life is created now….
Blessings and light,
Channelled from the Higher Self Dec., 30/13
Sweetest of dreams dear ones; xo

Your Soul Beckons

Your soul calls, it beckons in the silent of the night. A whisper it begins and daring you to take flight.
For your path is yours for only you to take, 
my dear light workers, your peace is at stake.
For the whispers will not stop, or hide, or go away.
This is your time, dear ones, be silent & pray!
Pray not for others, but your divine self to rise;
for this is your time, so step boldly aside.
Create your path and carve it with pride, 
It is your legacy, it is what is inside.
For the Universe requires you & it needs your special gift,
For no other has what you do & it is found in your bliss!
Go forth dear ones, follow your joy, for it calls, it calls, and will no longer hide.
Shed the doubt, shed the fear, for your time is now, 
The Universe needs you, step up & take a bow!

My Poem for you dear ones!
Love for all ways,
 (The Stage is Set; It is your Time)

***FREE WEBINAR***  January 4th/2014 11:00am PST 

MultiDimensional Ascension 

Email me for registration details!Image

And the Stage is Set….

Good day dear ones;

As this very powerful year comes to a close, I am feeling the plight of all our physical world realities that plague me to correct and set free before we move into even higher streams of energy and elevations.  Each day, each moment is an opportunity for us to release what is not working, to seek the higher truth of what is within us and needs to be dealt with, looked at, resolved, and answered. The more one sits in silence, the louder these ‘physical world ticks’ nudge for us to console, love and understand.  It becomes clearly apparent when all aspects of our life is smooth and effortless and then there are those aspects that are energy draining and uncomfortable.  We can usually tell by how we feel in the moment.  Image

This moment of NOW, is a perfect time to reassess every aspect of your life.  Your physical health, your marital health, your sexual health, your energetic health and your spiritual health.  Create yourself a beautiful design of who you truly desire to be and how it will look in the NOW. Right now, how do you feel and what can you do to ‘feel’ in the skin of the ‘you’ that you desire. Create yourself a ritual every day that you can soak in your own energies that can assist you to climb and elevate yourself to higher and higher states of consciousness.  Align yourself with the luxury of your best self, the self that listens to the song of your spirit and the whispers of your soul as it sings you to sleep every night and caresses your cheek, waiting for the ‘time’ for you to wake up and create something where your ‘whole’ self can be a part of.

As you awaken, you will be faced with tidying up on all aspects of your physical life that does not resonate with your true natural self.  The self that is ascending and in line with your Higher Self.  The self that is restructuring itself to be in pure alignment with the highest of vibration that you can physically carry at this time.  Your cellular make up is being reconstructed with perfect doses of the highest crystalline impulses that alter its entire makeup within, thus creating a new cellular coding to integrate with the New Earth.  As Gaia receives her precise streams of influence, we will be required to ‘keep up’ with these streams should we so desire this path of ascension. In so doing, we are faced with the by-product of all we have created to see if it truly is in alignment or requires us to alter it’s path.

So, my dear ones, you will be faced with decisions, situations, and inter-spacial plays that will require you to do the final touch-ups on what is needed before the curtains raise. Are you ready for this performance?  The stage is set and the audience is seated and full of your most valued friends, guides, angels, and other parallel aspects of yourself that match the desired vibration of your ascending self.  There is a ‘coming of age’ sense of feeling with this year we are entering.  For we still, at this moment, live in a physical reality and our earthly desires pull us into a sense of mastering our grounded lives so that our spiritual selves can be the lead actor more and more as we ascend.

Ascension is, as I have said many times before, a process. Step by step, word by word, thought by thought, and deed by deed, until we realize that this physical reality, this sometimes daily sledge through the density of this 3D life, is our most powerful manifestation and creation as a creator.  To these final lessons of our 3D persona, we must shed away the final carnage of our misaligned selves, and create the divine self that shines with our inner brilliance just as we have destined ourselves to become.  How very exciting that this reality is our way, to celebrate the ultimate power as a creator to the highest level of our being.  Our way to show that we are worthy of all that we desire and our life is sweet and fine, and worthy of one more kick at the can for it to truly shine the brilliance of all that we are. This is our grand finale to a life, to a vibratory state that will set the stage for our next act.

How glorious is this life? How truly sweet is it that we now understand all that we have signed up for and how we can alter the very aspect of who we are now by what we create within.  For all is within and our world is a direct reflection of this.  Maybe this was the point all along. For us to understand the power of our own mirrors and our own reflections for us to see the magnitude of who we are and what we have become.  Funny how life plays out isn’t it?  We play and play and play until we understand that we are at the centre of this magnificent Universe and any thing is possible within our potentiality of creating it.  This is our ultimate discovery.

The power within, our remembrance to our highest self, and our connection to ‘All That Is’ and all else that surrounds us, this is the essence of ascension and evolution.  The expansion to ONENESS within. The paradox of paradoxes!  The centre of this statement is truly why we chose, we all chose, those who find these posts, who desire a higher state of living, higher meaning and deeper insights to existence, this is our plea.  As we find the truth in each of these soul searching quests, we find the centre of paradox in this play.  To expand is to become ONE.  When we understand ourselves to the point where all the expansive understandings leads us right back to here, to NOW, to US.  How utterly breathtaking this all is…..

In this final statement of inspiration, my compassion goes out to those of you who find difficulty in looking in the mirror.  My love goes to those who feel they may not quite be ready, or deserving enough of expansion and ascension.  My heart sends rays of love to yours as you sit in your own brilliance and not yet know it, for it is just around the corner for you to discover when you lift your head to the height of self worthiness.  You are grand. You are brilliant.  This life is your life and it is your piece of art to paint however you so choose in whatever medium that strikes your fancy.  This is your story, your play, your book, and your piece of art that will tell your story of your journey and now is it time for you to decide what it shall say about you.

In this coming year, may you walk boldly with light, and love within your heart and may you know that your life is profound and immense in every sense of the word for you teach other beings that you are not even aware of.  You set a vibration that allows others to match and jump off from. You can the life of those around you by a simply smile, touch, a word of kindness and it is all within you to give.  And so the stage is set and this is your play, for how will it unfold, and how will it be told?  This is your time and the future is NOW for you to create whatever it is that moves you to create!  The time for change is NOW and it is within you to create!  How will you create it?

And so your story unfolds……

Into the future, you fly, you fly, for you are here, you are now, and your future is NOW.

Channelings from the higher self.

Blessings, light, and love,

Joanna RossPerez


****** FREE Ascension Webinar ******

Joanna RossPerez & Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD

Higher Perspective of Ascension

Join us for our intro class to our Master Class Series on

January 11, 2014

Register here;

or; ** Weekly ‘free’ Ascension Talk Radio;

Higher Perspective on Ascension ~ 2014

Good day dear ones,Image

I wanted to wish you all the very best of this holiday season and how utterly happy and moved from all the wonderful comments, feedback, and positive energy in response to how far we have come this year.  We are in each moment accelerating and how we integrate the energy and act in each day will allow us to ascend in the manner of our souls outline and design.  

For we have all divinely created this path for ourselves and awakening will occur in perfect timing as you have designed it so.  How perfect is this?  For you will feel that intuitive nudge that just won’t go to sleep, or be quiet.  There is the whispers that get louder and coincidences that follow you around and you cannot merely shrug them off any longer.  Your guides will create these moments for you until that moment of awakening occurs and you know in your heart of hearts that you are meant for greater planes and higher levels of thinking, feeling, and creating.  This is ascension and how you get there is a moment to moment act.  It is about living purely in the NOW and operating from the sense that you are more than you see, and you are this gorgeous multi-dimensional being that deserves and aspires to feel more out of life. 

The coming weeks will continue to provide us with powerful energy streams as the new vibration for Gaia is cemented into her new raised consciousness and it is a gift for us to absorb and integrate for our new energy selves to also raise.  For we are all a mirror of Gaia and she is to us.  How you live in each moment will predict your next moment.  Thus, the process of ascension is infinite and never ending.  How exciting!  

I am sending you my love and light this holiday season and know that this light and love is with you on your path.  I am here to empower, enlighten, and encourage you as you walk you walk.  I am here to serve, under the Divine Plan.  My passion and delight to do so.  May you always know how blessed and supported you are and you are more deserving and loved that you know.

My unconditional love dear ones, 

Happy Holidays and my energetic delight to you all.

Joanna RossPerez


*****FREE *****


With Author, channel, artist, Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD

FREE WEBINAR * January 4th, 2014

2:00pm – 3:00pm EST (11:00am PST)

This is a sneak preview of our Master Ascension Class starting January 11, 2014 * 

Join us for this amazing FREE offer! 

Email me to register;


Powerful Love Abounds in this Time of Ascension!

Good day dear ones,

I am feeling such an impact of love and bursting from every cell of my physical body as it is adjusting to fit the expanded aura that has been morphing as an affect of this season of transmutation.  How profound it is that one physical body and the spirit essence can experience this magnificent shifting?  The celestial alignment, the energetic codes and alignments that are occurring right now, in this winter solstice, and I certainly feel the climax of these earthly and planetary changes.  Quite impossible to miss really.Image

In these seasonal traditions, it is evident that as one transforms, so will the change in the systems and celebrations of our yester-year.  We will find new meaning, higher meaning in what and why we stop for pause.  These great moments of celestial passing, like the full moon, the solstice, the alignments that were once just the daily clipping of an astrology tip are now the signs that the heavens are more aware of our spiritual and energetic changes and modifications.  We are now taking in each moment and aligning the energy to how we desire to live in a more dedicated way, as we see and experience the profound impact that living with intent and conscious awareness can have.  It really does leave one rather dumbfounded at the results of its practice.

So now we know it works.   These Universal laws that we have been testing over the past ten years have aligned to a point for our next step on our ascension ladder to an elevated Gaia.   For those desiring a higher state of living and experience and those who appreciate the unconditional connection with our higher self and guides and angelic realm, we see that our experience is being altered by what we are intending and our beliefs are becoming more true to who we are and what the possibilities can offer.  I see the change in my family, I see the change in my outer reality and my energy form and what I experience in every day. I experience the inner peace and gratitude of all in my life and seem to have immense feeling and connection with all living things at the deepest of levels than I have ever felt possible.  I know this is and has been the most incredible year for my connection with my higher self has been proven time and time again and my soul is now singing the song that was held at bay for many, many years.  This is wondrous and I am here to tell you this ‘ascension’ thing is here and it is real.

For only the eyes to see and the heart to feel, it is real and what you cannot see is merely the over-stuffing of life’s distractions and noisy allure of our world that keeps you distant from your own powerful gifts within.  You are and always have been connected with spirit, with All That Is and there are infinite gifts for you awaiting your shedding of the heavy doubtful world that cloaks you.  There is much to do, much to learn, much to see and feel and it is all so glorious.  If I could only share this love in how expansive it feels, this ascension, this shifting, this acceptance into our highest self, is really inexplainable in our earthly words. So, in this moment, I would offer you to at every chance you can, silence yourself to feel what is happening.  Take in all that you can to allow what is going on in.  For you, allow it for it really is life altering.  For if I could give you anything in this time of giving and sharing, it is the gift of what has been blessed upon me, if only for a few moments.  This gift I have been blessed with as a child was frustrating, as I did not know how to explain or describe what I was sensing and feeling.  Now, as I understand this gorgeous Universe of energy, is merely a sense that we all are at our core.  Energy beings, with profound ability to tap into energetic brilliance at any moment.

To fully understand that we are all beings of light, beings of energetic patterns, beings of infinite knowledge, mystical knowledge, and the knowledge we have brought with us through all incarnations is within us now.  In this now, this magical now, is our journey to understand it, embrace it, and learn how to express it as higher beings for the greatest and highest gift for all to share and enjoy.  Learning how to share and express this has been all of my journey.  I feel so much, the profound empathy for those around me is challenging to shut off but it allows me to also be a conduit for the incredible surges coming to us on Gaia for I believe this will assist in her ascension, in our ascension.

Whatever we are expanding into is unknown to almost everyone, as it is part of the excitement, the mystery, the gift, the surprise.  I know however that in each day, I am expanding in every way.  I know I have agreed upon this at my conception in this incarnation, so I am trusting all as it unfolds in perfect timing and perfect alignment will all else that plays a part in this play.  Like a broadway play, there are many players, many props, many lines that have been written and alternate endings are the free will at play.  For this is what life is for us to play, to expand, to experience in our creative endeavours and find love on the stage this physical plane.  How utterly grand you truly are and if you only knew your full power within! It is immense, it is enormous, your potential for spiritual shifting and ascension. Truly profound is all that you are!


In this special season, and every moment in thereafter, I wish for you to know your light within.  Connect with the inner light of who you are and allow it to show you how very grand you are.  There is and always has been the glow of your essence, shining to the stars for your family to find you, and in the clouds and uncertainty you may feel, know it is fleeting.  Your divine plan and role on this plane will unfold many special gifts and times ahead for you.  Know that we are watching over you and you are living in light when you sleep and meditate with the intention to meet with us.  Know that your love is felt, your light is felt, and it expands the earth for its journey is infinite and her time is now.  Know that you are guests of honour in our many celebrations at your accomplishments in awakening and each day there are more that tire from the daily grind of the life that most lead.  There are more in each hour that desire to be soulfully happy, and so deeply desire to feel the harmony that inner connectedness and spiritual alignment can offer as our essence, unconditional love, and light seep into every corner of your life.

We celebrate and honour you and know that we will soon walk among you all as you will walk among us as we play in the ethers.  This is our time to connect at many levels and experience the play that you have known on other realms.  This has been a powerful time and a profound act to commit to and we thank you for your unending service for the Divine Plan.  You are celebrated in every day and you are seeing your power in these moments of auric connection with those that reach out.  Soul families are finding their way to each other as the light will always guide you home.  Look to your moment of now to know all of this and more for it is so.  These are purely magical times and you are at the centre of it.  Exude all of your greatness for this is the essence of ascension and how we hear you dear ones.  We hear that calls of your spirit and the songs of your souls and we answer.  We walk with you lighted ones, the star seeds and angelic pioneers.  You have many roles, many special times ahead to unfold your pure power as an aspect of All That Is for this you have always been and now is your time to shine as you walk forth on your path.

My blessings and light for your essence to shine and your light to spark your fire of truth!  Your higher self calls, your soul will sing and the heavens and galaxy align as we walk as ONE!

Love and light,

A channelling from the Higher Self.

Joanna RossPerez

         Holiday Offer ~ Ascension Alignment Offer

Merry Holidays everyone! I am offering a special seasonal rate for the next 4 days. If you book over the next 4 days you will receive a 2 hr reading for $85.00 ~ that is a HUGE savings! $40.00 savings and there is so much provided within this alignment reading for you to jump into one of our most powerful years with direction and inspiration to create change. My gift to you as walk your path ~ Here is what some are saying;
** Thank you EAscencio for setting me free with this thought, as now I am focusing on raising my vibration. This is one of the biggest take aways from our session. I would like to say a session with EAscencio is enlightening, freeing. I would highly recommend her readings, mine was so right on and I am happier because of it! To change the world start with the change you want to see within yourself! J.E.S
** I cannot even tell you how light I feel today! Thank you for EVERYTHING! Your openness and willingness has truly helped me in my awakening and ascending process. No words can express my gratitude, so instead I send you all of my love and light! R.M.
Email me for a private alignment booking now! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and my loving blessings! xoxo

Signposts of the Heavens!

Good day Dear Ones,

It is mid afternoon, 12:25pm on December 12, 2013, and as many powerful portals and energy streams find their way through to our planet, it provides us with a time of unique opportunity to expand.  I am feeling the excitement of our delightful times in many profound ways.  One element of this season is the culmination of the lessons learned in this year of 2013, and the look at what we may be in our next moment of NOW.   Many events occur on our planet to remind us of where we are resonating.  As all events are reflections, all people are shards of reflections of ourselves from various perspectives, there is grand opportunity to learn and expand from these reflections.  Much discussion for instance about the coming of our Christmas Comet and this amazing event will give us an opportunity to gauge where our vibratory resonance sits in that moment.  Will you react with fear?  Will you react with excitement? Will you react with wonder?  How will you react to this and any other planetary event will directly relate back to you where you are vibrationally sitting and allow you the opportunity to alter and look deeper within at your beliefs and definitions on why you ended up in that state.  Or, you may rejoice and expand in your honouring and celebrating of the cycles and signs that shows us higher awareness and examples of ‘being.’

There is many great and wondrous events that can allow us a new portal, a window, into seeing, being, doing all that our potentiality will allow.  Comets are the the signposts of the heavens and if we take this and every other earthly event as a symbol, a sign, a signpost as to how we are doing as a collective energy, then we can then allow ourselves to alter and enhance our patterns of thoughts and beliefs for higher experience of expression.  As with the weather, as with our celestial alignments, as with the people in our lives, all is a reflection of who we are.  Reflections allow us to see, experience what our current NOW vibration is emanating at and how we may alter it for our highest and best, if we are aware of this that is.  How high can you go?  How high is how deep within you are willing to look and realign to your highest and best and what brings you joy and excitement by releasing the old, negative, out dated beliefs that keep you in the dark and in inaction.

There are those that will remain in the bleachers and quite happy and content to sit and watch.  There will be those that will hide within their walls of heaviness and doubt and fear.  There will be those however that will come to the door, open it wide and say; “I am ready to listen.”  There are even a smaller percentage of those that will be leading the parade into higher realms and clearing the path for all to follow.  We have stripped away the beliefs and definitions that have held us back for so long, and all the years of knowing of higher aspects will now be visible for our sight is now ready to see the light that is upon us.  We have tuned our inner selves to the point of contact and our senses are alive and ready for what is occurring.  We are here and we are alive and well in this time of exciting energetic shifts, we are ready!

This past week has been increasingly intense with the variety of energy streams penetrating our precious Gaia and she is absorbing the crystalline patterns so thirsty for her nourishment that is required for further shifts to come. As we are all ONE, we may too feel  our physical bodies feeling the effects of these profound streams. Many symptoms and signs of our physical bodies aligning with this higher energy may be coming to light as we purge and renew our shell to carry our lighter spirit and higher soul.  Flu-like symptoms, foggy head, clumsiness, ear-piercing ringing in the ears, feeling of rotation or ‘swirling’ in the chakra areas are in full swing and many more will appear as we continue on our path of evolution and ascension.  As we purge and release all that was, we make way for ‘All That IS’ and what has been written in the Divine Plan. Image

For we are light beings and we are returning as the Gaia is, to our higher states.  How very profound to be aware in this experience and for those that are still behind the door, or in the bleachers, it is ok.  Their presence and energy is required as all on this planet and in this galaxy are required for we are all ONE and we have a part to play in this magnificent event. We are all acting in our own special and unique way for we are all powerful creators that are tapping into our energetic reservoirs to manifest this immense time.  It is our energy state that will allow us to feel the profound love and light that is occurring in this special time of our solstice and holiday season.

This time of year brings in so much joy and happiness and as there are no accidents, mistakes or random events of this magnitude, I believe that this season will be of the most profound for it is this time of year, more than any before in its place, that our hearts are open and ready for love.  A love when the heart is soft, vulnerable, and aching for the touch of the angelic.  This time of year is bombarded with heart-felt holiday movies, songs, and the coming together from all corners, a higher aligned planet to increase the love and magnetic effects that the Gaia and our collective will require to move into the higher realms. The opening, the slight opening for us to see, to touch, to feel our way into a new level awareness of existence and light.  Take heed of this time of year, for if anything at all, act in kindness and allow your heart to grow and expand.  Allow the light to activate the ‘being-ness’ that has laid dormant for so very long and as it calls to be released, you will weep in joy and love for the awakening to your higher self and All That Is has finally shone its way to the surface once again.

These are indeed magical times and as the comet, the Christmas season, the holiday gatherings allow us to take in the joy of celebrations, know that there are signs, symbols, and signposts that will again allow us to see more than we had a moment ago.  Not only will we see, in this year of redesign, 2014, we will feel our way to a new, higher, lighter, more loving collective that will gather in communion in jubilee and exaltation for I see no other reality than the greatness, the immensity, the profound experience of what is to come.  For in the NOW, I create each ray of light to see me through.  For in the NOW I create the light that raises all that I connect with as ‘I AM THAT I AM’ and I am a reflection, as all is a reflection to me, for our return to ONENESS, for this is my Christmas wish.

My many blessings of light and love for you dear ones.

Channeling from the Higher Self

Joanna RossPerez

Founder, **Tuesday December 17th * 8:00pm MTN time * $8.00 p/p final Full Moon Year End Celebration Webinar!

Email me to register; (guided meditation, a sensing of what will come in 2014, special guest with Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD)

Auspicious Times right NOW!

Good morning dear ones!Image

This morning I awoke with the same morning tasks; making lunches, coffee, and creating an energetic alignment for the day by meditation, writing, blogging and connecting with all those who so desire Universal inspirations.  This morning was a little different and more powerful than I had anticipated. As I started my meditation I had an immediate impression of an ET hand in front of me. It was very long and had 3 fingers, tough or thick skin, that was slight brown, green, grey.  I colour I cannot quit put into our realm of thinking. I was shown this to remind myself of who I am on other levels and realms.  I was shown this for many reasons but suffice it to know that the presence of this energy, this simple hand, which is symbolic for ‘action’ and ‘healing’ was so immense and never have I felt the energy presence of this magnitude before.  My hands, feet and legs were vibrating, as they always do, but this time more intensely and allowed me to sense the differences so that I could reconnect with this energy any time I wanted to by simply remembering, and imagining the energetic vibration.  

I learned many years ago when I started down this ascension path that my ‘imagination’ is my greatest tool and one that we as humans were gifted with along with our ‘Free Will’ for us to create the life we desire.  To connect us with a vibration merely by imagining it as everything ‘out there’ is purely an illusion anyhow.  So, in this knowingness, I can, at any time, connect with whatever vibration I need to for my creative energy to soar and do what it is I contracted and designed in my role to do.  CREATE an energetic vibration for others to grab hold of and ground and BE-COME their true natural self. Not someone they have to re-create, but the you that you have always been but covered up.  This is who we truly are and who our spirit wishes to remind us in every day, in every way, and in all of our experiences.  Challenging and profound, we are the master creators of it ALL!  

An example of this; every morning, and throughout the day, the only clock I have in the house, sits at 3:33am, 4:44am, 5:55am when I am busy tasking and moving about day doing mundane, chores.  I come to sit down for my morning writing and it is 3:33am, angelically and spiritually driven by my own doing and connecting me with all the other realms I am constantly co-mingling with and co-creating with.  Regardless of what I am doing, the clock pulls me to peak.  There it is! ALWAYS! 

This reminds me that we are in the most powerful weeks right here in our existence.  The right NOW of NOW is about to unfold and I am so excited and purely over-joyed with this and want to share my heightened energy and alignment with you.  I have posted a class on December 17th, 2013 ~ our last full moon of the year!  This has been a powerful year and one that we have learned so very much, a pinnacle year that has cemented itself into our memories for infinite lifetimes.  This coming year of redesign is just as poignant but in a much lighter way.  I want to celebrate all that we are; connect with us and feel the joy of alignment.  

My blessings and light always and may your path be lit with your essence in remembrance!

Joanna RossPerez




Here are the details;

* Tuesday – December 17th, 2013 @ 8:00pm-9:30pm MTN TIME

* Webinar – email to register ~




* FREE * Weekly ascension talk radio ~


Winter Solstice ~ A Time to REDESIGN!

Good morning everyone and my deepest heartfelt blessings.

This truly is my most favourite time of year and I usually pull out the tree and start the Christmas tradition early so that I can get every second of this glorious time in.  It is especially special in that I am experiencing the energetic shifts that are being sent to Gaia for her ascension and I am integrating and incorporating them so that there is possibilities that I have seen in my dreams come to this physical reality.

Ascension is more than just knowing you have moved up or on somewhere.  Ascension is the breathtaking ‘KNOWINGNESS’ that you, your life is no longer what it used to be. From this moment on, you are changed and not only are you changed, but you can no longer remember what the old you use to feel like, because it is so far removed the vibrational plane where you now exist.  This is transformative in itself.  When you cannot even find the words to convey your emotions of how you feel and what you experience.  This is truly angelic and what the angels must feel and talk about in the countless channellings and in moments of transition when we have called on ‘anyone’ to see us through.

The awareness and subtle communication that takes place as you raise your vibration is awe inspiring as there must be a trust level that is unwavering and the foundation to build this is the inner work you must move through to create that trust.  When you surrender to All That Is, and allow all the spirits, your Higher Self the wheel of this ship, you succumb to live what you have truly predestined.  For you knew this would be your path, and your way in walking it.  You have never given, not for one minute, never given yourself something that you cannot see your way out of.  So know and have faith and trust in your process to see your way through to the light you are setting yourself up to see.  There is a grand orchestration and feeling of freedom and and with all that you desire, all that tugs and nudges at you, it is your Higher Self aligning you with the path you knew you would walk.

There is no room for fighting this. There is no room for waiting on this.  You must act now.  You must be that you now.  This winter solstice is your time.  The energies and alignment in the galactic web of systems is set up for you to take this step and feel yourself into transformation.  It is the perfect time, NOW to create dialogue with your Higher Self, with your guides, and all the Universal energies that support you to redesign who you desire to be in every aspect.  Be accurate, be bold, be specific, be impeccable, be compassionate and know that all your intentions and thoughts in this degree of intensity will produce results in your personal shifting.  It is not about writing out goals.  It is not about creating a vision board of all things you desire.  It is about designing your inner most self to allow that spirit, the soul that desires a voice, designing your life so that your soul essence, your spirit to awakening in the reality that can allow them to sing and expand.  In this design, you will unveil the beliefs that no longer serve you for you deal with.  Own the darkest part of your soul and being so that this winter, this month, can be the most fulfilling energetically for you.  Face your fears, magnify them for all that you will uncover is beliefs and issues that require to you face them, love them, heal them, and let them go.

In creating a path, a path of profound statements that define who you are, creates the portal to which magical energy streams can flow through you for your crystalline expansion.  The lighter you are, the more focussed in this intention of expansion, the easier and more magnetic your experience will be.  Powerful rays and systems are being designed for us to take this on and create new beings within ourselves.  We are being tested to our very core to redefine who we choose to be and what type of a world planet and galactic system we desire to bloom within.  Beings from all corners of the Universe are involved in this process and there is light from every angle streaming to us.  Open hearts, open minds, and open communication and loving pathways are being built by those who desire new and higher ways of living.  Not merely existing from one pay cheque to another, we are alive, we are powerful and we are ready!  This is my statement to the Universe for this winter is my winter for change.  This winter I will be ready for the ultimate transmutation that will expand us all in the greater good and so shall I serve in the Divine Plan of it all.

This is who I am!  In tune, in alignment, in oneness of all that I am and all that I experience my multidimensional self to be.  As I expand in every moment, I am honoured and blessed to be involved in this planetary expansion.  My gratitude and reverence for your blessings this solstice season.  In my highest and best, in our highest and best, AMEN!

The time is NOW! As it always has been. You are NOW ready!

Blessings and light,

Connect with now for registration on the ‘Master Ascension Class’ Series with Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD and channel! Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension ~ seats are filling up quickly!

Here is what people are saying about a private session for ‘Ascension Alignement’

Thank you EAscencio for setting me free with this thought, as now I am focusing on raising my vibration. This is one of the biggest take aways from our session. I would like to say a session with EAscencio is enlightening, freeing. I would highly recommend her readings, mine was so right on and I am happier because of it! To change the world start with the change you want to see within yourself ! (J.E.S~Dec., 2013)

Book your private Ascension Alignment Session today!  $65.00 p/h

Be inspired daily! Connect with us on Facebook and Blogtalk Radio for weekly, daily inspirations on how to align yourself and maximize the energy streams coming into the Gaia at this time.

My heart and love to you all this holiday season and make this December count ~ the energies are meant just for you and your invitation to take transformation, expansion and ascension to a whole new level! You are worth it! You are deserving and it is your time! NOW!

Joanna RossPerez

