Around the Corner

ImageGood morning dear ones,

An inspiration for you;


Just around the corner,

are treasures that can be found,

sometimes we miss them,

our heads always looking down.

This gift meant for you, & it may come from the sky,

a brilliant light, or a flash, it is yours, it is mine, it is time, it is time.

It guides us home and shows us love, it allows us to shine.

It is well over due, we have been stuck for so long,

So look up, we have connected, and what a beautiful song.

For all in perfect timing, for you have come a long way,

now into the light, feel the love, it is here to stay.

Silence yourself, if you can for but a moment,

there is a song to be heard and to you it sent.

For the notes are perfectly matched,

and it is uniquely yours,

That star that is falling, it is yours to catch. 

So look up my dear ones, for we are your family and guides,

We patient watch, we patiently bide,

And when you are ready, a celebration like no other;

The Universe is waiting, this is your sister, your brother.

My deepest love and gratitude to those that have found this poem,

It is meant for you, we welcome you home!


A channeling from the Higher Self,

Joanna RossPerez



Ascension Master Class

Starts: Sat January 11-Feb 8th

Intergalactic Channellings ~ Arcturians

With Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD & Joanna RossPerez

$95.00 for all 3 classes 

$35.00 each 

Payment options available

We are here to serve in the ascension for Gaia & her people!


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