Moving In Space, a Magical Blessing!

Good morning dear ones,
I just had to post this, as normally I leave my experiences that I have in my meditations to my private journal, but this one I just have to post.  I believe I was guided to post this as many now that receive messages from their higher aspects of who they are and other angelic beings, there is a desire to share in the glorious energy being downloaded to our precious Gaia.  
The past few days, have been incredibly challenging with the energy surges streaming in from our inter-galactic families and star guides that are assisting in whatever way they can for our daily progress in ascension.  Each day, comes with new challenges, new ideas, and new exciting ways for us to change, alter, shift, and amend what we have always been ‘use’ to, or know, is being placed before us in subtle ways and we can use our ‘free will,’ to bring about a glorious light to new beginnings.  
After such a fast paced week, rushing kids to and from school, activities, play dates, and preparing for two classes, I sometimes feel overwhelmed at the pace, living in this dense reality.  When I sit for the moments that appears, and I write, or create inspiration, then I feel free and time is created in each moment and every word that is written.  This is my joy.  So in this, I will take you on the journey of my most incredible meditation this morning, as it made this busy week, with the epiphany of my ‘new beginnings,’ that came literally crushing through my head like a mac truck, it is so perfect in its design, to begin a new week like this!
As I sat in a quiet state of repose, in the same position, in the same spot, and listening to my meditative whale music by Kamal, (which I personally love) I began to quickly feel my head spin, and lighten.  My eyes rolled gently to my third eye, and I was quickly assisted by my guides to an experience that I have never felt before and something so new and unique, that it cemented the shifts from my week of imbalance and mental chaos.  
As I felt myself lifting, and ascending, into the energetic ethers, I felt the presence of my guides, assisting me in this experience.  As I fell into the surrender of this magnificent feeling of weightlessness, I remembered to focus my attention on the ‘NOW,’ so that I could enjoy every second of what was happening.  I do get so excited in my meditations as they are quite surreal and really unexplainable sometimes and my mind can get literally carried away, so it is important to maintain a very light focus on the moment to enjoy what I am being shown.  As I felt myself lifted away from my physical body, I began to feel my cellular makeup disperse, and separate into the ethers we were floating in.  I say we, because I felt the presence of my guides, although I did not see them, and often I don’t, because their energy is so light, so high, that they are of a vibration that takes great concentration to see through my third eye.  However, I do sense them, and am familiar with their energy.  Something being alone in a room, and you just know someone is there, yet this ‘someone,’ feels familiar.  
As we rose higher and higher, I felt more of myself, expand, and expand outward, to connect with all the energy patterns in the matrix that we were moving towards and through.  The most amazing and indescribable feeling, but one that I hope to recreate again!  When we connect with the magical ethers, the most expanded part of who we are within, than you truly get the sense of our capability as energetic beings.  We are incredibly infinite to create these situations for us to learn and expand within and allow ourselves to float through in bliss and joy and understand, at our very core that we are much more than we perceive in any one moment.  
As I was floating in what I can only call the ethers of space, and I was dispersing myself into the ethers, I enjoy the strangely unique feeling that although I was being fluidly pulled apart, I was also, at the very same time, joining with the rest of who I was in my greater aspect, and all other energy forms within that Universal ‘space.’  So very intriguing and entirely unexplainable, but one that I was obviously ready for after such a challenging and emotionally releasing week, to be put ‘back together,’ when I seemingly felt like I was ‘coming apart.’  
I then felt a buzzing sensation, a warm, tingling sensation on my 3rd eye, and temples and knew I was immediately being assisted and soothed further in what would occur next.  I the feeling my cells being release, or sent out into space, I was then or presented to be with another energy, of who appeared in front of my formless self, and who I can only describe as the energy of what I have always connected with Jesus, or God.  The seemingly male energy, or even a male version of myself in a higher aspect, but my intuition senses it was Jesus, or an angelic being of that magnitude, as I felt its immense presence the message that it delivered was similar to what I was teaching in my webinar class yesterday.  
This being held its arms out, seemingly auric silver-white robe, as we looked upon our gorgeous Gaia, the message was about earth being given ‘news,’ but his language was a ‘blessing,’ my mind understood it as ‘news,’ and it would allow us to rethink, realign who we thought we were at our very core.  This being felt so very proud, and the greatest love for our planet and that all that was occurring was a part of a much greater plan, a Divine Plan and one that has many beings from all over the Universe involved for our new earth awaking.  This news, this blessing,  to all mankind, will shake everyone to look at their essence of brilliance to what and who they truly are, for we are all creatures of God, or the ‘All That Is,’ and earth is rising to the occasion to receive this blessing.
As I was being filtered back into my physical body, and gently placed back where I started, I felt the most immense joy, love, and connection that allowed me to place all that I have ever experienced into place.  Allowing me peace, and harmony in knowing, and a centre point, that regardless of how challenging the times may appear, we can centre, become one with All That Is, for our essence is among the most royal of beings.  The highest of God’s for we are all an aspect of it.  That is what is meant by ‘oneness,’ and I can honestly say now, I get it.  
In one week, I physically and emotionally felt as though I was being taken apart, and then to have this etheric merging with the Universe at large, only to get the subtle tugging that I am still here, I am still one, and I am still an essence of grand proportions as is everyone else on this planet and in the Universe of creation.  
These moments of profound awakenings, is designed in perfecting timing, as to have this occur prior to my week would probably not have led to the understanding of what I needed to grasp, as I only the past few days have had to review my notes in preparation for my webinars, that lead me to be open for the insights and feelings I felt.  As I prepared my discussion and notes, my guides and I telepathically dialogue what I had experienced and the moments of question, and wonder, and grand shifting, to allow me to really feel, really see and sense the under-pinning energetic stories that were unfolding before me.  
I had always sensed these subtleties, even as a child, and most of the time would result in over-thinking, and over-analyzing, and a lot of journaling.  Now what I was experiencing though was all perfectly designed by me, for me, with the ever gracious help and guidance from my guides, for me to see more deeply, more intimately the inner workings of this magical Universe and the essence of ascension.  
In my weekly summation, I would send the most unconditional love and light to those who experienced some crazy-intense energies this week, and know that all that occurs is your greatest gift to yourself in your path to discovering more of who you are and what your role is on this planet.  We have all come here for greater plans, greater design of our human task, that directly relates to the Universe at large.  We are not alone, we are not small and insignificant.  We are grand, are powerful and we are here to see this through.  Gaia’s ascension to new earth comes in the breath we take, the words we speak, the actions we take, and the powerful thoughts within that create the world around us as we know it.  
This path we are all on, walking was seemingly appears to be separate from one another, yet we are all but that.  When we truly understand how connected we are, at our cellular level, then we are alive and awake in knowing that we are safe, supported, loved, and not alone.  For we have searched for centuries for our higher meaning, our purpose, and our destiny, and now we are in plain view of who we are; what will you choose to see?  How will you choose to act and alter your reality in this message, this blessing?  
How magnificent, how brilliant, we are!  How brilliant we will one day shine, more brightly, more intense than we do now, for we are all needed and required for this ascension, this planetary task of grand proportions, is of our deepest desire at the deepest level.  We are more than we perceive right now, we are much greater beings than we have been lead to believe and now the unveiling is upon us.  In our awakening, we will see, we will understand, and we will be moved to the point of seeing what has always been, right here, and right now.  
My deepest love to you all, and my deep love and connection to Gaia, and my tears of joy and inner peace will be endlessly floating in the ethers with this magical blessing of what is to come in this special moment of NOW!  We can create this, right here, right now.  It really is our choice. 
It always will be, it always has been, a design of choice. How we evolve, how our planet will survive our mistaken wills of need and desire?  How will we choose differently to exist in peace and love, of not only each other, but all species, all life, all beings, all planets and all galaxies, and we will see ourselves rise to the occasion of the millennia, for a planetary shift like no other in the history of the Universe.  This is what is before us, will your eyes be awake to see?  Will your heart be aware to feel it?  My wish of the century for you….come along for the ride of your life!
My love, blessings, light, and knowingness of your immensity and grandeur!
Know my friends that you are always grounded within Gaia, as she has done for centuries, she will care for you, and it is our turn to assist her in her greatest feat yet!!!
Blessings and light,
Joanna RossPerez

When the shift hits~YOU just WANNA share!

So blessed and excited to connect with you once again dear friends.  I am humbled by the ‘follows’ and reposts and truly find it amazing how this web of energetic information can allow us to climb and ascend in the comfort of our own homes and tap into sources from around the world.  

I have been on somewhat of a spiritually aligning roller coaster for the past month and more so in the last week that I simply must share all that I have learned and gained in reflection and integration. As you have gathered from my posts, I am a fairly intense and excitable person, a ton of energy when something really hits me in the soul.  I am also one that never stops questioning and now know where my gifted 8 yr old gets his endless desire to know everything.  Seriously; EVERYTHING and heaven for bid if I mispronounce a word incorrectly.  He will review the entire sentence and show me exactly where I went ‘wrong’ and what it should be then proceeds to laugh.  Kids keep you not only grounded but very humble.  

In this insistent need for answers, it has led me to this place where I am NOW! At this very moment, for the first time in a very long time, I am ‘relaxed’ even at peace with where I am spiritually and know that I have shifted in a pretty big way. I am not sure or even if ascension can be measured but I feel 100% different than I did at this time last week.  We all know that we change in every moment.  The scientists and quantum prof.,’s will attest to that.  This shift, this change I am expressing is the one that we all know that ‘yes we all change but what does that mean to me, what does that really mean for me in my life, right now?’

When you take all of these new facts that are coming out for any study you wish to research is that we are uncovering more of our ‘liquid’ states as humans, and more of our magical states as energy body’s and less solid.  Less limited and bounded by this physical reality.  To say you understand something when you read it or when someone tells you is one thing.  To actually incorporate that thinking and ideology into your daily and create action from it is entirely something different.  This is when real manifestation occurs.  Manifestation of any kind requires not only the intent, but it requires the most important aspect and that is action.  So when I started reading an ebook that was sent to me after a conversation I had with a teacher that will be joining us for some classes in January, I was open minded (as I always am anyhow) and excited because it was on a subject that I get super excited about; aliens!  

I am one chapter away from finishing this book and started reading it Friday night, so I am pages away from completing it but had to post this to express the burst of energy I uncovered when putting the words, the ideas, the inspirations to play into my own life.  I have had experiences like this in my life that are truly profound and when you look back you know the exact second that you are no longer who you once were.  You are completely and utterly changed.  I have felt a shift.  A calm, surprising, warming, ascended shift that allows me to feel, act, and allow what I am most passionate about to be amped up in a way that I no longer doubt or fear ‘what next?’  

The interesting and exciting thing about ascension is that it is not a place, or a destination or a prize or a even a time or channel, it is taken in steps, in segments of energy integration of what you have learned, absorbed, searched within, acted within and then without, it is an initiation and a right of passage that you have committed to yourself that you are worthy of this shift, you are loved and honoured in all that you are moving towards and how each time you commit to higher vibrational living, you also assist all those around you to also match what you are sending out.  So this awakening, along with all the others I have had and will ever have, is infinite, never ending and always a surprise.  They are never planned, or known, only sensed that something is coming, (which I have felt for 6mths now that a major shift would be occurring) and with this we can go about our lives in the highest and best keeping steadfast in light and faith that we are making a difference and moving ever so slightly higher and higher in each new break of dawn.  

I am needless to say very excited about this time on our planet when we all have the free will to partake in this immense shift that the Gaia is so graciously processing for us.  We are blessed and honoured to be experiencing all that this has to bring with it and how our thoughts, our intentions, our emotions can assist or hinder the outcome of the shift and what ultimate reality we each choose to live upon.  I know the type of earth I choose and with my free will, I am acting and intending that I will and I am living in that reality. So what do you choose?  Do you choose to wait for a saviour to gift you wish ascension, or will you take the small and profound steps each day to allow your soul and spirit to speak?  Will you heed the call of light and the infinite possibilities that we as humans have always had but never been taught openly or guided to master and explore.  We are all worthy of a great life. Not just a ‘standard’ life, but a really GREAT LIFE!  We are all in our essence a reflection of the grand creator and there are no accidents.  So in this, you have the power to awaken within this shifting time and catch the wave! How utterly exciting!  

In closing, I wanted to express my gratitude to my guides and all Universal energies that assist us in every moment of creation.  There are so many beings out there that are watching and absorbing how we ultimately manage this shift.  I am grateful for all of my guidance and assistance and help in all areas and in this I am here to give back and serve the Divine Plan in the highest and best.  I have booked weekly classes for anyone who desires to discuss, create open minded dialogue about ascension topics and walk away with practical tips, hints, and meditations to assist you in aligning to a higher vibratory state.  These classes will be on TUESDAY evenings, 9:00pm MTN time.  Instructions will be sent on how to login.  Please check out these classes and we would love for you to join in our energetic play time.  60mins., ($8.00 p/p) copies of discussions and helpful hints will be available for those who attend desiring copies.  If you choose to have just a copy, then there will be a $2.50 service fee for this to be sent to you if you miss a class or just wish the written copy.  


WEEKLY Spiritual Alignement Classes – TUESDAY evenings

online classes **


Thank you for all of your wonderful energy and light and for consistently connecting with us on our various social networks.

Blessings in love and light, 

Joanna RossPerez   {daily inspirations and updates}   {weekly free radio shows ~ Thursday evenings @ 9:00pm MTN time}Image