When everything feels broken….

Good morning dear ones, 

These truly are magnetic times of renewal, challenge, and awakening.  For in every moment there is new opportunity to birth yourself anew in some way.  With the changing of each season, as done so long ago, we are energetically brought to a place of deep reflection for us to create ourselves to stillness and light.  In this Universe so grand, so immense, there requires to be change and evolution.  In of the most smallest of species, to the most densely packed star galaxies, there are alignments that propel change and evolution.  For there to be the splitting of the prism, the atom, and the ability for All That Is to know itself in an infinite number of ways, and so are we to rise to the challenge when all feels broken and chaotic. 

Chaos is, struggle is, challenge is the ability to move from one state to another and know you are worthy of seeing it through and change the outcome.  What the outcome will be and how you shine forth on the other side will be determined on what you believe to be true about that chaos.  You have, and always had the ability to choose.  You created for yourself this game of immense learning and love to teach, to expand, to allow yourself to flow into the energetic path of love.  What was there all along, was waiting for your perfectly timed signpost for you to alter your course.  With each thought you think, with every word you speak, you have the opportunity to alter your course.  Your beliefs and your emotions are the precursors to how you behave towards the Universe.  The Universe in each moment is your virtual reality mirror.  It provides you moment-to-moment feedback on what you are displaying to the Universe as your highest and best belief.  It will then return to you, sometimes in a matter of moments, what you vibrational match with.  

As we are quickening as a planet in our corner of the galaxy, we are like a cog in the Universal wheel.  As set forth by the Divine for all change and evolution, we have seen our darkest day, we have experienced our most powerless moments, and not it is time for the veil to be dropped and for change to occur in profoundly loving ways.  For Gaia, has for centuries lived in a state of tug-of-war between forces that have not always had her best interest at heart, and before the scales tip into oblivion, we have the opportunity to experience what our powerful sense of creator-hood can provide us.   We have always been powerful creators, we have always been immensely creative and we have always been deeply connected to our Gaia, yet we have been so pre-occupied with stuff, with power, with our own self delusions of what ‘life’ is all about that we forgot how to live within who we are first.  

We can release our addictions to the technical devices that provide a false sense of belonging, and allow ourselves to slip into silence for the realization that our higher mind, our Higher Self has always had our back, and is our ultimate guide and driver on this glorious path of life.  Challenge yourself to a day in silence.  If you are still reading and not picking yourself up from the floor in shock, know that these small incremental changes can bring you the deepest sense of connection that you have ever experienced.  This my friends is what I know to be true!  Allow yourself to slip into the flow of life, the flow of your magnetic energetic being-ness to float with creation in the most monumental ways and know you are an aspect of it and powerful within it to levels you had never dreamed of.  This is your essence of power, your centre, your true state of bliss as you reconnect, and you remember who you truly are.  As an aspect of creation, a unique aspect of the Divine, you designed yourself to be in this exact place, at this exact time, to discover the elegance of this immensely profound Universe that you are an integral aspect of.  And thus, change occurs.  When you believe, when you define, when you KNOW that somewhere within, you are changed.  You have altered yourself from within and from that moment on, you are a forever changed aspect and you feel exhilaration in the remembrance of your true natural self.  This electric charge runs through your cellular make-up because you have been reconnected with all the other finely tuned cogs within the Universe, that fluidly work with one another in the most delightful of ways.  

In this powerful and opportune time of our Spring Equinox, we have this window to spirit for us to experience at a very deep level.  We can connect with these Universal timings that have been set at the highest of levels within creation.  For not only our planet, within our galaxy, we are in all playing with ‘change,’ in monumental ways along with all other planets and galaxies within the Universe.  For we are all connected like massive cogs in this Universal wheel of evolution and it is Gaia’s time to ascend from the darkness of greed and aloofness.  We have been somewhat broken for far too long, and it is our time to return to our spirit sense.  That does not mean that we all leave our physical form.  For ascension is misunderstood in many aspects to many.  Ascension and expansion is the moment-by-moment altering, shifting, into new and higher states.  That is your commitment to walk the path of higher change and higher living.  Decide that in this life, you will choose your power to create a life that you can experience ‘living,’ for the first time in centuries of incarnations.  Each decision you make to reconnect, to remember your highest essence, is step-by-step allowance in your path to ascension.  It is your ultimate unfolding and discovery into your ever expanding essence into more of your multi-dimensional existence!

When everything feels broken, know it is the mirror of your reality providing you an opportunity to alter your course.  You are given an opportunity to change, to decide, to reveal your ultimate essence and unveil your mastery in creating.  When we are given these magical moments to redefine who we are, we can stand boldly in our path and watch the magic begin.  For we know, we know without hesitation, without question that we are worthy of all that is good, and of all that is beautiful for WE ARE THAT CHANGE and our soul has been calling us for decades to wake up and experience the beauty that we are.   You have the strength to pick yourself up and be that essence that can show you the magic within awaiting your recognition.  Just as our astrological alignments carry energy and power within them, after all, they are massive planets moving in suspended space, how could they not affect us?  We are given windows of opportunity to act, to alter our path, and to align with what our soul has devised for us at our highest level.  Our only role now is to act.  

Take note of what your reality is mirroring to you.  Is there negative chaos fluttering about, or do you have joy and excitement being offered synchronistically? Are your relationships breaking down, trying to spin off into space?  Are you seeing that change is inevitable for you to see, in no uncertain terms that change must occur?   When the soft whispers within, stir, and boil over, it is your divinely planned course alteration.  Such annoyances and challenges, are your signpost to act and wake up to where your next step is placed before you.

Will you act in bold trust and knowingness that you knew what you were doing when you divinely planned such a beautiful plan?  The next sentence will alter your beliefs on the structure of your life forever.

 SURRENDER into the ultimate TRUST that you KNOW exactly what you are doing at the highest level and ALLOW your life to unfold and CREATE all the magic and brilliance you desire.


Dissect this sentence and create flash cards.  Whatever will allow this sentence to seep into your deepest cellular make up.  Eat, breathe, live this sentence for it is within you to know and you know this at your deepest level.  I am reminding you of your power to create yourself anew.  To renew your beauty of spirit and soul and reconnect with the Divine.  The Universe awaits to play with your awakened soul, and it will delight you infinitely more so than any technical device will ever offer.   For it is our home, and it is our family.  Our path to Oneness, and our path to wholism, is far more grand than anything we distract ourselves from.  Our awakening IS  the path to who we truly are, and your time to discover it is now!    

 How utterly profound is this?  

May you breathe in your glorious sense of spirit, and your sense of grandeur for it is you and you are it!

Float in the warm loving light of creation and experience what unfolds!  



Blessings and light,

My love and gratitude to my infinitely compassionate and patient guides, star families and higher aspects all lending their talents and gifts to my ascension and this glorious time of consciousness expansion.  I am grateful beyond earthly words to their commitment with my path and our unified unfolding! 












Powerful Times require Powerful Intent!

Magical times indeed dear ones!  We are entering the time of our biannual equinox and this Spring is a unique time for us to intend our way into blissful joy.  These truly are powerful times, for there is not only our earthly axis tilt allowing us to experience equal light, equal dark, but we have our inter-galactic and Universal star families that will also be encouraging our transformation by their energetic agendas.  

Truly magical!  As you wake yourself to go about your day, take a few minutes to align what you will provide for your day.  What will you intend for your day and what energetic offering will you set forth for the infinite source to deliver to you?  Most beings do not set forth their intentions daily let alone minute by minute.  Though this is what is required to truly create a powerful life.  With every thought, word, deed and redefining what you believe to be true, will you create brilliance around you for you to experience.  

True, that change requires one to step forth and alter, shift, and transform what was into what is.  There is no going around it.  Should you desire a powerful life, should you desire profound energetic experiences, and should you desire enlightened sense of being, then one must change.  What must you do to alter your outcome? What must you align with to create the life that glistens with your unique signature?  How will your story read and what will your song say?  This is your chance, your doorway, your opportunity to tap into Universal energy that encourages and supports profound angelic change and alterations.  

We have utter control of everything in our reality.  What you see before you, what you experience in each moment is of your creation.  This is something that I would guarantee that most do not realize and why I am so passionate about what I teach and express.  As I too was one that felt like a victim, and felt as if the world was against me.  I was in darkness within myself and then I was divinely guided to see my own light.  That is the moment that changed and altered my life path and my life outcome.   

There are moments in everyones life where we experience something so profound, that we no longer exist in the skin of who we once were.  We are literally changed forever and not one thing about your sense of being is the same.  Those moments are life altering, awakening, enlightening, and meant to stir your sleeping spirit.  Your soul will continue in each lifetime, in each experience to send you gifts of guidance, opportunity, and awakening for you to grab a hold of and master your path to enlightenment.  The soul desires and craves evolution and growth.  There will always be an opportunity placed before you and the path will always be presented.  It is up to us to take action and step up!  It is our intent, our action, that creates change.  For in each new thought, in each new word of positive and loving intent, and with each kind act, we send powerful light emissions to the Universe and it cannot be denied.  Every change creates change in everything else.  We are all one and our energetic shifting is affected and will affect all else.  This is how profound your ascension and expansion is.  You can deeply connect with your multi-dimensional aspect of who you are and you can tap into this and any other essence that you are connected with at the energetic level.  This is how profound our energetic linkage is within this magical Universe.  So immense and so utterly profound.  

So dear friends of light, take this moment to design who you desire to be in this powerful time of change and renewal.  Take time each day and night, to create new powerful intentions of who you are and who you are excited to express to the world.  For this is your time to alter your path with powerful and playful intent!  You will always be gifted and guided when you act on who you were meant to be.  This is your time!Image

Powerful times require powerful intent.  Feel your heart swell as you are being touched by this energetic blast of love and compassion for your path ahead and what it will offer you. May this stir your soul to act and may this encourage and envelope you in the love that you had signed on to experience in this time.  You are a profound creator and I believe in your movement and access to the higher knowing of who you are.  For I have walked this path and I know.  How sweet the journey is!  

Happy spring dear friends and may your week be filled with magical glitter for your rebirth into a profound state of being.  My joy, love, and gratitude to you all!  

You deserve all that is light, joy, and love-filled!  

 ***********************************Join us Friday evening March 21, 2014**************************************

8:00pm MTN

Spring Equinox Intention Meditation



Webinar invites will be sent out from your donation entry!

Let’s create something profound!






Twitter; eAscensioUnum


Ascension Updates~March 2014

Hello dear gorgeous ones, 

Thank you for all of your comments and follows, as you lighten my path to keep writing, inspiring and creating.  My purpose and passion.  

I am creating an intimate works of writing and it will be ready sometime this summer so I am excited to bring this to you for more light-filled stories and journey topics.

The energy streams have been pretty intense over the past two months and will only get stronger.  I am finding and sensing that these streams pass more quickly and do not last as long as they originally did even six months ago.  I am finding that I am thrown off for about a day or two, more recently than being thrown off for a few weeks, only months previously.  Sensing a grander aspect of energy in smaller but more intense clusters.  Awaken to the psychic aptitudes that we all have, can be somewhat confusing if we are not in-tune and aware of what is happening on a global and galactic level.  So stay tuned and join in, in any way that you can to fine tune to your etheric body, your auric body, and allow yourself to be immerse and drenched in water as much as you can.  Water is very healing and I myself have been seeing Sirian energy of water and fish of which I have not seen before, coming through my impressions lately.  So, there is immense assistance we receive not only from Sirius, who are our distant relatives, as well as the other light council, like the Pleiadians, and Arcturian energy all of which are streaming love and light to our planet to assist and guide us in this process.  Along with the many other galactic beings that have come forth to assist us in this special time, is truly amazing and we are utterly grateful for your guidance and love in our awakening.  

We have some exclusive events coming up this weekend and wanted to also let you know about a Monday evening meditation alignment group that I am creating.  Every monday we will be connecting online for small group meditations to assist in aligning to the higher energies and waves for us to ride upon.  Staying tuned in, aligned, and enlightened is key.  Everything you do, thought, word, and deed creates your reality so choose wisely how you desire your life to unfold.  

Meditation Class-Online webinar platform;


We will be connecting with this and other manifestation topics in our monthly class;

‘Preparing for Contact’ ~ I will be teaching this one.


We have a special event with Darryl Anka, an international channel for Bashar, another higher realm being that will be connecting with us on how to unleash your personal power and resonance to manifest the life you desire.  Sat., March 15t @ 4:00pm * Connect with our FREE interview with Darryl as he guides on this mastery quest for ascension.  


**We also have one of my favourite teachers of all time; Sandy Anastasi~This beautiful soul will be teaching a class on understanding ‘Our of Body Experiences’ ~ she is a dear friend and has been teaching for over twenty years.  She has been seen on TV shows such as ‘The View’ and ‘Crossing Over’ with John Edward.  

Connect in with us on this ‘can’t miss’ class!  



Looking forward to connecting with your gorgeous souls and spirits,

My live webcast site with spree cast is now up and running;


We also have free offers on our members area; audio, affirmations, and transcripts of all of our classes so far.  Connect in our iAscend store for more info.

Blessings and light,

THANK YOU, to all those who send love, and light and glisten from within a space of truth, honour, and integrity for all that you are!  You are star seeds, light workers in the most incredible way!

 Joanna L. RossPerez





Moving In Space, a Magical Blessing!

Good morning dear ones,
I just had to post this, as normally I leave my experiences that I have in my meditations to my private journal, but this one I just have to post.  I believe I was guided to post this as many now that receive messages from their higher aspects of who they are and other angelic beings, there is a desire to share in the glorious energy being downloaded to our precious Gaia.  
The past few days, have been incredibly challenging with the energy surges streaming in from our inter-galactic families and star guides that are assisting in whatever way they can for our daily progress in ascension.  Each day, comes with new challenges, new ideas, and new exciting ways for us to change, alter, shift, and amend what we have always been ‘use’ to, or know, is being placed before us in subtle ways and we can use our ‘free will,’ to bring about a glorious light to new beginnings.  
After such a fast paced week, rushing kids to and from school, activities, play dates, and preparing for two classes, I sometimes feel overwhelmed at the pace, living in this dense reality.  When I sit for the moments that appears, and I write, or create inspiration, then I feel free and time is created in each moment and every word that is written.  This is my joy.  So in this, I will take you on the journey of my most incredible meditation this morning, as it made this busy week, with the epiphany of my ‘new beginnings,’ that came literally crushing through my head like a mac truck, it is so perfect in its design, to begin a new week like this!
As I sat in a quiet state of repose, in the same position, in the same spot, and listening to my meditative whale music by Kamal, (which I personally love) I began to quickly feel my head spin, and lighten.  My eyes rolled gently to my third eye, and I was quickly assisted by my guides to an experience that I have never felt before and something so new and unique, that it cemented the shifts from my week of imbalance and mental chaos.  
As I felt myself lifting, and ascending, into the energetic ethers, I felt the presence of my guides, assisting me in this experience.  As I fell into the surrender of this magnificent feeling of weightlessness, I remembered to focus my attention on the ‘NOW,’ so that I could enjoy every second of what was happening.  I do get so excited in my meditations as they are quite surreal and really unexplainable sometimes and my mind can get literally carried away, so it is important to maintain a very light focus on the moment to enjoy what I am being shown.  As I felt myself lifted away from my physical body, I began to feel my cellular makeup disperse, and separate into the ethers we were floating in.  I say we, because I felt the presence of my guides, although I did not see them, and often I don’t, because their energy is so light, so high, that they are of a vibration that takes great concentration to see through my third eye.  However, I do sense them, and am familiar with their energy.  Something being alone in a room, and you just know someone is there, yet this ‘someone,’ feels familiar.  
As we rose higher and higher, I felt more of myself, expand, and expand outward, to connect with all the energy patterns in the matrix that we were moving towards and through.  The most amazing and indescribable feeling, but one that I hope to recreate again!  When we connect with the magical ethers, the most expanded part of who we are within, than you truly get the sense of our capability as energetic beings.  We are incredibly infinite to create these situations for us to learn and expand within and allow ourselves to float through in bliss and joy and understand, at our very core that we are much more than we perceive in any one moment.  
As I was floating in what I can only call the ethers of space, and I was dispersing myself into the ethers, I enjoy the strangely unique feeling that although I was being fluidly pulled apart, I was also, at the very same time, joining with the rest of who I was in my greater aspect, and all other energy forms within that Universal ‘space.’  So very intriguing and entirely unexplainable, but one that I was obviously ready for after such a challenging and emotionally releasing week, to be put ‘back together,’ when I seemingly felt like I was ‘coming apart.’  
I then felt a buzzing sensation, a warm, tingling sensation on my 3rd eye, and temples and knew I was immediately being assisted and soothed further in what would occur next.  I the feeling my cells being release, or sent out into space, I was then or presented to be with another energy, of who appeared in front of my formless self, and who I can only describe as the energy of what I have always connected with Jesus, or God.  The seemingly male energy, or even a male version of myself in a higher aspect, but my intuition senses it was Jesus, or an angelic being of that magnitude, as I felt its immense presence the message that it delivered was similar to what I was teaching in my webinar class yesterday.  
This being held its arms out, seemingly auric silver-white robe, as we looked upon our gorgeous Gaia, the message was about earth being given ‘news,’ but his language was a ‘blessing,’ my mind understood it as ‘news,’ and it would allow us to rethink, realign who we thought we were at our very core.  This being felt so very proud, and the greatest love for our planet and that all that was occurring was a part of a much greater plan, a Divine Plan and one that has many beings from all over the Universe involved for our new earth awaking.  This news, this blessing,  to all mankind, will shake everyone to look at their essence of brilliance to what and who they truly are, for we are all creatures of God, or the ‘All That Is,’ and earth is rising to the occasion to receive this blessing.
As I was being filtered back into my physical body, and gently placed back where I started, I felt the most immense joy, love, and connection that allowed me to place all that I have ever experienced into place.  Allowing me peace, and harmony in knowing, and a centre point, that regardless of how challenging the times may appear, we can centre, become one with All That Is, for our essence is among the most royal of beings.  The highest of God’s for we are all an aspect of it.  That is what is meant by ‘oneness,’ and I can honestly say now, I get it.  
In one week, I physically and emotionally felt as though I was being taken apart, and then to have this etheric merging with the Universe at large, only to get the subtle tugging that I am still here, I am still one, and I am still an essence of grand proportions as is everyone else on this planet and in the Universe of creation.  
These moments of profound awakenings, is designed in perfecting timing, as to have this occur prior to my week would probably not have led to the understanding of what I needed to grasp, as I only the past few days have had to review my notes in preparation for my webinars, that lead me to be open for the insights and feelings I felt.  As I prepared my discussion and notes, my guides and I telepathically dialogue what I had experienced and the moments of question, and wonder, and grand shifting, to allow me to really feel, really see and sense the under-pinning energetic stories that were unfolding before me.  
I had always sensed these subtleties, even as a child, and most of the time would result in over-thinking, and over-analyzing, and a lot of journaling.  Now what I was experiencing though was all perfectly designed by me, for me, with the ever gracious help and guidance from my guides, for me to see more deeply, more intimately the inner workings of this magical Universe and the essence of ascension.  
In my weekly summation, I would send the most unconditional love and light to those who experienced some crazy-intense energies this week, and know that all that occurs is your greatest gift to yourself in your path to discovering more of who you are and what your role is on this planet.  We have all come here for greater plans, greater design of our human task, that directly relates to the Universe at large.  We are not alone, we are not small and insignificant.  We are grand, are powerful and we are here to see this through.  Gaia’s ascension to new earth comes in the breath we take, the words we speak, the actions we take, and the powerful thoughts within that create the world around us as we know it.  
This path we are all on, walking was seemingly appears to be separate from one another, yet we are all but that.  When we truly understand how connected we are, at our cellular level, then we are alive and awake in knowing that we are safe, supported, loved, and not alone.  For we have searched for centuries for our higher meaning, our purpose, and our destiny, and now we are in plain view of who we are; what will you choose to see?  How will you choose to act and alter your reality in this message, this blessing?  
How magnificent, how brilliant, we are!  How brilliant we will one day shine, more brightly, more intense than we do now, for we are all needed and required for this ascension, this planetary task of grand proportions, is of our deepest desire at the deepest level.  We are more than we perceive right now, we are much greater beings than we have been lead to believe and now the unveiling is upon us.  In our awakening, we will see, we will understand, and we will be moved to the point of seeing what has always been, right here, and right now.  
My deepest love to you all, and my deep love and connection to Gaia, and my tears of joy and inner peace will be endlessly floating in the ethers with this magical blessing of what is to come in this special moment of NOW!  We can create this, right here, right now.  It really is our choice. 
It always will be, it always has been, a design of choice. How we evolve, how our planet will survive our mistaken wills of need and desire?  How will we choose differently to exist in peace and love, of not only each other, but all species, all life, all beings, all planets and all galaxies, and we will see ourselves rise to the occasion of the millennia, for a planetary shift like no other in the history of the Universe.  This is what is before us, will your eyes be awake to see?  Will your heart be aware to feel it?  My wish of the century for you….come along for the ride of your life!
My love, blessings, light, and knowingness of your immensity and grandeur!
Know my friends that you are always grounded within Gaia, as she has done for centuries, she will care for you, and it is our turn to assist her in her greatest feat yet!!!
Blessings and light,
Joanna RossPerez