Nothin in life is an accident!

Nothing in life is an accident!


Good morning gorgeous awakening souls!

I wanted to first off say that as spring approaches, know that you will be experiencing many opportunities to reclaim your souls code to advance in any way possible.  The changing of the seasons is no accident.  Nothing in life is accident or ‘for not.’  All experiences is purposeful and worthy of your greater awareness.  If you take any situation that has occurred to you in this morning thus far, you can ask your higher mind, your guides, for the meaning of each situation and you will be shown.  For even meeting an overly cheery coffee brew master is a reflection that can glean important value for you.  

It is in this more awakened awareness that we seek higher learning and answers from which we had not known previously yet, is within all along.  For some time now, some centuries, we have been lead to believe, by free will that is, to believe that we are merely these gorgeous bag of bones and destined to live working our every day for someone else, and retiring with barely enough to survive on.  If we have followed certain rules, or maintained the status quo, then we will be taken care of.  In some way, our governments and other societal structures will give us what we need to proclaim, ‘I have lived a full life,’ and we accept our fate.  

This has never been ‘ok’ with me.  I have always worked harder than others in hope I would rise to the top, and be taken care of in better ways.  I had attitudes of separation that pushed me into high stress jobs and roles, so that I could maintain my sense of control on how and when I would retire and be comfortable in doing so.  I was engrained with the responsibility to value the monetary value of my efforts.  After many years of flip-flopping from high pressured roles, and seeking, searching for more of what my calling was, the more I felt that I was truly displaced.  What was I working so hard for and for who?  I certainly was not happy in the roles I was in, nor was I happy about working so hard with little to show for it only creating great good for massive companies that seemed to have little care on what my true value was.  Was I going to work this hard, and retire and be fulfilled at the soul level? 

As I began to ask such questions, I began to have flashes of insight, inspiration, and higher access to ideas that could really propel me in a new direction.  This is what awakening is, among many other things, it is being thrown, quite literally in a completely different direction than you had thought you would step upon.  Whether it be in a job, career, or relationship, we are all given opportunities that we have the soul’s window opened for us, to peak in at our true potential and our true nature.  Some find these windows a little scary, frightening, and uneasy.  That is ‘ok.’ For the path to higher learning, and acceptance of your true capacity, is one of profound impact, and if you are ready, will alter your life forever.  

I remember each step on my path when moments of awakening have taken me to levels that I am still truly ‘gobsmacked,’ to where I am now and whatI am able to tap into based on my new found allowance and utter trust I have with the Universe as well as the faith I have within myself and every step I move upon.  This knowingness, this immense sense of self is not comfortable for everyone, for we have lived most of lives being compared to our neighbours, our co-workers, and colleagues, and so on.  We are not meant to appear ‘out of line,’ or different so much, that few can understand you.  That is ‘ok,’ too for all experiences are valid and true for those going through it.

This post is sent out with immense love and reassurance that this higher path to knowing more of who you are is not for everyone, the soul’s ready for awakening will awaken, and there is perfect timing and perfect design to it all.  Your higher aspects, your higher self, has designed when you will awaken, when you will step on your path and it is never too late to awaken to your infinite and powerful energetic self.  Know that there is much to learn, there is much to know, and there is much to experience, as the Universe is infinite and so are you.  The planet is ever changing as she moves on her path to ascension and her path to rebalancing, we will feel these shifts and move through them in very different ways.  We will feel sensitive, we will feel anxious, and anticipating yet having no real reason for what.  We will feel tingling in our hands, feet, and ringing int he ears, and vision will adjust, as the shifts affect everything, sand we are a part of that everything.  

For those comfortably sitting in your lovely earth sofa, reading your iPad, or iPhone, or computer, know that there is no accident you have been drawn here.  Whether you choose to admit your higher self in directing you here, as we rarely give ourselves credit for our immense intelligence at the energetic level, and I am here to tell you that your higher self, your soul has guided you here.  You are so wise, so intelligent to be reading something here that will trigger something within for your consciousness to soak in.  At some point over the next few days, you will ponder on something, you will remember something, and it will come to the forefront for you to piece together in your path to awakening.  This is what awakening is.  There are no accidents.  Whether it be a video, a blog, a visit with a friend, or the hummingbird at your window, you are the master creator of it all.  How grand and immense are you to do this?  Give yourself the credit you deserve to be your own guide, your own teacher, your own spiritualist, and council.  For you are immense.  Let go of what you have been taught for those ways are out dated and needing of some repair.  You are huge, massive, profound and divinely guided in every step you take.  I am a living example of that!

This and many other topics are in my book, hopefully to be ready by May, will invite you on my own personal ascension journey and as I offer what I have learned, what I have seen, what I have experienced, may it enlighten you to at the very least ask; ‘Am I really more than I see right now?’  For in the asking of questions like this, can lead you down the path of the ‘untaken,’ and path less travelled and I for one am on that path.  I am ‘ok,’ with the majority of the population not understanding or ‘getting,’ me.  I knew when I stepped on this path that there would be many that would think I would be ‘off my preverbal rocker.’  That is ok with me.  For as the quote says; ‘if you feel like you don’t fit in, your doing things right.’  

Let go of fear dear ones, let go of your doubt about your capacity to evolve.  You have more within you than you know and you will be lead to what you need, when you need it.  You are supported and guided, and loved unconditionally every step of the way, even if the majority of the people in our world doesn’t get you.  The light workers of this time are beings of many, many lifetimes who have stepped forward in this time to help lead, guide, and heal others and offer light to a world in great need.  They are the mavericks, they are the warriors of light that bring forth newness!  

Know in your every thought that you guides hear you, and each time you ask, they are there.  Are you listening?  You are always being sent angelic assistance and light from all corners of the Universe and you are above all ALWAYS LOVED!  So, if you feel challenged, frightened or scrared, know you are not alone, and we unendingly guide you in love and light.  For how can this be all that scary or bad?  

Breathe in the sense of who you are.  Breathe in the knowingness of your immense power to create, and know your sense of light hood.  This is who you are!  This is who I choose to be and I walk this path with pride and conviction of who I am becoming in each new thought, for it is all being designed by my higher aspects, and I trust this process.   Float freely with your spirit for it is always and unconditionally calling you to step up, step out of the closet and see the sky so wide and expansive, for it is where we all reside from.  Our ancestral knowledge and wisdom, is all hidden within the stars and shines upon every night.  They are there for us to ponder, wonder, delight, and wish upon.  A better world for all, the light to shine forth once again, and to breathe the fresh clean air for another generation to enjoy.  My wish for you, my wish for Gaia, and my wish for our infinite Universe.  

As we come together in joy, love, and light, may you know yours in this grand play of ascension and may you awaken your soul and dance your dance.  May you sing the song that has been brewing for centuries, and choosing this perfect moment to peak out from behind the veil of doubt and fear.

The only thing you will find in your fear is more of you waiting to be found.  Waiting to be loved and healed.  Your acceptance of your greater aspect is finding a way to show you your higher light, your higher path.  It will always try!  Whether we listen, whether we heed the call of spirit, of our soul, of true and utter bliss…….for this is my wish!

May you walk in love and light this day, and may you always know you are guided, loved, and treasured. You are a gift to creation and you are a gift to the Universe.  The Universe, this world, would not be the same without you.  You are valued, you are worthy, and you are alive now to experience being awake.  Right here, right now.

My blessings and light to you all this gorgeous day!  For you always know your truth, your value, and your worthiness!  It shines forth like the stars!  I have always seen it…..


This is dedicated to the strongest souls I know!  (you know who you are ;)

You have allowed me to cherish this gift of this magnificent life that at one point I just couldn’t see.  For we have all chosen on higher levels to be united in this soul family ~ our higher selves know exactly what they are doing….I utterly trust in this! It is who I am and I love you unconditionally! Without condition and without judgement ~ I have worked on this for many years and I am sitting boldly on my earth sofa, to say, that I am in centred peace, finally!   Thank you for your patience in my awakening and process to understand myself more fully.  May you always know my soul love for you is infinite~Image

The aspect of us all that desires to fly,

for it is within us all to be free,

like the birds that soar, 

or the buzzing of a bee, 

the desire is to be 

exactly who you shall be!

Free to your soul that calls, your spirit that sings, your song to be sung, 

this is your story to tell.  

Stand tall dear friends, you are immense.

This is more than a sixth sense,

Do not shrink within a challenge,

for it is your perfect design to be free,

It is within, or you would not have been lead to me,

for in these words may it touch you, reach your deepest depth,

it is in you to know,

your profound sense of self, your sense of power to be,

It is all of you~so grand and wis