Hi there everyone,

So happy that over the holidays there were so many inspired by the writings from my soul to yours.

This is how I express myself, teaching and writing so I am thrilled that you have enjoyed as I have enjoyed creating them.  

In honour of this creation process, I am moving the blog to the website so that you can also have access to other ‘freebie’ offerings and so on and get first ‘contact’ 😉 on our classes and webinars.

The site address is:

I have a class coming up; the first of its kind I feel;

Ascension & Preparing for Contact

Feb., 15th Sat., 1:00pm-2:30pm  PST

Webinar format ~ Everyone welcome!

$23.00 p/p 

We will learn about aligning our spirit self, with our soul self, with our physical self and talk about what all of this has to do with first contact, and higher contact.  We will talk about visitation experiences and in the physical world along with the dream state.  For really is there a difference?  I am excited to bring you these mind expanding classes for when we expand our expression, we become a higher state of being.  

I would love for you to join me in my first class of the year as teacher and guide in ascension!  

Please send this to those who you feel would be passionate about the aspects of ascension and preparing for contact!

Register at; 

email: or