Who knew that a ’70’s country entertainment show would leave me speechless?

When I was a little girl, I had what to most would be a ‘normal’ childhood.  I grew up with my family in a modest suburban neighbourhood, with a close knit group of kids that we shuffled to and from as we matured and went through our share of growing pains.

I noticed from an early age that I was different than other kids I knew.  At least I felt different.  I looked at things differently and seemed to deeply care about things that others seem to pass by.  We lived a modest life, still do.  My parents are still two of the most hardest working people I know, and gave us that ethical lesson that I learned from no other.  ‘Work hard and one day, if your lucky, you will be rewarded.’

This was a something I lived by from the time I was old enough to get a job.  I was and still am a hard working person, but deep within me somewhere, I didn’t want to live every day of my life working my butt off and having very little to show for it.  We are good people, with a young family, and we have really great jobs, and why are we ‘hoping’ to make enough that we can one day celebrate our modest ‘mortgage burning’ party before we turn seventy.  This is the dream.  Sucks eh?  I knew at an early age that there were other ways, and there was more to life than to live in the ‘barely existing,’ mentality of most people I encountered.

Floating from job, to job, seeking the best ‘title’ that would be the ‘one,’ that would give me freedom, and fulfillment.  That job, that I so hopefully and steadily searched for as my soul kept calling out for something better.  I knew that there was more to this whole ‘life game,’ that what I had been taught or been surrounded with my entire life.  When things got tough, emotionally, I knew the shift that I was going through was predestined and for a much higher purpose than I had understood at the time.    Hitting the dark, hitting the bottom, was what had to happen and what I designed, to come into the light.

Hitting the dark, was the key that opened the doors to the life that I knew was behind the mediocrity that we all slaved to for so long.  That moment when one email from a ‘new’ friend, an angel of ‘information,’ sent me a Youtube video of someone channelling, (Darryl Anka & Bashar) the most intriguing news, familiar news, the most enlightening news I had ever heard.  On some level, I knew exactly what he was saying.  Even in my darkened stupor, I KNEW!  From that moment on, the veil was being lifted and I could see the light, for the first time in years, I could see the light.  

There is something to be said for paradox, and it really plays the magician in this game of life.   When we feel like all is lost and there really is no other way, the way is always staring us right in our face.  For the dark times bring about events and circumstances that allow us to dig within, deep within, if we feel there is hope.  I had two babies that slept peacefully in their beds, and they were every ounce of hope one could ask for.  I threw myself into hope and willed myself into a place where I could see the light, bit by bit until one day I ventured into a meditation from a suggestion from a counsellor I had seen.   In hopes of being set free from the pain of what came to me in my dreams, I began to meditate to release what haunted me.  In these meditations, I was visited one very fateful day and that day was the first day of my life.  

When I saw the channelling, it gave me light to see hope. When I felt hope, it gave me light to see and experience what I had created all along.  Like the dominoes that fall when the lightest touch is offered, I can look back now and see that all was totally necessary to bring me to the level of light and awareness that I envelope within and without.  I am grateful for every challenge.  I am grateful for the moments that I planned and destined myself to experience as I had the depth to see what others feel when they ask about topics I teach.  I understand.  I completely understand.  

Once I started to open the door to light, I allowed quite naturally for opportunities to float to me in my reverence for what I was experiencing and manifesting out of my belief that what I was feeling what ‘real.’  My unwavering belief that my dreams, my experiencing, my impressions, and sensing was more than ‘coincidence.  I now tell people all the time that there is no such thing as coincidence and that synchronicity is the Universal Laws steering you from what you create out of your own beliefs and delight to experience spirit and the magical essence of light.  Stay with it, float with it, for it is magical.  The path that lead me, the challenges and ‘tough times,’ were necessary as it really made me believe even more that I knew at a level I could not understand that there is more.  What was this ‘more’ and what did it have to do with my path?  

I started to have dreams with much more exciting themes, and themes that would pull me in with its lucidity and set me on a wild goose chase that got more exciting with every day.  I am a natural student.  I love seeking answers. I love seeking higher meaning and understanding to the Universe and purpose of existence.  I am sure on other realms and dimensions, I am a scientist and philosopher, teacher and shaman, as I am utterly delighted in the magical essence of what I have discovered and am of humble service to express what I know to others, for I truly understand the levels of awakening and its glorious affects on the human spirit.  Dreams are a playing field for us allow our spirit and soul to take flight.  This space, this place, allows us the opportunity to be free from this challenging life.  

I started to heal and in healing comes revelations to higher ground.  Healing brings enlightenment, and when you are light, you allow spirit to dance.  I had visions, memories, and impressions of events when I was a child that seeped through my consciousness that I simply couldn’t explain.  Within my soul, I knew exactly what I was being shown, but few people around me would not believe me.  Years, later, I am surrounded by those that not only believe me but have had similar experiences and are open to discuss and even so utterly excited to discuss our unique interests in uncovering ‘why’ we are all here and ‘what’ we are doing?

Who would have thought that a 1970’s country entertainment show would be forever etched in my memory that would remind me about who I am and why I am here.  I had had a few situations similar to this occur and only remember seconds of the experiences, only enough to linger and have me seek, and feel in awe, when the situation, and perfect timing comes up that I can one day say, ‘aghh, that is what that meant and I remember now, I remember.’  We plant these little ‘teasers,’ to remind us of who we are so at the right moment, the right space in time, we can have that revelation forever be written in our life story of Universal consciousness.  How utterly grand these physical experiences are and no longer do I look upon this life as ‘tough,’ or ‘pointless,’ I know without questions, without doubt, without reverence, that there are grand, massive, plans that we are all a part of and we are about to experience the unfolding of these plans and see our story about to be told.

These ‘teasers,’ are our signposts and symbols for us to go further and look into what has come to the surface. These allow us to see into the recesses of our minds, our memories to pull out what is significant for us to move up, on, and forward in exciting directions.  I remember some amazing moments, when I would meet people who were ‘famous,’ at the time, like the actors on ‘HeeHaw,’ that one night.  As the doorbell rang, my family sat and watch the show, my sisters laying on their tummies on the floor, my parents in ‘their’ chairs, and I went to answer the door.  It was not odd for me to answer the door, we all did it.  What was odd is that no one remembers that night but me and no one would believe me anyway.  I answered the door and I saw two of the actors from the show stand on the porch in front of me, blue jean overalls, and hay pick, the whole outfit.  I was happy to see them, and remember thinking, ‘cool.’  

I am did not even think to call everyone to the door, I just remember standing there talking to them but not knowing what we were talking about and not being frightened or scared but as if it was a neighbour from next door.  I am not sure how much time had passed, I knew that something ‘strange,’ had occurred that night, as when I returned to the living room with my family, they were all exactly where I left them as if I had only gone to the bathroom for a split second yet I had an entire conversation, or maybe I was even teleported somewhere to complete a task or agenda that I knew full well what it was about.  Given a sort of ‘screen memory’ for my purpose to remain normal and integrating what I need to for a natural childhood.  

As the experiences continued, I grew up with the strangest feeling that I could never remember anything before the age of five.  I literally would rack my deepest depths of my mind for any memory at all, but there was nothing.  There are reasons and the unfoldment will come to me in perfect timing for when I am ready to integrate the scheme of all that I am, the path will unfold before me, as it has in little ‘teasers,’ here and there. I have wonderful memories of my inter-galactic family and the visitations that have somewhat alluded me, and I grasp at whatever segment I am left with to integrate.  For this is all by perfect design and I can get access to more of these memories as I unleash my souls purpose and find joy wherever I can within my life.  For love, joy, and bliss is the key to all mysteries.  

When you fall into the bliss and flow of life.  When you allow, you really sit and trust and allow, there are magical gifts from every corner seeking you, seeking to reveal something to you.  The bliss of figuring out the mysteries of this physical reality, lie within us all and when you awaken, the mysteries find a way to seep into your life for unraveling with your intent to know more.  I have many energetic friends and sense them with me all the time.  I ask for their presence and there they are.  I ask for a scene, a hint, and I get a gift of unexpected bliss that adds to the storyline.  The flow of life is trading that ‘daily sledge,’ for the ‘flow of fluidity,’ of knowingness.  

In your dreams, in your waking moments, there are visions sent to you when the timing is right for you to seek higher, look farther, and ask more.  It truly is delightful and I am here to tell you, however crazy it seems, it is probably real.  Don’t let anyone tell you that what you remember is ‘fake,’ or ‘made-up,’ or all a part of your imagination, for what you imagine is always real in some way and we are dealing with so many levels of energetic realms that everything is real.  So when you feel like you are going crazy, it may not be you, it may be all others around you.  For what is ‘normal’ now, is simply boring and narrow to what we are capable of experiencing.  We are this powerful and may you remember your energetic family, your galactic friends, and your parallel reality versions of you in your dreams, in your passing daily activities as the teasers leak out in those perfect and simple moments.  Teaching us that life really is that easy, that simple in its release of magic, when you are in the flow of Universal energy.  How utterly grand!  

When I think of those unexplainable moments throughout my life, I know that the answers will unfold as they should and I am allowance to all things, all opportunities and I am grateful for my spirit guides, my Universal family, and my parallel selves that I am beginning to understand and connect with for we are all connected for the higher good of the divine plans that are unfolding in these exciting times.  I can think back with joy in my childhood, for I didn’t always have a lot of friends, maybe a special few, and I certainly wasn’t the most popular, but I do know that I was being shown in so many ways that what is to come is worth its weight in gold.  

I say with pride and joy now, that one of my most valuable childhood memories was that fateful night, when the characters from HeeHaw came to our door, out of all the houses on the street, they picked our house.  For that night, with HeeHaw playing on the TV, and my family all zoning out on the aloof comedy, left a small window of opportunity to learn some pretty massive and special about who I am and what other blessings will unfold on this magnificent path.  I love you my dearest energetic loves, and though I cannot see you all the time, I know you are there, here, and all places, for I am merging into the energies that allow me to see, experience more of who I am and I am delighted that you left me a little teaser for I love the mystery and I love the magical findings.   For it is all unfolding NOW!


Blessings and light for my inter-galactic friends and family and I am blessed to have you connecting with me as my story unfolds.

Joanna RossPerez


