Ascension! Purpose & Orchestration! From 2013~2014 & Beyond….

Happy Day dear ones,Image

The wonder and light-hearted feelings that come with every Friday are here and swelling.

I feel a profound sense of timing to bring the power joy and happiness out for glimpse of where we taking this leap of faith into the higher realms of where 2014 will take us.  This is a gentle reminder about the immense changes going on in this more powerful moment of NOW, for in each moment of expression of ascension, each moment you act on your highest joy and bliss, each moment you expand your multi-dimensional awareness, is another moment that this glorious Universe in all her infinite power, also expands and evolves!  Years ago,(a different perspective of this NOW) I remember feeling the ‘synchronicity’ of what was occurring for me and at first writing it off to ‘one-off’ situations, I still validated it and basked in the unfolding of it.  I knew it was occurring but did not feel the extent to which it was all tied together.  Now, in this NOW, I can say that I KNOW, or at least have a much more grounded belief and essence within me that there is a much higher and grand orchestration going on at every level and I can sense the energy and higher pull of the events occurring and this my friends is worth its weight in gold and is truly magnificent.  

I am intently connected at every moment with my higher self and sometimes I have moments of busy-ness that I must slow and take in the ‘now’ to and then do I realize the essence of what is truly occurring.  I am more aware that in meeting people for the first time, I can sense the underlining purpose to that meeting, and with certain energies, I feel a connection or parallel life in other realities with them. These are the people that are encircling my life now and those whom I have yet to connect with but know it will all be in perfect timing.  I know now that in all cases that there is benefit, in some way, there is benefit to my higher evolution, and I am grateful and blessed in all the gifts that such challenges bring to me.  There is never a 100% ‘psychic knowing’ of everything, as there is required to be some mystery and surprise in living on any reality. It doesn’t matter what level of ascension or intuitive mastery you are at, there is always an element of surprise for the soul and spirit love to play. There has to be, otherwise what would be the point?

Your higher self will open the door, send in the messages, inspirations, hints, clues, people, and situations to flow from the guidance of your guides to assist in all aspects of your life.  In every moment of every day, there are energetic patterns happening all around you for you to tap into and manifest an experience from.  In awakening and higher awareness, the gift in that itself is to experience the access to these energetic gifts.  It is breathtaking in its experience.  The misunderstanding at times to those just awakening is that the messages and hints are to be blasted on a billboard and radio show of your golden path unveiling.  For the ones that have not honed the senses and intuitive self, their gifts and purpose is not to oblige and just offer you the ‘surprise ending’ of your best selling book.  For one, there is no ‘ending,’ it is ongoing and always infinite.  For two, their role is not to give you step-by-step instructions on how to live your life.  Their role is, just as All That Is has created it to be, and your Higher Self to steer, is that all other angelic and higher realm energies, entities, and ascension fairies extraordinaire will ever do is assist!  These amazing energies place the golden block upon your path and it is up to you to take the first.    

The immense role and cross connections that occur in the higher realms would be mind boggling if we were to peak in and watch from God’s level.  The enormity of the countless beings, worlds, galaxies, and of infinite species assisting in varying capacities that all work together as ONE and many have their hand in this grand experience of the ascension of our beloved Gaia.  These energetic fairies and light being from every level work in bliss on our magical Gaia project.  For the agenda is ever changing based on how much we can take on and absorb and act on.  These magical energetic fairies, spirits, ET’s, angels and guides are constantly and unconditionally offering and orchestrating the next step in this now moment for you to hook onto.  They arrange, meet, counsel, guide, shift, manoeuvre, alter, offer, tap, tickle, gift, and any other word that you can muster that allows you to open up into the infinite ways the Universe is assisting us to follow our highest and best.  For every person on this planet alone, in excess of 6.5 billion people, there are guides, angelic helpers, elementals and so on that assist that person, and there are a possible, hundreds of billion more galaxies just like ours with ascension agendas of its own to act upon.  We are all, at some level connected to this infinite web of love and light and the orchestration that occurs for the greater Divine Plan and purpose of each soul, soul group, planet and galaxy is simply mind-boggling. 

These gracious and loving entities that tickle our senses in hopes that we wake-up to the enticing and joyful play of Universe light and love.  We are more vast than we know and their connections that run infinitely deep my friends.  Know that in any dark moment, or time of challenge and confusion, you can call upon our light helpers and light-filled assistance will be delivered.  In times of great joy and love, you can bet they are there in jubilation of your happiness.  For this is all the greater aspect of how this Universal web of love and light works.  There are roles and agenda’s for what is a monumental task in ascension work.  To bring any being, from the dark to the light and your Higher Mind, your soul, your over soul and soul family, and over souls of over souls are all involved at bringing each ray of light to you.  You are NOT ALONE in this journey and never have been.  Know that you are supported more than you may know or feel at this point.  Just know, go forth in blind faith and knowingness that you are loved, supported, protected, and should you open your heart enough to trust in the experience of ascension, you will create for yourself a loving auric field of your own to shine forth in this planetary shift.  You will allow the gifts to be more visible to you so that you may see your way through the fog and dust to a path that you had written before you were born.  Know that in this moment, it is all it takes to make a change.  The knowingness that you are worthy of your higher purpose and the world, the Gaia and the Universe at large requires you to step into those shoes and walk it with pride as it fits with the rest of this magnificent puzzle and is required for final reveal.  

There is grand purpose in all things!  There is grand orchestration in all things!  There are no ‘chance’ meetings, or circumstances and there is no such event that can be described as ‘accidental or coincidence.’  The first stage of your awakening will uncover how most of what have for so many years labelled in our situations, have been defined to be so ‘disconnected’ from anything of higher vibration.  Our definitions, our history taught in schools, our religious study, our social and political bodies have all been designed to keep us in a lower vibrational state of being.  As you awaken and enlighten yourself, allow yourself to see behind the veil and cloud, you will know with great clarity that you are so very powerful in designing a life based on what you feel, what you know to be true and not what someone wants to feed you.  This is so very profound in your awakening.  This allows you to for the first time to step forward for your path that has been calling you.  The cheers and applause are so palpable that it rings through the Universe and the tipping of the scales have begun.  

I truly believe that our tech devices and inventions are tell tale signs that we as a global community are desiring and even desperate for higher and meaningful connections.  Desperate for higher worlds, higher meaning, the deeper meaning and connection to why we are here and what this experience is all about.  Look at how we ‘screen’ calls from those you feel have ‘less’ to vibrationally add to your day.  You ‘answer’ or ‘pick up’ what you feel will create a temporary ‘high’ or feeling of ‘connection’ for your spirit and soul to feel needed, required, loved, and belonging.  This is so obvious and we get sucked right in to believing it is so much less than the need to belong, the need to be loved and the need to be connected.  We are, at the soul level, energy patterns.  We long for belonging, connection to the higher power, searching, seeking a matching vibration to link with.  

How we define our world within will assist us in moving through challenging times and allow us the upper hand in any future challenge or hurdle.  Define yourself clearly with the clarity that a master has.  Clarify your role as valid, define your being as required, needed and special. Define your life, with every thought, word and deed, with purpose and design it so with power and joy. Outdated definitions have kept us in the dark for so very long and the separation, disconnection, judgement and pain of a 3D world is a thing of the so called, ‘past.’  If kept in limiting mindsets, a 3D world will continue to struggle with war, poverty, and nations that struggle to survive within it.  The times of darkness is over!  The time for light to change us all is here and we will ascend with Gaia as designed.  This is the world and planet that I do so with great passion in every moment am committed to creating.  

Some people may shift sooner than others and that is ok.  Every path is valid, every path is required as it adds to the totality of All That Is.  Separation and judgement is over, for we here now to declare enough is enough and the time to ascend is NOW!  The vibration that resides on higher levels, and I for one am excited and delighted to move into every new moment with love and ONENESS that these higher realms open to us and allow us to act on taking that step up the ladder of ascension together in light, as ONE!

There is purpose in your existence. There is grand orchestration being offered to you to be a part of and connect into the greater aspect of existence.  This web of light and love is infinite, it is unconditional and this web is so expansive.  Immense and light-filled, it is waiting for you to recognize its’ existence and flow with its’ expansion.  Recognition and validation of all that floats to you, gifted to you and provided for you is crucial in your ascension and acceptance of All That Is and for the acceptance of your greater multi-dimensional self.  For even though All That Is, or any of the angelic realms or parallel realities do not require your belief or trust in them to exist and continue in the highest of realms.  There is unconditional love and giving in this light and it is the key to a wider perspective to a more expanded view of who you truly are and how magnificent our infinite Universe is that we all live within.

If the Universe has created you, which it has, then you are infinite and all that is connected to you is infinite. We are all CONNECTED and we are all ONE within this infinite expansive web.  A web of love and light with desire to expand, evolve, and ascend into the highest of ethers and the farthest corners of this infinite multi-verse and beyond.  This is how creation works.  In all of its incredible glory and light.  Know this is what you are a part of and now is the time for you to be an active and aware part of your creation.  The time has come for you, as we ascend from the year of transformation, 2013, to begin this coming year of 2014 to greater define who you are and what your life will provide you.  Give great introspection and thought to this coming year and clearly define who you are and let go of any remnants of beliefs and definitions that no longer create the vibration you desire.  Old, out-dated beliefs will hold you back and keep you held at the vibration it creates.  So look within and your emotions will guide you and steer you.  Does this ‘feel’ like this fits with who I desire and define myself to be?  Ask yourself in each thought, word, and deed to align your beliefs and definitions with exactly who you desire to be.  This is the so called ‘work’ of ascension.  It is getting real and getting honest with yourself and only you as you are the one designing this path for your highest and best.  Define and design who you desire to BE~this is the year of design!  Welcoming in the new year of 2014 with great pride and exaltation.  

We tirelessly provide tips, and have guided in many of our blogs and Facebook, the energetically aligning posts and daily inspirations will help guide your energy into heightened alignment and into the vortex of your being~ness.  The inner circle, spiral, and eye of who you are and who your higher self assists you to become by taking an open-hearted look into who you truly desire to be and what gifts you can offer to the greater plan. Define and articulate to the most powerful aspect of who you truly desire to be.  Allow and surrender into the blissful joy of becoming YOU!  

We have seen great change and altering of vibration in the year of 2013, and in closing this transformative year, it will be a celebration of what has been surely one of the most incredible planetary feats.  For there is still more to expand upon but there is great symbology and change set forth from the energetic catalyst that was set on December 21, 2012.  Every winter solstice holds power within itself to propel us further into the light and this coming winter is no different.  So on this coming solstice, set time aside for your energetic alignment and join us for our Dec 21, 2013 meditation and webinar to assist you in this alignment.  

We bid all the expansive experiences gained in this 3D reality a fond farewell and step into the shoes of a new vibrational earth and Gaia.  We step forth with her on her path in strength and pride for all that we unveil together.  We have surely experienced all that we could in the lower realms and the all that the 3D reality could provide us has been taken in great stride and sometimes even immense pain, and this time is upon us to move upward and onward.  This coming winter solstice is a time of re-writing who you desire to be with the power and certitude of a new start, a new beginning, a new higher level of respect for you and the world upon which you live and supports you so unconditionally.  This is a time of renewed  vigour and conviction to live with commitment to your vibration and align it daily and with every thought, word, and deed, align who you desire to be and BE THAT YOU!  

This coming year is a profound opportunity for us to set out the first block of our path to ascension.  We have put the darkest times behind us and learned immensely from it all.  We have new history books to write and new paths to forge with the most positive and enlightened souls, we forge ahead!  With the most honest and truest spirited efforts, in reverence for our spirit realm, our guides, our ET’s who have stood by for centuries gently cradling us as we fell time and time again.  As our mastered souls that have walked the earth and given us the opportunity to see what can be if we believe in the unseen.  For the ascended masters are not at the bow of this grand ship and we are sailing it home dear ones.  We are steering this ship on the sea of light and love and there is no going back.  

So define yourself, sit and silence and hear the whispers of who you truly wish to express yourself as being.  Define it with conviction and strength as there are still waves that we need to pass through that may cause some shaking and the more firm you are within yourself, the smoother your sailing will be.  Hold firm in your beliefs of a better world.  Hold firm in your vibration of expressing yourself as your highest self.  Be that vibration and you will quietly and smoothly slip into the reality of that vibration as easily as blinking your eyes.  Define this journey as a gift, a right of passage that you had set up in the highest of realms.  Define this moment the same as all other moments and be PRESENT in this moment NOW!  You are perfect right now and now is the time to act in your highest!  Go forth and BE THAT YOU NOW!

In all to come and all that is~for this I know, it is an incredible journey and I love each and every moment of it!

My blessings in light and love for you and your 2014 and beyond.  It is a ride you do not want to miss out on!



Channelled from the Higher Self ~ Nov., 22, 2013Image

Joanna L. RossPerez





The hidden power of DREAMS!

We all have them.  We would essentially go in-sane if we did not have them.  Our energetic aspect ‘needs’ to have these.  It cannot survive without these.  It is a fundamental aspect of the poetry our multidimensional self requires to be ‘All that it can be.’

Dreams allow us and our higher selves to bring concepts, ideas, issues, patterns and awakenings to the forefront for our physical mind to act upon for change and ascension.  It is how we can live a more connected and ‘whole’ life if we are giving attention to that which speaks in code and symbols.  It is our powerful inner selves, higher selves, and multidimensional selves that require the voice it needs for change and expansion.

There is great power hidden within your dream-time state. There are hints, clues, symbols, and guidance that is always peaking from behind the curtain of remembrance into your dreams. I can guarantee that a percentage of those reading this today have had a dream about ancient lands, or about energetic beings, ET’s or places that seem dreamlike, and yet we rarely have open discussions about these triggers that can start the most powerful awakening


movement ever experienced.

I am ready to talk! I am ready to listen and help, and assist.  Do you have a dream that allows you to peak into another realm, another lifetime, another facet of the multidimensional aspect of all that you are? The greater aspect of ‘All That Is’ and how you can connect and relate with all of this immense vastness.  This is truly one aspect of dreaming. Allowing us to also gain power and information from our other lives that we are simultaneously living in other realms and dimensions to bring into our current life and wake up and use them……hmmm! Why do we not talk and collaborate on these powerful dreams? I am ready – even if I stand alone (I can bet there are at least a handful) who have had the dreams that seem so real, and you remember it like it was NOW!!!!! This is how awakening occurs! These synchronistic tugs that allow you to wake up and ask!!!!
Love and light,

CLASSES & PRIVATE SESSIONS ** Free Offer for 3 days only ** Webinars you can log in from anywhere on the planet!**

We are going global here awakened ones!

Connect with me on our upcoming events to talk about the symbolism of dream time and the connecting relevance to our awakening process.

Nov 27-29th

(FREE online webinars, classes, or join us if you are local for meditations & discussions ~ Calgary Alberta)

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