Universal Family of Light

Good morning dear ones,
I have felt such wonderful energy and inspiration to share the experiences of this magnificent energetic shift.
From a very young child, I had always sensed things in the most subtle of ways. I remember the deepest of feelings and emotions that others felt around me in very specific situations and was always able to explain and describe in detail the energetic motion of what was going on around me energetically.  Then, and for many years it was confusing, and oftentimes making me feel somewhat, ‘freakish.’  Now however, I understand these aspects of who I am, and more importantly, I am fully embracing it.  I use these heightened awarenesses to learn and glean what I can from what I get downloaded, and learn a great deal from my environment.  I know that I am given exact items when I need it and it usually has some sort of thread to something in my life to connect to and learn from.

I then act with integrity to put it right back out to the Universe with love and reverence for others to be inspired and learn from.  It is quite an energetic ride for others to partake in, so I offer it with joy and excitement, to those who so desire and feel intrigued and inspired to read further.  As energy is received, it must always be given back in some way.  For this energy at times is so profound, that I really have to, and must ‘do something’ with it; write, create, draw, something, anything.

It is like a daily purge of what I am sensing and feeling and must make way for the new, next wave of what is coming, because there is always more to learn and take in.   I have blogged in previous posts about my ‘HeeHaw’ visitation experience and some pieces to the energetic puzzle are slotting themselves into place some 30 yrs later. This is how energy works. I have said it before and will say it again, when you are meant to know things, you will know it.   The information and next step will unfold exactly when it needs to and not a moment sooner.  There is no point to worry, stress, or try to ‘hurry things up,’ for it will not create or make things happen for you any sooner than you divinely planned it so. We are in the stage of our planetary ascension where we must, if no other word can explain the urgency to ‘let go,’ of energy of ‘making things happen.’ Ascension is just as much about surrendering and allowance as it is about awareness.

Awareness will become more acute, more magical as we move along or path into our higher 5th dimensional earth. We are moving out and clearing the 3D reality and now stepping forth into our higher energetic planetary skin. We can see and experience multilayered events occurring at the same time. What I mean by this, as we all know that everything exists ‘NOW,’ we can actually experience and see many events; past, present, and future, all unfold before you in the NOW. I have recently experienced this and is a step forward into our ascension and letting go of our time limited constraints of how we organized our lives. The ‘HeeHaw,’ visitation experience is one that has really been a ‘memory,’ (as we create memories in the now, I will refer to it as we are use to understanding linear language) that has been instrumental and unlocked exactly when it needed to for me to seek further insight for further understanding my multidimensional self.

There have been, as I am sure for many, certain ‘memories,’ will stand out, or instantly come alive, for you to start seeking insight on, or remembrance of, as you awaken and as you have the skills to understand and embrace. You will not be given visitation memories if it does not hold a purpose for you. When I started my ascension path about seven years ago, there were many things that boiled to the surface in the form of ‘memories,’ for me to seek understanding and insight into. Sometimes these memories may come to life in meditations, or dreams, or just as you are quietly in a state of repose, and a glimpse or partial scene will pop before you. This will occur exactly when it needs to and rushing this process will create nothing but frustration and blockage. This is all highly designed and very precise in its planning, so trust this. You knew exactly when it would be most beneficial for you to remember such events.

In my case, there have been many visitations with my most gorgeous celestial family from many corners of the Universe, and for many reasons, and some that I have yet to discover and unlock, but all are within and will unfold when it is timely. I trust this. Some of these visitations are still being understood to this day, and will continue to fully be remembered when my energetic state is fully engaged to handle it all. Etherically, there is so much that occurs that we, on this physical realm, are just not able to comprehend and fit into our logistically controlling minds and reality. As we slip more into our higher reality realms, we will see these mystical and loving events unfold with great respect and reverence for this grand Universe before us.

I know now that my ‘HeeHaw’ experience was to assist me in remaining in this physical realm, and learn, seek, understand, and experience what I had designed myself to do. There were energetic alterations that were required for me to remain here, and such alterations were done, and me partially remembering this experience was instilled within my consciousness so that years later, when timing was perfect that I would ask and further understand. Now that I am able to digest such information and let go of the fear, doubt, and disbelief, and embrace that all of these special occurrences were lovingly done for me to be able to fulfill my earthly contracts and divine plan. This is profound.

I understand now that I am supported beyond even what I can fully ascertain. I am surrounded by more beings that even I had originally thought and I am lovingly guided every step of the way as are you. Although we may not ‘remember,’ all of the pieces to this magical energetic puzzle, I know that it will all fall into place when it needs to. My gift to you is that when you read these stories, and experience the energy, that you let go of your worry, stress, and desire of having everything all be laid out on a silver plater for you. This is only the logical mind that desires such detail. The spirit knows and feels that all is well and you are expansive and grand and all will unfold as it was meant to. Under your perfect design.

I will close this with the greatest reverence, love, and gratitude for my celestial and Universal family that is working with me, supporting me, and expanding with me in this grand scheme. I am blessed and honoured to remember as I designed it~for I know it will all unfold when I am ready to digest the next bit of my energetic exploration into the vastness of the Universe and creation. For all those that are inspire; my deepest gratitude!
My deepest soul passion is to express the beauty in our connection to the All That Is, and the One, that we all have in common. We are all ONE! We all share the same beat of the heart of the Universe and regardless what our skin colour, or our religion, or planetary location, we are all ONE! Of the same energetic essence, together we shall rise!
<a href=”http://eascensio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/About-the-Author.docx”>About the Author</a>

<a href=”http://eascensio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/alienearth.jpg”><img src=”http://eascensio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/alienearth.jpg&#8221; alt=”alienearth” width=”792″ height=”612″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-1820″ /></a>

Blessings and light for your loyalty to stay the course and follow what excites you.

Connect with us on Monday evenings for our online webinar meditations! Inspired, Refreshing, and Expansive!

