Universal Family of Light

Good morning dear ones,
I have felt such wonderful energy and inspiration to share the experiences of this magnificent energetic shift.
From a very young child, I had always sensed things in the most subtle of ways. I remember the deepest of feelings and emotions that others felt around me in very specific situations and was always able to explain and describe in detail the energetic motion of what was going on around me energetically.  Then, and for many years it was confusing, and oftentimes making me feel somewhat, ‘freakish.’  Now however, I understand these aspects of who I am, and more importantly, I am fully embracing it.  I use these heightened awarenesses to learn and glean what I can from what I get downloaded, and learn a great deal from my environment.  I know that I am given exact items when I need it and it usually has some sort of thread to something in my life to connect to and learn from.

I then act with integrity to put it right back out to the Universe with love and reverence for others to be inspired and learn from.  It is quite an energetic ride for others to partake in, so I offer it with joy and excitement, to those who so desire and feel intrigued and inspired to read further.  As energy is received, it must always be given back in some way.  For this energy at times is so profound, that I really have to, and must ‘do something’ with it; write, create, draw, something, anything.

It is like a daily purge of what I am sensing and feeling and must make way for the new, next wave of what is coming, because there is always more to learn and take in.   I have blogged in previous posts about my ‘HeeHaw’ visitation experience and some pieces to the energetic puzzle are slotting themselves into place some 30 yrs later. This is how energy works. I have said it before and will say it again, when you are meant to know things, you will know it.   The information and next step will unfold exactly when it needs to and not a moment sooner.  There is no point to worry, stress, or try to ‘hurry things up,’ for it will not create or make things happen for you any sooner than you divinely planned it so. We are in the stage of our planetary ascension where we must, if no other word can explain the urgency to ‘let go,’ of energy of ‘making things happen.’ Ascension is just as much about surrendering and allowance as it is about awareness.

Awareness will become more acute, more magical as we move along or path into our higher 5th dimensional earth. We are moving out and clearing the 3D reality and now stepping forth into our higher energetic planetary skin. We can see and experience multilayered events occurring at the same time. What I mean by this, as we all know that everything exists ‘NOW,’ we can actually experience and see many events; past, present, and future, all unfold before you in the NOW. I have recently experienced this and is a step forward into our ascension and letting go of our time limited constraints of how we organized our lives. The ‘HeeHaw,’ visitation experience is one that has really been a ‘memory,’ (as we create memories in the now, I will refer to it as we are use to understanding linear language) that has been instrumental and unlocked exactly when it needed to for me to seek further insight for further understanding my multidimensional self.

There have been, as I am sure for many, certain ‘memories,’ will stand out, or instantly come alive, for you to start seeking insight on, or remembrance of, as you awaken and as you have the skills to understand and embrace. You will not be given visitation memories if it does not hold a purpose for you. When I started my ascension path about seven years ago, there were many things that boiled to the surface in the form of ‘memories,’ for me to seek understanding and insight into. Sometimes these memories may come to life in meditations, or dreams, or just as you are quietly in a state of repose, and a glimpse or partial scene will pop before you. This will occur exactly when it needs to and rushing this process will create nothing but frustration and blockage. This is all highly designed and very precise in its planning, so trust this. You knew exactly when it would be most beneficial for you to remember such events.

In my case, there have been many visitations with my most gorgeous celestial family from many corners of the Universe, and for many reasons, and some that I have yet to discover and unlock, but all are within and will unfold when it is timely. I trust this. Some of these visitations are still being understood to this day, and will continue to fully be remembered when my energetic state is fully engaged to handle it all. Etherically, there is so much that occurs that we, on this physical realm, are just not able to comprehend and fit into our logistically controlling minds and reality. As we slip more into our higher reality realms, we will see these mystical and loving events unfold with great respect and reverence for this grand Universe before us.

I know now that my ‘HeeHaw’ experience was to assist me in remaining in this physical realm, and learn, seek, understand, and experience what I had designed myself to do. There were energetic alterations that were required for me to remain here, and such alterations were done, and me partially remembering this experience was instilled within my consciousness so that years later, when timing was perfect that I would ask and further understand. Now that I am able to digest such information and let go of the fear, doubt, and disbelief, and embrace that all of these special occurrences were lovingly done for me to be able to fulfill my earthly contracts and divine plan. This is profound.

I understand now that I am supported beyond even what I can fully ascertain. I am surrounded by more beings that even I had originally thought and I am lovingly guided every step of the way as are you. Although we may not ‘remember,’ all of the pieces to this magical energetic puzzle, I know that it will all fall into place when it needs to. My gift to you is that when you read these stories, and experience the energy, that you let go of your worry, stress, and desire of having everything all be laid out on a silver plater for you. This is only the logical mind that desires such detail. The spirit knows and feels that all is well and you are expansive and grand and all will unfold as it was meant to. Under your perfect design.

I will close this with the greatest reverence, love, and gratitude for my celestial and Universal family that is working with me, supporting me, and expanding with me in this grand scheme. I am blessed and honoured to remember as I designed it~for I know it will all unfold when I am ready to digest the next bit of my energetic exploration into the vastness of the Universe and creation. For all those that are inspire; my deepest gratitude!
My deepest soul passion is to express the beauty in our connection to the All That Is, and the One, that we all have in common. We are all ONE! We all share the same beat of the heart of the Universe and regardless what our skin colour, or our religion, or planetary location, we are all ONE! Of the same energetic essence, together we shall rise!
<a href=”http://eascensio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/About-the-Author.docx”>About the Author</a>

<a href=”http://eascensio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/alienearth.jpg”><img src=”http://eascensio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/alienearth.jpg&#8221; alt=”alienearth” width=”792″ height=”612″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-1820″ /></a>

Blessings and light for your loyalty to stay the course and follow what excites you.

Connect with us on Monday evenings for our online webinar meditations! Inspired, Refreshing, and Expansive!



Opportunities Abound~Abundance is YOURS!

by Joanna L. RossPerez on March 29, 2014
I am feeling so grateful and alive right now and there is so much to feel, see, and experience that I just had to post and share in this amazing energy. I have sensed for many, many years that the feeling of ‘abundance,’ and ‘material wealth,’ is a concern and issue for many people. This lifetime for me, among other things, is one that is heavily mixed with the energy of ‘competition, and abundance.’ Primarily brought forth from other incarnations and I am here to move through the issues of lack, and fulfillment, once and for all. Thank goodness!

I know for a fact that I am not the only one that has felt these underpinning darkness of how feeling; ‘not enough,’ or ‘broke,’ or ‘full.’ It doesn’t matter what aspect of life you connect these feelings with, these feelings of lack and always seeking more, seems to sneak its way into every crevasse within our lives. Once it is in, it moves everywhere, like a virus or a cancer. It can create darkness and emptiness when we allow it to. So, now we can tackle this with boldness and confidence to flush it out; ‘once and for all!’ Join me in doing so right here, right now!

In all of our incarnations, we have played a myriad of person’s. We have played the good, the bad, the in-between. Don’t deny this fact, accept it and take from each what it has taught you and move on. There is none of us that have been entirely good, or entirely ruthless. Our soul’s, along with our guides, and our angelic helpers, all decided at higher levels what roles we will play and what lessons will be the over riding themes in our lives. We still as physical beings on this planet, have ‘free will,’ to alter every path, but we will always be faced with these themes for us to learn and move through for our higher growth and lessons. This has been one of my main themes. To overcome the issues of ‘competition and lack.’ How exciting! I do not cringe or shrink from this as I did years ago. For now I understand.

Let me embark some lessons I have learned as I have taught ‘Manifestation and Abundance’ classes many times and each time, I have been provided with new and exciting things. I will pass these on for you to soak in and really feel within your essence as I have recently been shown once again, that all is 100% totally in my control and I am being supported, loved, and cheered on from many levels for me to finally understand this and own this to my deepest level.

Your Manifestation to Abundance and Fulfillment NOW!
1.) KNOW, not merely believing, but KNOW you are, in this moment, ABUNDANT! ~ feel this knowingness, regardless of what is in front of you, or what your the inside of your fridge tells you, or what your bank account shows you. Know, and FEEL the immense gratitude of your wealth in ALL THINGS! LOVE, PASSION, MONETARY WEALTH, FRIENDSHIP, HEALTH, HAPPINESS, etc., FEEL THIS WEALTH NOW!
2.) KNOW, the energetic essence of ‘knowingness’ is profound! ~ Knowing is a completely different essence than; thinking, believing, it is PURE KNOWING! The type of knowingness that comes from the FACT that you KNOW your name! It is who you are! So is your ability to manifest and be ABUNDANT! IT is PURE KNOWINGNESS!
THERE IS A DIFFERENCE in this energetic essence. The sooner you connect with this essence of ‘knowingness,’ the sooner you will manifest.
3.) KNOW, that you are loved beyond your wildest dreams. ~ This feeling and energetic essence of love is the highest and most pure vibration of creating and manifesting. The sooner you feel, the sooner you know, the sooner you love the way that you are loved, the more you will manifest exactly what you desire. Without effort or planning what so ever. This is way of the Universe and it desires to always return when you are also in the essence of being in the state of pure love.
4.) KNOW, that GRATITUDE is the first step in receiving! This is huge. I have seen so many people on the verge of manifesting great things, great growth opportunities, and this one ingredient left out will slow and even halt the whole process and efforts put forth. If one is of the energy of disrespect, or disregard for the Universal Law of energy and abundance, than any gift brought forward will always be short-lived if experienced at all.
Gratitude is the energy and essence of the angelic realm and there is no other higher vibration beside love, that can attract anything, anytime, anywhere. Now, let me state this and be clear on this, there is a difference between ‘be-ing’ in a state of ‘GRATITUDE’ and being grateful and merely ‘saying’ gratitude statements. To be utterly grateful, to be in this essence cuts to the core of your being, and I have found that unless you have self-love, self-respect, and self-gratitude, it is impossible to BE in the state of GRATITUDE! Gratitude requires that you honour who you are and love who you are for the Universe to hear your call.

Surrender into your soul essence.  Allow all the gifts of the Universe to grace your presence in your life right now.  Feel it coming to you now.  Sense it in your possession now, because all is here right here, right now.  It is all within you and you are about to own this.  Awaken to it NOW! Awaken to your full potential and feel all that you worthy of.  This is your life to move through these feelings and emotions of struggle and ‘less than.’ When you get to the core of these issues, it doesn’t matter if it is in love, creativity, or money, you will feel and know your worthiness of your true essence.  Because that is all anything is made of.  Energetic essence and you are about to awaken into it.  Soak that in and feel the shift in your essence.   

These are four very simple steps, but do require effort to change your beliefs, and your behaviours and your habitual defining of things in your life. In my private reading sessions, we do work on these basics and we align you with your highest and best so that you can physically see, feel, the difference in energetic shift, for you to recreate when you are walking about your path and life. It is about remembrance about your true natural state and essence as an energetic being and knowing your infinite ability to create and be the master of your physical domain. This is a process of ascension and one that many, many, are working on now. To overcome what they have believed to be true about what abundance means, and how it is available in the most infinite amounts to all. There is always enough, there is always a chance to live a bountiful life with endless amounts of love, zest, money, passion, creativity, and so on. You OWN ALL OF THIS! RIGHT HERE~RIGHT NOW!

We will be doing a class on manifestation and abundance as this is very exciting for me to teach. Crossing the threshold on many of these old beliefs has been instrumental in me being able to say those things with confidence. It is all because I know. It is not just guess-work or reciting someone’s best selling book, it is knowing from experience. My gift to you this remarkable day and my love and blessings to you all for your path to unfold and your life to provide all the joy you deserve. As you are the essence of love and light! You are about to remember this!
Tyr our iAscend Audio store for abundance affirmations and ‘I AM’ essence meditations. We desire to assist in your path to ascension and alignment with spirit and soul purpose.

Love and light always,
Joanna RossPerez
March 29, 2014




Twitter; eAscensionUnum
Google; Joanna RossPerez https://plus.google.com/u/0/

Cycles, Patterns & Signs of Change

One thing that I have learned from studying this path of ascension and our energetic connection to life itself, is that there are always signs, patterns and symbols to allow us a peak at what is coming. Some people that are intuitive enough can predict, or prophesies certain events, and appear that they are unique gifted see’ers into the unknown. Not really. Only silent enough and reflective enough to notice what is always going on.

In any household, you can sense when things are not quite right, or there is someone in need, without words being spoken, you can tell. Those who choose not to admit it, are hiding in their own power, and that is ok. Some are just not ready to know their sense of independence and enlightenment. Some souls have coding that will trigger their enlightenment and awakening, so rushing anyone into the light is futile. When the soul is ready, it will go with bells and whistles. I know this, and I trust in this. I cannot bring any new members on before they are ready. I cannot offer so many specials that I bring on enough to make ascension and transition occur for as many as possible. I know this. When the souls are ready for awakening, they will appear. So I let go of the ‘expectation’ and ‘over anxious,’ attempts to predict results on anything. I am merely happy, content in what is. I put out the best that I can offer always, and even though my physical brain at times feels mushy with the high streams flushing through me, I put forth my highest intent.

I have noticed that the more we flow into this process of ascension, we can open ourselves up to the light in more ways than learning about it. We can allow our physical bodies to come along for the ride and let all resistance go. As these increased energy patterns and cosmic cycles continue, and they will, we can create more allowance and surrender into what your higher self has planned for you to meet your destined path. These aspects to ascension are so crucial and more deeper we glide in this planetary movement of rebalancing, the more we notice the subtleties and undercurrents that have always been in our lives but we simply miss because we are half awake. Energy is immense and is so profound in so many ways. Energy can be felt, seen, intuited, and bring clear signs of change and transformation. Energy can never be destroyed and is always in motion. The only thing in our Universe that is constant within us all. We are all ENERGY!

When we understand our initial make up, our own constituency, we can then learn to navigate and master our way around this and empower ourselves to create a life that embellishes who we are at our very core. We no longer run from, or hide from who we are. We can embrace ourselves freely and with great pride in our gifts and offerings for we know that we are truly unique and required in this massive play amongst the Universal storyboard. There are ‘no accidents,’ and there are no ‘coincidences,’ in our existence. Should you feel there is, then it is only because you have not been awoken by the mere magnificence of our Universe orchestrating with your higher self and soul to gift you in the moments you need it most to see your true power. No worries though, your timing will occur when you have perfectly timed it. It always does. That is how perfect this Universe is.

Should you see destruction, or pain, or lack, then it is in your path to learn from this. So do so. Then act. For you see something being mirrored that you are believing in, or seeing, something that you need or want deep within to change within yourself. This is what your reality is showing you. Something that at your higher level desires to be noticed, healed, loved, and altered. Otherwise, why would it be there? This is why we see what we see. This is why we experience what we do and this is why we, yes WE, create all of it! We are not victims, and we are pure creators to place before our paths the exact things we need to for us to awaken within. This is all OUR OWN DOING!

Have I been subtle enough? It took me a few years to really grasp that fact that there was not some big, larger than life entity that was controlling all the things in my life that I did not want to face and look at. When it really hit me, when I started to see positive things being created that I had manifested, even the smallest of things, then I was brought to the realization that if I can create these magical, profound, small events, then I was also in control of every other aspect too. We are not only in control of the good, or the challenging, but all of it. When we can see that level of creative power that is innate within us, when we can see our own bigger picture, and our input on the grander scheme of things, we can then act with higher integrity, and conscious intent for what we create. You can look back on my previous posts and see how many times I have written this next sentence;
‘We are powerful creators!’ If you never acknowledged this before, you may feel this sentence seep into your consciousness and come to life in small but miraculous ways. This is what awakening and ascension is.

We are creating higher resonating light quotient bodies that can filter and flow higher resonating patterns for preparation to higher realms and interacting as we ascend. We cannot be imploded and thrust into higher realms without some sort of preparation on all levels. At our souls essence, we know what is desired to be learned. At our physical level, we had forgotten our innate abilities long, long ago. We are in states of remembrance and awakening and it is truly magical. We are each awakening in our own time and in our way with perfect coding to be released for action into higher frequency living. Our physical, our emotional, our energetic, and our spiritual bodies require stretching, honing, and preparing for such journeys. This is our collective state now.

You will find a plethora of youtube video’s and blogs that have channelled and intuitive writings of expansive experiences that outline various examples of such preparations. I have written countless examples of not only what I have experienced, but what I have seen of others and noticed myself. So, it really is all around us if we are aware to notice it. Again, we go back to your ability to awaken to the subtleties of the energetic patterns and cycles that allow you to peak into what has been, and what will be unfolding for you and our planet. Commit silent time and reflective time to sense what is always all around you to come to life in from to of your eyes. For it will not pop on your text screen. Spirit speaks in the silence of the mind, and the whispers of the heart. It is floating and gliding in and out of your day taunting you to wake up and play. releaseyourpower

In closing this note on this most magical day, you are blessed in so many ways and know you are blessed beyond our physical minds reason. We always have been and always will be. Now we can start to take part in this play and have some fun in our own divine plan. For I know this my dear friends, it is one amazing freaken’ journey and one I am grateful to be wakeful and attuned to it now. This NOW is glorious, this NOW is beautiful, this NOW is perfect! And so am I, in this perfect moment of NOW!

Blessings and light to you on this magical day,





When everything feels broken….

Good morning dear ones, 

These truly are magnetic times of renewal, challenge, and awakening.  For in every moment there is new opportunity to birth yourself anew in some way.  With the changing of each season, as done so long ago, we are energetically brought to a place of deep reflection for us to create ourselves to stillness and light.  In this Universe so grand, so immense, there requires to be change and evolution.  In of the most smallest of species, to the most densely packed star galaxies, there are alignments that propel change and evolution.  For there to be the splitting of the prism, the atom, and the ability for All That Is to know itself in an infinite number of ways, and so are we to rise to the challenge when all feels broken and chaotic. 

Chaos is, struggle is, challenge is the ability to move from one state to another and know you are worthy of seeing it through and change the outcome.  What the outcome will be and how you shine forth on the other side will be determined on what you believe to be true about that chaos.  You have, and always had the ability to choose.  You created for yourself this game of immense learning and love to teach, to expand, to allow yourself to flow into the energetic path of love.  What was there all along, was waiting for your perfectly timed signpost for you to alter your course.  With each thought you think, with every word you speak, you have the opportunity to alter your course.  Your beliefs and your emotions are the precursors to how you behave towards the Universe.  The Universe in each moment is your virtual reality mirror.  It provides you moment-to-moment feedback on what you are displaying to the Universe as your highest and best belief.  It will then return to you, sometimes in a matter of moments, what you vibrational match with.  

As we are quickening as a planet in our corner of the galaxy, we are like a cog in the Universal wheel.  As set forth by the Divine for all change and evolution, we have seen our darkest day, we have experienced our most powerless moments, and not it is time for the veil to be dropped and for change to occur in profoundly loving ways.  For Gaia, has for centuries lived in a state of tug-of-war between forces that have not always had her best interest at heart, and before the scales tip into oblivion, we have the opportunity to experience what our powerful sense of creator-hood can provide us.   We have always been powerful creators, we have always been immensely creative and we have always been deeply connected to our Gaia, yet we have been so pre-occupied with stuff, with power, with our own self delusions of what ‘life’ is all about that we forgot how to live within who we are first.  

We can release our addictions to the technical devices that provide a false sense of belonging, and allow ourselves to slip into silence for the realization that our higher mind, our Higher Self has always had our back, and is our ultimate guide and driver on this glorious path of life.  Challenge yourself to a day in silence.  If you are still reading and not picking yourself up from the floor in shock, know that these small incremental changes can bring you the deepest sense of connection that you have ever experienced.  This my friends is what I know to be true!  Allow yourself to slip into the flow of life, the flow of your magnetic energetic being-ness to float with creation in the most monumental ways and know you are an aspect of it and powerful within it to levels you had never dreamed of.  This is your essence of power, your centre, your true state of bliss as you reconnect, and you remember who you truly are.  As an aspect of creation, a unique aspect of the Divine, you designed yourself to be in this exact place, at this exact time, to discover the elegance of this immensely profound Universe that you are an integral aspect of.  And thus, change occurs.  When you believe, when you define, when you KNOW that somewhere within, you are changed.  You have altered yourself from within and from that moment on, you are a forever changed aspect and you feel exhilaration in the remembrance of your true natural self.  This electric charge runs through your cellular make-up because you have been reconnected with all the other finely tuned cogs within the Universe, that fluidly work with one another in the most delightful of ways.  

In this powerful and opportune time of our Spring Equinox, we have this window to spirit for us to experience at a very deep level.  We can connect with these Universal timings that have been set at the highest of levels within creation.  For not only our planet, within our galaxy, we are in all playing with ‘change,’ in monumental ways along with all other planets and galaxies within the Universe.  For we are all connected like massive cogs in this Universal wheel of evolution and it is Gaia’s time to ascend from the darkness of greed and aloofness.  We have been somewhat broken for far too long, and it is our time to return to our spirit sense.  That does not mean that we all leave our physical form.  For ascension is misunderstood in many aspects to many.  Ascension and expansion is the moment-by-moment altering, shifting, into new and higher states.  That is your commitment to walk the path of higher change and higher living.  Decide that in this life, you will choose your power to create a life that you can experience ‘living,’ for the first time in centuries of incarnations.  Each decision you make to reconnect, to remember your highest essence, is step-by-step allowance in your path to ascension.  It is your ultimate unfolding and discovery into your ever expanding essence into more of your multi-dimensional existence!

When everything feels broken, know it is the mirror of your reality providing you an opportunity to alter your course.  You are given an opportunity to change, to decide, to reveal your ultimate essence and unveil your mastery in creating.  When we are given these magical moments to redefine who we are, we can stand boldly in our path and watch the magic begin.  For we know, we know without hesitation, without question that we are worthy of all that is good, and of all that is beautiful for WE ARE THAT CHANGE and our soul has been calling us for decades to wake up and experience the beauty that we are.   You have the strength to pick yourself up and be that essence that can show you the magic within awaiting your recognition.  Just as our astrological alignments carry energy and power within them, after all, they are massive planets moving in suspended space, how could they not affect us?  We are given windows of opportunity to act, to alter our path, and to align with what our soul has devised for us at our highest level.  Our only role now is to act.  

Take note of what your reality is mirroring to you.  Is there negative chaos fluttering about, or do you have joy and excitement being offered synchronistically? Are your relationships breaking down, trying to spin off into space?  Are you seeing that change is inevitable for you to see, in no uncertain terms that change must occur?   When the soft whispers within, stir, and boil over, it is your divinely planned course alteration.  Such annoyances and challenges, are your signpost to act and wake up to where your next step is placed before you.

Will you act in bold trust and knowingness that you knew what you were doing when you divinely planned such a beautiful plan?  The next sentence will alter your beliefs on the structure of your life forever.

 SURRENDER into the ultimate TRUST that you KNOW exactly what you are doing at the highest level and ALLOW your life to unfold and CREATE all the magic and brilliance you desire.


Dissect this sentence and create flash cards.  Whatever will allow this sentence to seep into your deepest cellular make up.  Eat, breathe, live this sentence for it is within you to know and you know this at your deepest level.  I am reminding you of your power to create yourself anew.  To renew your beauty of spirit and soul and reconnect with the Divine.  The Universe awaits to play with your awakened soul, and it will delight you infinitely more so than any technical device will ever offer.   For it is our home, and it is our family.  Our path to Oneness, and our path to wholism, is far more grand than anything we distract ourselves from.  Our awakening IS  the path to who we truly are, and your time to discover it is now!    

 How utterly profound is this?  

May you breathe in your glorious sense of spirit, and your sense of grandeur for it is you and you are it!

Float in the warm loving light of creation and experience what unfolds!  



Blessings and light,

My love and gratitude to my infinitely compassionate and patient guides, star families and higher aspects all lending their talents and gifts to my ascension and this glorious time of consciousness expansion.  I am grateful beyond earthly words to their commitment with my path and our unified unfolding! 












Powerful Times require Powerful Intent!

Magical times indeed dear ones!  We are entering the time of our biannual equinox and this Spring is a unique time for us to intend our way into blissful joy.  These truly are powerful times, for there is not only our earthly axis tilt allowing us to experience equal light, equal dark, but we have our inter-galactic and Universal star families that will also be encouraging our transformation by their energetic agendas.  

Truly magical!  As you wake yourself to go about your day, take a few minutes to align what you will provide for your day.  What will you intend for your day and what energetic offering will you set forth for the infinite source to deliver to you?  Most beings do not set forth their intentions daily let alone minute by minute.  Though this is what is required to truly create a powerful life.  With every thought, word, deed and redefining what you believe to be true, will you create brilliance around you for you to experience.  

True, that change requires one to step forth and alter, shift, and transform what was into what is.  There is no going around it.  Should you desire a powerful life, should you desire profound energetic experiences, and should you desire enlightened sense of being, then one must change.  What must you do to alter your outcome? What must you align with to create the life that glistens with your unique signature?  How will your story read and what will your song say?  This is your chance, your doorway, your opportunity to tap into Universal energy that encourages and supports profound angelic change and alterations.  

We have utter control of everything in our reality.  What you see before you, what you experience in each moment is of your creation.  This is something that I would guarantee that most do not realize and why I am so passionate about what I teach and express.  As I too was one that felt like a victim, and felt as if the world was against me.  I was in darkness within myself and then I was divinely guided to see my own light.  That is the moment that changed and altered my life path and my life outcome.   

There are moments in everyones life where we experience something so profound, that we no longer exist in the skin of who we once were.  We are literally changed forever and not one thing about your sense of being is the same.  Those moments are life altering, awakening, enlightening, and meant to stir your sleeping spirit.  Your soul will continue in each lifetime, in each experience to send you gifts of guidance, opportunity, and awakening for you to grab a hold of and master your path to enlightenment.  The soul desires and craves evolution and growth.  There will always be an opportunity placed before you and the path will always be presented.  It is up to us to take action and step up!  It is our intent, our action, that creates change.  For in each new thought, in each new word of positive and loving intent, and with each kind act, we send powerful light emissions to the Universe and it cannot be denied.  Every change creates change in everything else.  We are all one and our energetic shifting is affected and will affect all else.  This is how profound your ascension and expansion is.  You can deeply connect with your multi-dimensional aspect of who you are and you can tap into this and any other essence that you are connected with at the energetic level.  This is how profound our energetic linkage is within this magical Universe.  So immense and so utterly profound.  

So dear friends of light, take this moment to design who you desire to be in this powerful time of change and renewal.  Take time each day and night, to create new powerful intentions of who you are and who you are excited to express to the world.  For this is your time to alter your path with powerful and playful intent!  You will always be gifted and guided when you act on who you were meant to be.  This is your time!Image

Powerful times require powerful intent.  Feel your heart swell as you are being touched by this energetic blast of love and compassion for your path ahead and what it will offer you. May this stir your soul to act and may this encourage and envelope you in the love that you had signed on to experience in this time.  You are a profound creator and I believe in your movement and access to the higher knowing of who you are.  For I have walked this path and I know.  How sweet the journey is!  

Happy spring dear friends and may your week be filled with magical glitter for your rebirth into a profound state of being.  My joy, love, and gratitude to you all!  

You deserve all that is light, joy, and love-filled!  

 ***********************************Join us Friday evening March 21, 2014**************************************

8:00pm MTN

Spring Equinox Intention Meditation



Webinar invites will be sent out from your donation entry!

Let’s create something profound!






Twitter; eAscensioUnum


Ascension Updates~March 2014

Hello dear gorgeous ones, 

Thank you for all of your comments and follows, as you lighten my path to keep writing, inspiring and creating.  My purpose and passion.  

I am creating an intimate works of writing and it will be ready sometime this summer so I am excited to bring this to you for more light-filled stories and journey topics.

The energy streams have been pretty intense over the past two months and will only get stronger.  I am finding and sensing that these streams pass more quickly and do not last as long as they originally did even six months ago.  I am finding that I am thrown off for about a day or two, more recently than being thrown off for a few weeks, only months previously.  Sensing a grander aspect of energy in smaller but more intense clusters.  Awaken to the psychic aptitudes that we all have, can be somewhat confusing if we are not in-tune and aware of what is happening on a global and galactic level.  So stay tuned and join in, in any way that you can to fine tune to your etheric body, your auric body, and allow yourself to be immerse and drenched in water as much as you can.  Water is very healing and I myself have been seeing Sirian energy of water and fish of which I have not seen before, coming through my impressions lately.  So, there is immense assistance we receive not only from Sirius, who are our distant relatives, as well as the other light council, like the Pleiadians, and Arcturian energy all of which are streaming love and light to our planet to assist and guide us in this process.  Along with the many other galactic beings that have come forth to assist us in this special time, is truly amazing and we are utterly grateful for your guidance and love in our awakening.  

We have some exclusive events coming up this weekend and wanted to also let you know about a Monday evening meditation alignment group that I am creating.  Every monday we will be connecting online for small group meditations to assist in aligning to the higher energies and waves for us to ride upon.  Staying tuned in, aligned, and enlightened is key.  Everything you do, thought, word, and deed creates your reality so choose wisely how you desire your life to unfold.  

Meditation Class-Online webinar platform;


We will be connecting with this and other manifestation topics in our monthly class;

‘Preparing for Contact’ ~ I will be teaching this one.


We have a special event with Darryl Anka, an international channel for Bashar, another higher realm being that will be connecting with us on how to unleash your personal power and resonance to manifest the life you desire.  Sat., March 15t @ 4:00pm * Connect with our FREE interview with Darryl as he guides on this mastery quest for ascension.  


**We also have one of my favourite teachers of all time; Sandy Anastasi~This beautiful soul will be teaching a class on understanding ‘Our of Body Experiences’ ~ she is a dear friend and has been teaching for over twenty years.  She has been seen on TV shows such as ‘The View’ and ‘Crossing Over’ with John Edward.  

Connect in with us on this ‘can’t miss’ class!  



Looking forward to connecting with your gorgeous souls and spirits,

My live webcast site with spree cast is now up and running;


We also have free offers on our members area; audio, affirmations, and transcripts of all of our classes so far.  Connect in our iAscend store for more info.

Blessings and light,

THANK YOU, to all those who send love, and light and glisten from within a space of truth, honour, and integrity for all that you are!  You are star seeds, light workers in the most incredible way!

 Joanna L. RossPerez





Nothing in life is an accident!

Good morning gorgeous awakening souls!

I wanted to first off say that as spring approaches, know that you will be experiencing many opportunities to reclaim your souls code to advance in any way possible.  The changing of the seasons is no accident.  Nothing in life is accidental or ‘for not.’  All experiences are purposeful and worthy of your greater awareness.  If you take any situation that has occurred to you in this morning, thus far, you can ask your higher mind, your guides, for the meaning of each situation and you will be shown.  For even meeting an overly cheery coffee brew master, is a reflection in some way, that can glean important value for you.

It is in this more awakened awareness that we seek higher learning and answers from which we had not yet known, and has been within all along.  For some time now, some centuries for that matter, we have been lead to believe, by free will that is, to believe that we are merely these gorgeous bag of bones, destined to live working our every day for someone else, and retiring with barely enough to survive on.  If we have followed certain rules, or maintained the status quo, then we will be taken care of.  In some way, our governments and other societal structures will give us what we need to proclaim, ‘I have lived a full life,’ and we sigh our to accept our fate.

This has never been ‘ok’ with me.  I have always worked harder than others, in hope I would rise to the top, and be taken care of in better ways.  I had attitudes of separation that pushed me into high stress jobs and roles, so that I could maintain my sense of control on how and when I would retire and be comfortable in doing so.  I was engrained with the responsibility to value the monetary worth, as if it were in someway reflective upon who I am as a spirit.    After many years of flip-flopping from high pressured roles, and seeking, and searching for more of what my calling was, the more I felt that I was truly displaced.  What was I working so hard for and for who?  I certainly was not happy in the roles I was in, nor was I happy about working so hard with little to show for it, only creating great good for massive companies that seemed to have little care on what my true value was.  Was I going to work this hard, and retire and be fulfilled at the soul level? Are you?

As I began to ask such questions, I began to have flashes of insight, inspiration, and higher access to ideas that could really propel me in a new direction.  This is what awakening is, among many other things, it is being thrown, quite literally in a completely different direction than you had thought you would step upon.  Whether it be in a job, career, or relationship, we are all given opportunities that we have the soul’s window opened for us, to peak in at our true potential and our true nature.  Some find these windows a little scary, frightening, and uneasy.  That is ‘ok.’ For the path to higher learning, and acceptance of your true capacity, is one of profound impact, and if you are ready, will alter your life forever.

I remember each step on my path when moments of awakening have taken me to levels that I am still truly ‘gobsmacked,’ to where I am now and what I am able to tap into based on my new found allowance.  I am in utter trust, profound faith of what I create because I am guided, taught, and loved, with every step, and every thought.  This is not an idle thought, this is a profound KNOWINGNESS!  I have utter trust and immense reverence for Universe laws, and it has taught me to have the same faith for myself.  So in every step, and even every word I speak, I pause for the energy that it carries.  I take each step with knowingness of who I am and who I proclaim to be and the next step on my path merely appears as it always has.  This knowingness, this immense sense of self is not comfortable for everyone. For we have lived most of our lives being compared to our neighbours, our co-workers, and colleagues, and so on.  We are not meant to appear ‘out of line,’ or ‘different’ in so much as to feel cast out, or left out for what we think or believe to be true.  Much as the great spiritual masters that have walked this planet to create real change.  Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, all have been crucified in some way for their beliefs were so outside of what everyone else thought.  This is how we have been conditioned to see, ‘change,’ and the ‘light,’ that moves mountains, and love that can heal all illness.  Few have the capacity to fully understand your path or vision to be clear about who you are.  Rest assured, it is completely ‘ok!’ For all experiences are valid and true for those going through it.

This post is sent out with immense love and reassurance that this higher path, to knowing more of who you are is not for everyone. The soul’s that are ready for awakening will awaken, and there is perfect timing and perfect design to it all.  Your higher aspects, your higher self, have designed exactly when you will awaken.  You have designed when you will step on your path, and provide you lengthy opportunities to do so.  For it is never too late to awaken to your infinite and powerful energetic self.  Know that there is much to learn, there is much to know, and there is much to experience, as the Universe is infinite and so are you.  The planet is ever changing as she moves on her path to ascension and her path to rebalancing, we will feel these shifts and move through them in very different ways.  We will feel sensitive, we will feel anxious, and anticipating yet having no real reason for what.  We will feel tingling in our hands, feet, and ringing int he ears, and vision will adjust, as the shifts affect everything, sand we are a part of that everything.

For those comfortably sitting in your lovely earth sofa, reading your iPad, or iPhone, or computer, know that there is no accident you have been drawn here.  Whether you choose to admit your higher self in directing you here, as we rarely give ourselves credit for our immense intelligence at the energetic level, and I am here to tell you that your higher self, your soul has guided you here.  You are so wise, so intelligent to be reading something here that will trigger something within for your consciousness to soak in.  At some point over the next few days, you will ponder on something, you will remember something, and it will come to the forefront for you to piece together in your path to awakening.  This is what awakening is.  There are no accidents.  Whether it be a video, a blog, a visit with a friend, or the hummingbird at your window, you are the master creator of it all.  How grand and immense are you to do this?  Give yourself the credit you deserve to be your own guide, your own teacher, your own spiritualist, and council.  For you are immense.  Let go of what you have been taught for those ways are out dated and needing of some repair.  You are huge, massive, profound and divinely guided in every step you take.  I am a living example of that!

This and many other topics are in my book, hopefully to be ready by May, will invite you on my own personal ascension journey and as I offer what I have learned, what I have seen, what I have experienced, may it enlighten you to at the very least ask; ‘Am I really more than I see right now?’  For in the asking of questions like this, can lead you down the path of the ‘untaken,’ and path less travelled and I for one am on that path.  I am ‘ok,’ with the majority of the population not understanding or ‘getting,’ me.  I knew when I stepped on this path that there would be many that would think I would be ‘off my preverbal rocker.’  That is ok with me.  For as the quote says; ‘if you feel like you don’t fit in, your doing things right.’

Let go of fear dear ones, let go of your doubt about your capacity to evolve.  You have more within you than you know and you will be lead to what you need, when you need it.  You are supported and guided, and loved unconditionally every step of the way, even if the majority of the people in our world doesn’t get you.  The light workers of this time are beings of many, many lifetimes who have stepped forward in this time to help lead, guide, and heal others and offer light to a world in great need.  They are the mavericks, they are the warriors of light that bring forth newness!

Know in your every thought that you guides hear you, and each time you ask, they are there.  Are you listening?  You are always being sent angelic assistance and light from all corners of the Universe and you are above all ALWAYS LOVED!  So, if you feel challenged, frightened or scrared, know you are not alone, and we unendingly guide you in love and light.  For how can this be all that scary or bad?

Breathe in the sense of who you are.  Breathe in the knowingness of your immense power to create, and know your sense of light hood.  This is who you are!  This is who I choose to be and I walk this path with pride and conviction of who I am becoming in each new thought, for it is all being designed by my higher aspects, and I trust this process.   Float freely with your spirit for it is always and unconditionally calling you to step up, step out of the closet and see the sky so wide and expansive, for it is where we all reside from.  Our ancestral knowledge and wisdom, is all hidden within the stars and shines upon every night.  They are there for us to ponder, wonder, delight, and wish upon.  A better world for all, the light to shine forth once again, and to breathe the fresh clean air for another generation to enjoy.  My wish for you, my wish for Gaia, and my wish for our infinite Universe.

As we come together in joy, love, and light, may you know yours in this grand play of ascension and may you awaken your soul and dance your dance.  May you sing the song that has been brewing for centuries, and choosing this perfect moment to peak out from behind the veil of doubt and fear.

The only thing you will find in your fear is more of you waiting to be found.  Waiting to be loved and healed.  Your acceptance of your greater aspect is finding a way to show you your higher light, your higher path.  It will always try!  Whether we listen, whether we heed the call of spirit, of our soul, of true and utter bliss…….for this is my wish!

May you walk in love and light this day, and may you always know you are guided, loved, and treasured. You are a gift to creation and you are a gift to the Universe.  The Universe, this world, would not be the same without you.  You are valued, you are worthy, and you are alive now to experience being awake.  Right here, right now.

My blessings and light to you all this gorgeous day!  For you always know your truth, your value, and your worthiness!  It shines forth like the stars!  I have always seen it…..

This is dedicated to the strongest souls I know!  (you know who you are 😉

You have allowed me to cherish this gift of this magnificent life that at one point I just couldn’t see.  For we have all chosen on higher levels to be united in this soul family ~ our higher selves know exactly what they are doing….I utterly trust in this! It is who I am and I love you unconditionally! Without condition and without judgement ~ I have worked on this for many years and I am sitting boldly on my earth sofa, to say, that I am in centred peace, finally!   Thank you for your patience in my awakening and process to understand myself more fully.  May you always know my soul love for you is infinite~

The aspect of us all that desires to fly,

for it is within us all to be free,

like the birds that soar,

or the buzzing of a bee,

the desire is to be

exactly who you shall be!

Free to your soul that calls, your spirit that sings, your song to be sung,

this is your story to tell.

Stand tall dear friends, you are immense.

This is more than a sixth sense,

Do not shrink within a challenge,

for it is your perfect design to be free,

It is within, or you would not have been lead to me,

for in these words may it touch you, reach your deepest depth,

it is in you to know,

your profound sense of self, your sense of power to be,

It is all of you~so grand and wise,



So infinite you are now~

So now take flight!

Blessings and light,







Youtube channel ~ meditation and affirmations –


Nothin in life is an accident!

Nothing in life is an accident!


Good morning gorgeous awakening souls!

I wanted to first off say that as spring approaches, know that you will be experiencing many opportunities to reclaim your souls code to advance in any way possible.  The changing of the seasons is no accident.  Nothing in life is accident or ‘for not.’  All experiences is purposeful and worthy of your greater awareness.  If you take any situation that has occurred to you in this morning thus far, you can ask your higher mind, your guides, for the meaning of each situation and you will be shown.  For even meeting an overly cheery coffee brew master is a reflection that can glean important value for you.  

It is in this more awakened awareness that we seek higher learning and answers from which we had not known previously yet, is within all along.  For some time now, some centuries, we have been lead to believe, by free will that is, to believe that we are merely these gorgeous bag of bones and destined to live working our every day for someone else, and retiring with barely enough to survive on.  If we have followed certain rules, or maintained the status quo, then we will be taken care of.  In some way, our governments and other societal structures will give us what we need to proclaim, ‘I have lived a full life,’ and we accept our fate.  

This has never been ‘ok’ with me.  I have always worked harder than others in hope I would rise to the top, and be taken care of in better ways.  I had attitudes of separation that pushed me into high stress jobs and roles, so that I could maintain my sense of control on how and when I would retire and be comfortable in doing so.  I was engrained with the responsibility to value the monetary value of my efforts.  After many years of flip-flopping from high pressured roles, and seeking, searching for more of what my calling was, the more I felt that I was truly displaced.  What was I working so hard for and for who?  I certainly was not happy in the roles I was in, nor was I happy about working so hard with little to show for it only creating great good for massive companies that seemed to have little care on what my true value was.  Was I going to work this hard, and retire and be fulfilled at the soul level? 

As I began to ask such questions, I began to have flashes of insight, inspiration, and higher access to ideas that could really propel me in a new direction.  This is what awakening is, among many other things, it is being thrown, quite literally in a completely different direction than you had thought you would step upon.  Whether it be in a job, career, or relationship, we are all given opportunities that we have the soul’s window opened for us, to peak in at our true potential and our true nature.  Some find these windows a little scary, frightening, and uneasy.  That is ‘ok.’ For the path to higher learning, and acceptance of your true capacity, is one of profound impact, and if you are ready, will alter your life forever.  

I remember each step on my path when moments of awakening have taken me to levels that I am still truly ‘gobsmacked,’ to where I am now and whatI am able to tap into based on my new found allowance and utter trust I have with the Universe as well as the faith I have within myself and every step I move upon.  This knowingness, this immense sense of self is not comfortable for everyone, for we have lived most of lives being compared to our neighbours, our co-workers, and colleagues, and so on.  We are not meant to appear ‘out of line,’ or different so much, that few can understand you.  That is ‘ok,’ too for all experiences are valid and true for those going through it.

This post is sent out with immense love and reassurance that this higher path to knowing more of who you are is not for everyone, the soul’s ready for awakening will awaken, and there is perfect timing and perfect design to it all.  Your higher aspects, your higher self, has designed when you will awaken, when you will step on your path and it is never too late to awaken to your infinite and powerful energetic self.  Know that there is much to learn, there is much to know, and there is much to experience, as the Universe is infinite and so are you.  The planet is ever changing as she moves on her path to ascension and her path to rebalancing, we will feel these shifts and move through them in very different ways.  We will feel sensitive, we will feel anxious, and anticipating yet having no real reason for what.  We will feel tingling in our hands, feet, and ringing int he ears, and vision will adjust, as the shifts affect everything, sand we are a part of that everything.  

For those comfortably sitting in your lovely earth sofa, reading your iPad, or iPhone, or computer, know that there is no accident you have been drawn here.  Whether you choose to admit your higher self in directing you here, as we rarely give ourselves credit for our immense intelligence at the energetic level, and I am here to tell you that your higher self, your soul has guided you here.  You are so wise, so intelligent to be reading something here that will trigger something within for your consciousness to soak in.  At some point over the next few days, you will ponder on something, you will remember something, and it will come to the forefront for you to piece together in your path to awakening.  This is what awakening is.  There are no accidents.  Whether it be a video, a blog, a visit with a friend, or the hummingbird at your window, you are the master creator of it all.  How grand and immense are you to do this?  Give yourself the credit you deserve to be your own guide, your own teacher, your own spiritualist, and council.  For you are immense.  Let go of what you have been taught for those ways are out dated and needing of some repair.  You are huge, massive, profound and divinely guided in every step you take.  I am a living example of that!

This and many other topics are in my book, hopefully to be ready by May, will invite you on my own personal ascension journey and as I offer what I have learned, what I have seen, what I have experienced, may it enlighten you to at the very least ask; ‘Am I really more than I see right now?’  For in the asking of questions like this, can lead you down the path of the ‘untaken,’ and path less travelled and I for one am on that path.  I am ‘ok,’ with the majority of the population not understanding or ‘getting,’ me.  I knew when I stepped on this path that there would be many that would think I would be ‘off my preverbal rocker.’  That is ok with me.  For as the quote says; ‘if you feel like you don’t fit in, your doing things right.’  

Let go of fear dear ones, let go of your doubt about your capacity to evolve.  You have more within you than you know and you will be lead to what you need, when you need it.  You are supported and guided, and loved unconditionally every step of the way, even if the majority of the people in our world doesn’t get you.  The light workers of this time are beings of many, many lifetimes who have stepped forward in this time to help lead, guide, and heal others and offer light to a world in great need.  They are the mavericks, they are the warriors of light that bring forth newness!  

Know in your every thought that you guides hear you, and each time you ask, they are there.  Are you listening?  You are always being sent angelic assistance and light from all corners of the Universe and you are above all ALWAYS LOVED!  So, if you feel challenged, frightened or scrared, know you are not alone, and we unendingly guide you in love and light.  For how can this be all that scary or bad?  

Breathe in the sense of who you are.  Breathe in the knowingness of your immense power to create, and know your sense of light hood.  This is who you are!  This is who I choose to be and I walk this path with pride and conviction of who I am becoming in each new thought, for it is all being designed by my higher aspects, and I trust this process.   Float freely with your spirit for it is always and unconditionally calling you to step up, step out of the closet and see the sky so wide and expansive, for it is where we all reside from.  Our ancestral knowledge and wisdom, is all hidden within the stars and shines upon every night.  They are there for us to ponder, wonder, delight, and wish upon.  A better world for all, the light to shine forth once again, and to breathe the fresh clean air for another generation to enjoy.  My wish for you, my wish for Gaia, and my wish for our infinite Universe.  

As we come together in joy, love, and light, may you know yours in this grand play of ascension and may you awaken your soul and dance your dance.  May you sing the song that has been brewing for centuries, and choosing this perfect moment to peak out from behind the veil of doubt and fear.

The only thing you will find in your fear is more of you waiting to be found.  Waiting to be loved and healed.  Your acceptance of your greater aspect is finding a way to show you your higher light, your higher path.  It will always try!  Whether we listen, whether we heed the call of spirit, of our soul, of true and utter bliss…….for this is my wish!

May you walk in love and light this day, and may you always know you are guided, loved, and treasured. You are a gift to creation and you are a gift to the Universe.  The Universe, this world, would not be the same without you.  You are valued, you are worthy, and you are alive now to experience being awake.  Right here, right now.

My blessings and light to you all this gorgeous day!  For you always know your truth, your value, and your worthiness!  It shines forth like the stars!  I have always seen it…..


This is dedicated to the strongest souls I know!  (you know who you are ;)

You have allowed me to cherish this gift of this magnificent life that at one point I just couldn’t see.  For we have all chosen on higher levels to be united in this soul family ~ our higher selves know exactly what they are doing….I utterly trust in this! It is who I am and I love you unconditionally! Without condition and without judgement ~ I have worked on this for many years and I am sitting boldly on my earth sofa, to say, that I am in centred peace, finally!   Thank you for your patience in my awakening and process to understand myself more fully.  May you always know my soul love for you is infinite~Image

The aspect of us all that desires to fly,

for it is within us all to be free,

like the birds that soar, 

or the buzzing of a bee, 

the desire is to be 

exactly who you shall be!

Free to your soul that calls, your spirit that sings, your song to be sung, 

this is your story to tell.  

Stand tall dear friends, you are immense.

This is more than a sixth sense,

Do not shrink within a challenge,

for it is your perfect design to be free,

It is within, or you would not have been lead to me,

for in these words may it touch you, reach your deepest depth,

it is in you to know,

your profound sense of self, your sense of power to be,

It is all of you~so grand and wis

My lovely ET experiences!

I have been taking in the most exhilerating energy streams lately within these accelerating times. As we ascend, those who are consciously on the path for expansion, will notice such times and find their physical and energetic bodies shifting in various ways. Each day when I go into my meditation, I have been finding much more open lines of communication to those assisting me in my process to roll out this amazing site for bringing higher awareness and enlightenment for our inter-stellar families and how we can raise our vibration to meet them half way for future contact.
Our personal vibration is key to hone, align, and raise in our agenda for contact and ascension to new earth. This is the primary focus for us here at eAscensio. As we roll out classes, workshops, webcasts, and all of our social links, will include daily inspirations to assist in better understanding how we can better align and hone our personal vibration in every moment. The more conscious we are of our personal resonance, the easier it is to have amazing experiences unfold to us at any time.
I have been upping my vibration by internal focus, and aligning myself every chance I get with conscious choice in every action and thought. This is what I teach and remind students in our classes, however, now that I am in the new ‘habit’ of doing this, for a few years now, I am including more to that tool kit to raise myself even higher. It has been exciting to move along this journey and discover these heightened experiences in the unveiling more of who I am at these higher levels. Truly exciting. On days like today, I feel so blessed to have chosen this path, and feel greater excitement in each moment.
This morning in my meditation, before I had become aware of the increased power of the energy surges we are being sent, I felt the connection with these streams in profound ways. I have had many exciting meditative experiences, as this has always been my ‘free-time,’ to play with spirit. I have honoured and held this time with the highest of reverence and respect, and rarely have I shared my meditation experiences with others. I feel that as I move along in my awakening, it may be valid to share some of the experiences so that others could learn and have felt the intuitive, ‘OK,’ from my guides to do so.
As I started my meditation, the same way I always do, I noticed instantly the ‘group,’ sharing of energy that I had not felt before. I was in the energy of several beings, and not sure if they were energetic aspects of my higher self, or my guides, or my ET aspects and family, but it was fun, friendly, and they were coaching me to; ‘Come on Joanna, let’s go.’ I asked before my meditation if I could be more cognizant of what occurs in these meditations as lately I have felt these times being, ‘restorative,’ rather than ‘playful.’ My guides, my ET aspects and family, have been ‘working,’ on me, and repairing, restoring, and aligning my energy fields so that I can maintain my physical body in the best way and allow for the increase in energy streams to allow me more smoothly movement through these times. I have literally felt them working on me and my charka points and energetically cleansing, scanning, and healing me as I have laid in bed at times, and recently been connecting with them telepathically as I have become aware of it.
As if my higher aspects have eased me into these telepathic connections by the path that I have been steadily preparing myself for since 2006 in great commitment. Now that I think about it, I remember times when I was a child I always had telepathy, as we all do, however, I would use it for the purpose of feeling some semblance of controlling my sense of acceptance and love within a world I felt somewhat disconnected with. You can read more about these experiences in my upcoming book, and feel quite certain about who I am now and not having to hide who I am or make excuses for my gifts.
Now, I am excited to use these sensate skills, to connect with these lovely energetic beings that are assisting me and preparing me for what is unfolding on a mass level. I love, validate, and appreciate them all and this letter is a public display of my deep respect and gratitude for your love and guidance that I have been more recently aware and awakened to. As my meditation continued, I felt the fairly new sensation of ‘vibratory scanning,’ where my chakra points and other area’s on my body would feel spiralling, vibrating, as if my aura and energetic layers are being stretched and expanded. Very cool and I am in a state of gratitude for all those beings that I am getting to know more personally that are within our energetic reality assisting me and all of us to move to the next level of awareness and awakening.
As we awakening and expand our energetic senses, we begin to ‘sense,’ more of what has always been here, but are now to feel it more readily, or sense it more often. So, I know this is what and how I am moving into my next level of awareness and I am grateful for it. I am sensing more, I am experiencing more at the energetic level as I release, let go, and allow in what will be the most amazing ride ever. I am moving into the meditation with excitement and a steady state of awareness so that I can remember and create more lucid experiences within these states, so I telepathically ease myself into the role of ‘co-creator,’ of my newly heightening meditations.
I see visions, impressions, and scenes that flash, move quickly as our thoughts do, but more details. This is the difference between ‘thinking,’ and ‘astral travelling.’ When we connect in the ethers with our family, friends, and other aspects of ourselves, the information that we experience is chalked full of data and details that our physical minds simply cannot conjure at the pace that it comes. Very exciting.
I then moved from the restorative segment of my meditation, to the expanded visual aspect where I saw a number of scout-like ships lined up in a slight curve, hovering in the sky, as people were beamed, scanned aboard within split milla-seconds. As we were all beamed for the same regenerative and teaching sessions at the same time. Then I remembered that we are all here, we are all now, so this is completely plausible. Super cool and is probably what is occurring all the time in our sleeping states, but we are not at the personal vibration to physically aware of or to energetically see this and experience it. So these super cool experiences remain underneath our awakening, 3D-reality of awareness and slowly come to the surface when we have prepared ourselves energetically to experience these situations.
I have known psychically for some time that I have had visitations but am awakening to these experiences to be able to talk about it, teach and be open about these normal experiences. We all have them to some degree, we just don’t remember, and what sometimes is released in our dream states and impressions. My role is to serve, and if I were to hold back what these experiences can teach us, what these experiences can allow us to open to, then I would be allowing our 3D state of disconnection to continue and that is not my desire. For I know that if there is me, out of 6.5billion plus people that are experiencing these lovely situations, then there is undoubtedly more.
The more awareness we have to these experiences and more, then the door of opportunity will open wide for all that are ready.
We are here to prepare and serve those that are interested, passionate, and ready to move up the ascension ladder, then we are here to shed some light on what is always within yet we are not awake enough to remember. As my exciting meditations flow through me, I know that I am creating all these experiences and have been highly designed to assist me on my path to be of service to our global brothers and sisters to one day, live in unison with our inter-galactic families. With many more wonderful experiences to come from my lovely ET friends and family for you are within my heart and soul, with all my love and light.

Blessings and light for your expansion in these exciting times.
Thank you to all our students who are committed to their expansion and log in from all over the world, to connect with other like-minded light beings for higher learning. We have some amazing classes with the best wisdom teachers in North America, and we are grateful for your energetic presence in this awakening.

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Classes upcoming on; Astral Travel for the Advanced, Preparing for Contact, Mastering Personal Resonance and Talking with the ET’s!

Exclusive Class Event; Special guest wisdom teacher; Darryl Anka, international channel for Bashar connects in this exclusive event; 

Joanna L.RossPerez
<a href=”http://eascensio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/UFOsSpiral.jpg”><img src=”http://eascensio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/UFOsSpiral.jpg&#8221; alt=”Space Craft Travels Via Wormhole” width=”693″ height=”693″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-1593″ /></a>